Tags – Most common

(320) Ajahn Chah Subhaddo

(175) Ajahn Pasanno

(128) Monastic life

(117) Suffering (dukkha)

(113) Culture/Thailand

(108) Relinquishment (paṭinissagga)

(101) Mindfulness of breathing (ānāpānassati)

(98) Happiness (sukha)

(98) Self-identity view (sakkāya-diṭṭhi)

(96) Death (maraṇa)

(92) Discernment (paññā)

(91) Culture/West

(90) Goodwill (mettā)

(87) Proliferation (papañca)

(86) Teaching Dhamma

(81) Mindfulness (sati)

(75) Abhayagiri Monastery

(74) Jhāna

(71) Compassion (karuṇā)

(71) Directed thought and evaluation (vitakka-vicāra)

(71) Faith (saddhā)

(70) Concentration (samādhi)

(70) Right Effort (sammā-vāyāma)

(70) Thai Forest Tradition

(69) Chanting

(69) Not-self (anattā)

(67) Tudong Thai (ascetic wandering)

(66) Generosity (dāna)

(65) Pāli

(63) Conditionality (idappaccayatā)

(63) Kamma

(62) Aversion (dosa)

(62) Clinging (upādāna)

(62) Learning (suta)

(61) Mindfulness of body (kāyagatā-sati)

(61) Similes

(60) Impermanence (anicca)

(60) Tranquility (passaddhi)

(59) Ajahn Mun Bhūridatto

(59) Family

(58) Right Mindfulness (sammā-sati)

(57) Meditation (bhāvanā)

(56) Fear (bhaya)

(56) Sickness (byādhi)

(55) Skillful qualities (kusalā dhammā)

(55) Wat Nong Pah Pong

(54) Liberation (vimutti)

(52) Sutta

(51) Translation

(49) Virtue (sīla)

(48) Vinaya

(46) Clear comprehension (sampajañña)

(46) Gratitude (kataññu)

(46) Politics and society

(45) Three Unwholesome Roots (akusala-mūla)

(44) Delusion (moha)

(44) Recollection (anusati)

(43) Feeling (vedanā)

(42) Desire (chanda)

(42) History/Thai Buddhism

(41) Dhamma

(41) Saṅgha (Monastic community)

(40) Wat Pah Nanachat

(39) Noble Eightfold Path (ariya aṭṭaṅgika magga)

(38) Buddha/Biography

(38) Craving (taṇhā)

(38) Rebirth

(37) Noble Truth of the Cessation of Suffering (dukkha-nirodha ariya-saccaṃ)

(37) Physical food (kabaliṅkāra āhāra)

(37) Patience (khanti)

(37) Right Livelihood (sammā-ājīva)

(36) Ajahn Mahā Boowa Ñāṇasampanno

(36) Buddha

(36) Human

(36) Lay life

(36) Mindfulness of mind (citta-sati)

(36) Restlessness and worry (uddhacca-kukkucca)

(35) Knowing itself

(34) Calming meditation (samatha)

(34) Thai

(34) Volitional formations (saṅkhāra)

(33) Community

(33) Four Noble Truths (cattāri ariya-saccāni)

(33) Gladdening the mind (abhippamodaya citta)

(33) Merit (puñña)

(33) Nature of mind

(33) Sensual desire (kāmacchanda)

(32) Five Aggregates (pañcakkhandhā)

(32) Health care

(32) Language

(32) Long-term practice

(31) Insight meditation (vipassanā)

(31) Investigation of states (dhamma-vicaya)

(31) Unskillful qualities (akusalā dhammā)

(30) Energy (viriya)

(30) Perception (saññā)

(29) Ajahn Liem Ṭhitadhammo

(29) Continuity of mindfulness

(29) Direct experience

(29) Rapture (pīti)

(29) Sloth and torpor (thīna-middha)

(29) Unattractiveness/32 parts (asubha/dvattiṁsākāra)

(29) Mental volition (manosañcetanā)

(29) Work

(28) Dhamma books

(28) Equanimity (upekkhā)

(28) Precepts (sikkhāpada)

