Parent topics: History, Buddha
38 excerpts, 2:51:06 total duration

Events (1) All excerpts (38) Questions about (20) Answers involving (14) Stories (4) Texts (5)

Metta Retreat, Session 3Ajahn Pasanno – Sep. 11, 2008

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1. “One of my lay insight mediation teachers said, 'The Western lay practitioner is an experiment in Buddhism.' What do you think? To me it seems our lay teachers are also an experiment.” [Culture/West] [Lay life] [Lay teachers] // [Monastic life] [Abhayagiri] [Sīladharā] [Culture/Thailand]

Quote: “Because the monastic presence is so strong in Asia, oftentimes people overlook the strength of the tradition of lay practice and lay teachers.” [Cultural context]

Story: The Buddha tells Māra he will found the fourfold assembly (UD 6.1). [Buddha/Biography] [Māra] [Fourfold Assembly] [Stages of awakening] [Learning]

The Gradual Training, Session 1Ajahn Pasanno and Ajahn Yatiko – Oct. 20, 2012

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7. “In the West, there are so many religious practices from the East. How do we relate to them all.” Answered by Ajahn Pasanno. [Spiritual traditions] [Hinduism] [Gradual Teaching] // [Buddha/Biography] [Teaching Dhamma]

Sutta: MN 95: Caṅkī Sutta [Conditionality] [Faith]

Quote: “I've been an abbot for thirty years, and I'm quite happy. One of the reasons I'm happy is I don't feel I have to go and convince anybody of anything.” — Ajahn Pasanno [Ajahn Pasanno] [Monastic life] [Happiness] [Contentment]

Right Livelihood, Session 1Ajahn Pasanno – Apr. 21, 2013

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12. “The Buddha taught the five forms of wrong livelihood [AN 5.177]. This is from the producer side. Is there a similar teaching from the consumer side?” [Commerce/economics] [Right Livelihood] // [Idealism] [Politics and society] [Buddha/Biography] [Skillful qualities]

Right Livelihood, Session 2Ajahn Pasanno – Apr. 21, 2013

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5. “What is your take on satisfaction, being in tune, and stagnation?” [Contentment] [Energy] [Ardency] // [Skillful qualities] [Discernment] [Buddha/Biography] [Spiritual search] [Right Effort]

Sutta: AN 2.5: Effort and noncontentment with wholesome states.

Story: The Thai government made it illegal for monks to teach contentment. [History/Thai Buddhism] [Monastic life] [Teaching Dhamma]

Comment about the simile of the lute. [Middle Path] [Similes]

Sutta: AN 6.55: Soṇa Sutta

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7. Comment about the Buddha developing skills after enlightenment. [Buddha/Biography] [Liberation] [Learning]

Response by Ajahn Pasanno. [Vinaya] [History/Early Buddhism]

New Year, New Life, Session 1Ajahn Pasanno – Dec. 16, 2013

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6. “I find I do need some pleasures even thought they don't last, things like fine arts and being in nature. I'm curious, how did you manage as a monk in your early years at Ajahn Chah's monastery where there's almost no pleasure....How did you manage to keep going over the years until the present?” [Sensual desire] [Artistic expression] [Culture/Natural environment] [Ajahn Pasanno] [Monastic life] [Ajahn Chah] [Food] [Entertainment and adornment] [Monastic life/Motivation] // [Cessation of Suffering] [Happiness] [Simplicity] [Association with people of integrity] [Empathetic joy] [Human] [Hindrances] [Jhāna] [Virtue] [Discernment]

Quote: “One of the extraordinary perks of being a monk is that everyone tries to be good around you.”

Sutta: MN 36.32: "Why am I afraid of that happiness?" [Buddha/Biography] [Ascetic practices] [Suffering] [Skillful qualities] [Eightfold Path]

Quote: “As a monk, I can look back on forty years of living in a way where I don't have to feel remorseful or regret anything.”

Abhayagiri 2014 Winter Retreat, Session 21Ajahn Pasanno – Feb. 3, 2014

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7. Reflection about the Buddha saying, "Māra, I see you!" Contributed by Ajahn Jotipālo. [Buddha/Biography] [Māra]

Response by Ajahn Pasanno about the definition of an arahant being “one who is far from defilements” and insight into not self. [Ajahn Chah] [Not-self] [Stream entry] [Self-identity view]

Sutta: MN 123 Acchariya-abbhūta Sutta: Wonderful and Marvelous.

Abhayagiri 2014 Winter Retreat, Session 31Ajahn Pasanno – Feb. 17, 2014

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5. “It's interesting with vegetarianism, some follow that and there are others that don't?” [Vegetarianism] [Buddha/Biography] [Ajahn Mun] [Ajahn Gunha] [Upasikā Kee Nanayon] // [Protocols]

Abhayagiri 2014 Winter Retreat, Session 47Ajahn Pasanno – Mar. 11, 2014

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12. “If you had moved Wat Pah Nanachat to Wat Keun, would you have left Thailand?” [Wat Pah Nanachat] [Wat Keun] [Ajahn Pasanno]

Quote: “I had one plan and the devas had a different one.” [Deva]

Sutta: DN 16.6.15: Mahāparinibbāna Sutta [Buddha/Biography] [Great disciples]

Death and Dying, Session 1Ajahn Pasanno – May. 9, 2014

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8. “What is Jeta's Grove?” [Buddha/Biography] [Death] // [Great disciples] [Ajahn Sucitto]

Vinaya: Anāthapiṇḍika purchases Jeta's Grove (Kd 16.4.8). [Generosity]