(28) Seclusion (viveka)

(28) Spiritual friendship (kalyāṇa-mittatā)

(27) Ardency (ātāpi)

(27) Cessation (nirodha)

(27) Doubt (vicikiccha)

(27) Heart/mind (citta)

(27) Idealism

(27) Stages of awakening

(26) Almsround (Pindapat Thai)

(26) Deva

(26) Pain (dukkha)

(26) Personality

(26) Practicing in accordance with Dhamma (dhammā­nu­dhamma­p­paṭipatti)

(26) Simplicity

(26) Views (diṭṭhāsava)

(25) Commerce/economics

(25) Everyday life practice

(25) Nibbāna

(25) Recollection/Death (maraṇassati)

(25) Relationships

(25) Right View (sammā-diṭṭhi)

(25) Six Sense Bases (saḷ-āyatana)

(24) Great disciples

(24) Monastic life/Motivation

(24) Present moment awareness

(24) Sequence of training

(24) Stream entry (sotāpanna)

(23) Ajahn Sumedho

(23) Almsfood (piṇḍapāta)

(23) Buddhist identity

(23) Consciousness (viññāṇa)

(23) Culture/Natural environment

(23) Environment

(23) Grief (domanassa)

(23) Right Concentration (sammā-samādhi)

(23) Upasikā Kee Nanayon

(22) Christianity

(22) Devotional practice

(22) Fierce/direct teaching

(21) Ageing (jarā)

(21) Becoming (bhavāsava)

(21) Elements (dhātu)

(21) Guilt/shame/inadequacy

(21) Five Hindrances (pañca nīvaraṇāni)

(21) Middle Path (majjhimā paṭipadā)

(21) Mindfulness of feeling (vedanā-sati)

(21) Posture/Walking (caṅkama)

(21) Three Refuges (tisaraṇa)

(20) Characteristics of existence

(20) Culture/India

(20) Dependent origination (paticca-samuppāda)

(20) Health

(20) Intoxicants (surāmeraya-majja-pamādaṭṭhānā)

(20) Meditation/General advice

(20) Right Speech (sammā-vācā)

(19) Ascetic practices (dhutaṅga)

(19) Judgementalism

(19) Mutual lay/Saṅgha support

(19) Psychic powers

(19) Right Intention (sammā-saṅkappa)

(18) Admonishment/feedback

(18) Habits

(18) Humor

(18) Killing (pāṇātipāta)

(18) Release (vossagga)

(18) Thai sects

(18) Truth (sacca)

(17) Ajahn Tongrat Kantasīlo

(17) Commentaries

(17) Divine Abidings (brahmavihārā)

(17) The Gradual Teaching (anupubbikathā)

(16) Animal

(16) Noble Truth of the Cause of Suffering (dukkha-samudaya ariya-sacca)

(16) Conceit (māna)

(16) Contentment (santuṭṭhi)

(16) Determination (adhiṭṭhāna)

(16) Dispassion (virāga)

(16) History/Early Buddhism

(16) History/Western Buddhist monasticism

(16) Meditation retreats

(16) Progress of insight

(16) Respect

(15) Role of abbot

(15) Ajahn Jayasaro

(15) Ajahn Ṭhānissaro

(15) Appropriate attention (yoniso manasikāra)

(15) Craving not to become (vibhava-taṇhā)

(15) Meditation/Techniques

(15) Questions

(15) Recollection/Buddha (buddhānussati)

(14) Conflict

(14) Devotion to wakefulness (jāgariyaṁ anuyutto)

(14) Emotion

(14) Knowledge and vision (ñāṇadassana)

(14) Meditation/Unusual experiences

(14) Recollection/Virtue (sīlānussati)

(14) Respect for elders

(14) Spaciousness

(14) Theravāda

(14) Upatakh Thai (attendant to senior monks)

(13) Cultural context

(13) Depression

(13) Hearing the true Dhamma (saddhammassavana)

(13) Noble Truth of Suffering (dukkha ariya-sacca)

(13) Posture/Sitting

(13) Recollection/Dhamma (dhammānussati)

(13) Renunciation (nekkhamma)

(13) Saṅgha decision making

(13) Thai Ajahn Chah monasteries

(13) Visiting holy sites

(12) Ajahn Buddhadāsa Indapañño

(12) Ajahn Ñāṇiko

(12) Communal harmony

(12) Conscience and prudence (hiri-otappa)

(12) Contact (phassa)

(12) Ill-will (byāpāda)

(12) Lunar observance days (uposatha)

(12) Military

(12) One pointedness (ekaggatā)

(12) Ordination

(12) Rains retreat (vassa)

(12) Sense restraint (indriyesu guttadvāro)

(12) Technology

(11) Ajahn Amaro

(11) Ajahn Lee Dhammadharo

(11) Arahant

(11) Association with people of integrity (sappurisasaṁseva)

(11) Cleanliness

(11) Emptiness (suññatā)

(11) Forgiveness

(11) Personal presence

(11) Protocols (kiccavatta)

(11) Trust

(11) Vajrayāna

(10) Ajahn Anan Akiñcano

(10) Ajahn Sucitto

(10) Ceremony/ritual

(10) Disrobing

(10) Dtao Dtum Monastery

(10) Five Precepts (pañca sikkhāpadāni)

(10) Funerals

(10) Medicinal requisites (gilāna-paccaya-bhesajja-parikkhāraṃ)

(10) Mentoring

(10) Monastic titles

(10) Nature of the cosmos

(10) Realms of existence

(10) Recollection/Devas (devatānussati)

(10) Robes (cīvara)

(10) Sense of urgency (saṃvega)

(10) Spiritual search (ariya-pariyesanā)

(10) The Unconditioned/Ultimate Truth (asaṅkhata)

(9) Ajahn Kinaree Candiyo

(9) Ajahn Teean Cittasubho

(9) Conventions

(9) Etymology

(9) Māra

(9) Naturalness (dhammaṭṭhitatā)

(9) Nimitta

(9) Not handling money

(9) Perfectionism

(9) Teachers

(9) Visualization

(8) Ajahn Baen Dhanākaro

(8) Ajahn Dtun Thiracitto

(8) Artistic expression

(8) Bhikkhu Bodhi

(8) Bowing

(8) Disenchantment (nibbidā)

(8) Empathetic joy (muditā)

(8) Formless attainments (āruppa)

(8) Greed (lobha)

(8) History/Sri Lankan Buddhism

(8) Media

(8) Mindfulness of dhammas (dhammā-sati)

(8) Novices

(8) P. A. Payutto

(8) Ten Perfections (dasa pāramiyo)

(8) Four Postures

(8) Four Requisites

(8) Science

(8) Study monks

(8) Temporary ordination

(8) Wat Keun

(8) Western psychology

(7) Ajahn Boon Choo Ṭhitaguṇo

(7) Ajahn Dune Atulo

(7) Almsbowl

(7) Attachment to rites and rituals (sīlabbata-parāmāsa)

(7) Birth (jāti)

(7) Seven Factors of Awakening (satta bojjhaṅgā)

(7) Form (rūpa)

(7) Mae Chee Kaew

(7) Master Hsuan Hua

(7) Neither-painful-nor-pleasant feeling (adukkhamasukhā vedanā)

(7) Postulants (anagārika)

(7) Poverty

(7) Protective chants (paritta)

(7) Pāṭimokkha

(7) Recollection/Saṅgha (saṅghānussati)

(7) Saṃsāra

(7) Sexual misconduct (kāmesu micchācāra)

(7) Shelter (senāsana)

(7) Seven Treasures (satta dhanā)

(6) Activism

(6) Ajahn Puriso

(6) Amaravati Monastery

(6) Children

(6) The Dalai Lama

(6) Entertainment and adornment (nacca-gīta-vādita)

(6) False speech (musā-vādā)

(6) Forest versus city monks

(6) Ghost

(6) History/Western Buddhism

(6) Humility

(6) Ignorance (avijjāsava)

(6) Mantra

(6) Memory

(6) Monasteries

(6) Movement meditation

(6) Online community

(6) Perception of a samaṇa (samaṇa saññā)

(6) Recollection/Generosity (cāgānussati)

(6) Relics

(6) Self-reliance

(6) Spiritual bypass

(6) Women in Buddhism

(6) Women's monastic forms

(6) Zen

(5) Abuse/violence

(5) Ajahn Chah lineage

(5) Ajahn Koon Aggadhammo

(5) Ajahn Sao Kantasīlo

(5) Body scanning

(5) Buddha images

(5) Buddho mantra

(5) Tan Chao Khun Upāli Guṇūpamājahn

(5) Dhamma online

(5) Dreams

(5) Eight Precepts (aṭṭha sikkhāpadāni)

(5) Five Faculties (pañca indriyā)

(5) Geography/Thailand

(5) Heedfulness (appamāda)

(5) Lay teachers

(5) Leadership

(5) Listening

(5) Mahāyāna

(5) Malicious speech (pisuṇāya vācā)

(5) Four Nutriments (cattāro āhārā)

(5) Older monks

(5) Pace of life

(5) Pandemic

(5) Posture/Standing

(5) Pūjā

(5) Recreation/leisure/sport

(5) Selfishness

(5) Suicide

(5) Types of monks

(5) Vegetarianism

(4) Abhidhamma

(4) Ajahn Jotipālo

(4) Ajahn Khao Anālayo

(4) Ajahn Piak Kantasīlo

(4) Ajahn Sim Buddhacaro

(4) Ajahn Viradhammo

(4) Ajahn Wanchai Vicitto

(4) Four Bases of Success (cattāro iddhipādā)

(4) Blame and praise (nindā ca pasaṃsā ca)

(4) Building projects

(4) Cittaviveka Monastery

(4) Crime

(4) The Deathless (amata)

(4) Heedlessness (pamāda)

(4) History/Mahāyāna Buddhism

(4) Non-contention

(4) Noting

(4) Outflows (āsava)

(4) Royalty

(4) Social media

(4) Spiritual traditions

(4) Stealing (adinnādāna)

(4) Sīladharā

(4) Venerable Analayo

(4) Wat Pah Ban Tat

(3) Ajahn Fun Ācāro

(3) Ajahn Mahā Amorn Khemacitto

(3) Ajahn Paññānanda Padumuttaro

(3) Ajahn Soṇa

(3) Ajahn Suwat Suvaco

(3) Ajahn Tiradhammo

(3) Bodhisattva

(3) Chao Khun Nor

(3) Euthanasia

(3) Excercise

(3) Ten Fetters (dasa saṃyojanā)

(3) Hinduism

(3) History

(3) History/Indian Buddhism

(3) History/Other Theravāda traditions

(3) Idle chatter (samphappalāpa)

(3) Insight Meditation Society

(3) Internet

(3) Intuition

(3) Joseph Kappel

(3) Kaṭhina

(3) Meditation/Results

(3) Mental illness

(3) Moods of the mind (Arom kong git Thai)

(3) Pacific Hermitage

(3) Poo Jum Gom Monastery

(3) Posture/Lying down

(3) Preah Mahāghosānanda

(3) Question in Thai

(3) Ram Dass

(3) Recollection/Peace (upasamānussati)

(3) S. N. Goenka

(3) Secular Buddhism

(3) Stupas/monuments

(3) Travel

(3) Wat Burapha

(3) Wat Fah Krahm

(3) Wat Tam Saeng Pet

(3) Eight Worldly Conditions (aṭṭha lokadhammā)

(3) Wrong concentration (micchā-samādhi)

(2) Addiction

(2) Advertizing

(2) Ajahn Anek Yasadinno

(2) Ajahn Chah Remembrance Day

(2) Ajahn Gavesako

(2) Ajahn Gi Dhammuttamo

(2) Ajahn Gunha Sukhagāmo

(2) Ajahn Jia Cundo

(2) Ajahn Jun Indavīro

(2) Ajahn Plien Paññapatipo

(2) Ajahn Tate Desaransi

(2) Ajahn Utane Kalyāno

(2) Ajahn Waen Suciṇṇo

(2) Beauty

(2) Bhante Gunaratana

(2) Bhikkhunī

(2) Celibacy (brahmacariyā)

(2) City of Ten Thousand Buddhas

(2) Confession

(2) Corruption

(2) Courage

(2) Dhamma discussion

(2) Doctrine-of-self clinging (attavādupādāna)

(2) Eating after noon (vikāla-bhojana)

(2) Fasting

(2) Festival days

(2) Fourfold Assembly

(2) Hell

(2) Industry

(2) Islam

(2) Kasiṇa

(2) Lawfulness (dhammaniymatā)

(2) Mahasi Sayadaw

(2) Monastery organizational structure

(2) Monastic crafts

(2) Monastic teachers

(2) News

(2) Non-return (anāgamī)

(2) Not-made-of-that (atammayatā)

(2) Pa Auk Sayadaw

(2) Pure Land

(2) Reverend Heng Sure

(2) Right Action (sammā-kammanta)

(2) Ruth Denison

(2) Self-pity

(2) Service

(2) Sound of silence

(2) Stories

(2) Symbolism

(2) Wat Buridat

(2) Winnie-the-Pooh

(1) Abortion

(1) Aids to Awakening (bodhipakkhiyādhammā)

(1) Ajahn Anando

(1) Ajahn Bunjong

(1) Ajahn Chorp Ṭhānasamo

(1) Ajahn Fuang Jotiko

(1) Ajahn Jundee Kantasāro

(1) Ajahn Kevali

(1) Ajahn Khantipālo

(1) Ajahn Mahā Adisak Dhammābhinando

(1) Ajahn Mahā Chatchai

(1) Ajahn Mahā In

(1) Ajahn Munindo

(1) Ajahn Pavaro

(1) Ajahn Piyadhammo

(1) Ajahn Preecha Jutindharo

(1) Ajahn Sanong Katapuñño

(1) Ajahn Siripañño

(1) Ajahn Somboon Cittapañño

(1) Ajahn Supah Kantasīlo

(1) Ajahn Toon Cittasallo

(1) Ajahn Vajirayan Vajirañāno

(1) Ajahn Ñāṇadhammo

(1) Amulets

(1) Anandagiri Monastery

(1) Ayya Tāthalokā

(1) Bodhi Tree

(1) Tan Chao Khun Prayoon Dhammacitto

(1) Competitiveness

(1) Craving for material existence (rūparāga)

(1) Culture/Asia

(1) Culture/Native American

(1) Culture/Sri Lanka

(1) Dependence (nissaya)

(1) Kloster Dhammapala

(1) Dipa Ma

(1) Disasters

(1) Dōgen

(1) Factors for stream entry (sotāpattiyaṅga)

(1) Fame and disrepute (yaso ca ayaso ca)

(1) George Sharp

(1) God

(1) Harsh speech (pharusāya vācā)

(1) High and luxurious beds (uccāsayana-mahāsayanā)

(1) History/America

(1) Hospitality

(1) Hua tou Chinese

(1) Jealousy

(1) Judaism

(1) Lama Zopa Rinpoche

(1) Mae Chee Thai

(1) Malas

(1) Maurice Walsh

(1) Meditation groups

(1) Moderation in eating (bhojane mattaññū)

(1) Non-human beings (amanussa)

(1) Non-profit organizations

(1) Once return (sakadāgāmī)

(1) Other Thai monastics

(1) Panyaprateep School

(1) Perception of light (āloka-saññā)

(1) Philosophy

(1) Qualities for non-decline (aparihānāya dhammā)

(1) Renunciant practice

(1) Sitter's practice

(1) Smoking

(1) Suchness (tathatā)

(1) Supernatural

(1) Superstition

(1) Thai forest monasteries

(1) Tisarana Monastery

(1) Trulshik Rinpoche

(1) Wat Asokaram

(1) Wat Khao Wongkot

(1) Wat Metta

(1) Wat Pah Supattaram

(1) Wat Pahk Kut Wai

(1) Wat Suan Mokkh

(1) Western Ajahn Chah monasteries

(1) Āgama