2014 Thanksgiving Monastic Retreat, Session 7Ajahn Pasanno – Nov. 28, 2014

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18. “Overall, why do you think there is no application of conscious control of breath in Buddhist practice, e.g., no scriptural references to prolonged exhalations to help calm down the mind? Is it conceivable to speculate that Gautama Buddha did practice prāṇāyāmas with his two teachers before joining the ascetics but somehow did not find them useful?” [Mindfulness of breathing] [Buddha/Biography]

Abhayagiri 2015 Winter Retreat, Session 17Ajahn Pasanno – Jan. 26, 2015

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7. Quote: "Do you still have anger?" "Yes, but I don't take it." — Ajahn Dune. Quoted by Debbie Stamp. [Ajahn Dune] [Aversion] [Right Mindfulness]

Response by Ajahn Pasanno. [Ajahn Chah] [Arahant]

Follow-up: “Do we know if the Buddha had anger?” [Buddha] [Sutta]

Comment: Māra cam to the Buddha many times after the Buddha's enlightenment. Contributed by Ajahn Karuṇadhammo. [Māra] [Buddha/Biography]

Response by Ajahn Pasanno. [Idealism] [Culture/West]

Abhayagiri 2015 Winter Retreat, Session 32Ajahn Pasanno – Feb. 21, 2015

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2. “Why did the Buddha ask the monk to develop meditation in many ways [in AN 8.63]?” [Meditation] [Meditation/General advice] [Buddha/Biography] // [Directed thought and evaluation] [Rapture] [Happiness] [Equanimity] [Jhāna] [Calming meditation] [Cessation of Suffering]

Recollection: Ajahn Chah would rarely label meditation states. [Ajahn Chah]

Abhayagiri 2015 Winter Retreat, Session 40Ajahn Pasanno – Mar. 3, 2015

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5. “Are psychic powers and wisdom always clearly separated?” [Psychic powers] [Discernment] // [Buddha/Biography] [Great disciples] [Vinaya] [Admonishment/feedback]

Reference: Dipa Ma: The Life and Legacy of a Buddhist Master by Amy Schmidt (commercial). [Dipa Ma]

On Pilgrimage and Tudong, Session 4Ajahn Pasanno – Apr. 25, 2015

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15. Story: Ajahn Pasanno's tudong in India with Ajahn Jayasaro. [Ajahn Pasanno] [Ajahn Jayasaro] [Culture/India] [Tudong] // [Impermanence] [Mutual lay/Saṅgha support] [Not handling money] [Hinduism] [Islam] [Shelter] [Trust] [Almsround] [Visiting holy sites] [Compassion] [Devotional practice]

Story: An Indian Kshetriya notices that Ajahn Pasanno's etiquitte matches his training. [Vinaya] [Buddha/Biography]

Story: Ajahn Jayasaro tries to explain cricket to Ajahn Pasanno. [Recreation/leisure/sport]

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18. “You slept outdoors?” [Shelter] [Culture/India] [Tudong]

Story: Ajahn Pasanno and Ajahn Jayasaro stay the night at the Buddha's kuti. [Visiting holy sites] [Ajahn Pasanno] [Ajahn Jayasaro] [Buddha/Biography] [Great disciples]

The Middle Way of Not-Self, Session 1Ajahn Pasanno – May. 27, 2015

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3. “The Buddha didn't answer the question, 'Is there a self?' But this question seems more important than other questions he didn't answer. How should we relate to not-self?” [Buddha/Biography] [Questions] [Not-self] // [Teaching Dhamma] [Feeling] [Relinquishment] [Self-identity view] [Four Noble Truths] [Views]

Desire or Aspiration, Session 1Ajahn Pasanno – Jun. 14, 2015

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1. “Was the Buddha's life so miserable that he kept thinking about all these ideas? Where did his motivation come from?” [Buddha/Biography] [Suffering] [Desire] [Monastic life/Motivation] // [Western psychology] [Rebirth] [Spiritual search]

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2. “If the Buddha had been born elsewhere, would he have turned out the same way?” [Buddha/Biography] [Cultural context] // [Commentaries] [Culture/India] [Spiritual search] [Renunciation] [Mahāyāna] [Saṃsāra]

Jhāna: A Practical Approach, Session 3Ajahn Pasanno – Oct. 10, 2015

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7. “The story that we hear frequently about the Buddhaa as a child in the cattle pasture with his father. He talks about going into a pleasant, rapturous state. Would you consider that jhāna?” [Buddha/Biography] [Happiness] [Rapture] [Jhāna] // [Skillful qualities]

Sutta: MN 36.31 Mahāsaccaka Sutta

Jhāna: A Practical Approach, Session 4Ajahn Pasanno – Oct. 10, 2015

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4. “Before the Buddha practiced the ascetic way, he already learned the seventh and eighth levels of jhāna. Why didn't that lead to his awakening?” [Buddha/Biography] [Formless attainments] [Liberation] [Jhāna] // [Right Concentration] [Right View] [Suffering] [Middle Path] [Characteristics of existence]

Thanksgiving Retreat 2016, Session 7Ajahn Pasanno – Nov. 25, 2016

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9. “Was sati, vedana, jhana part of the religious climate current at the Buddha’s time? How revolutionary was he seen to be then? Do we know?” [History/Early Buddhism] [Buddha/Biography] [Mindfulness] [Feeling] [Jhāna]

Two Kinds of Thought and the Removal of Distracting Thoughts, Session 1Ajahn Pasanno – Jun. 4, 2017

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2. Comment: One of my favorite things about the sutta [MN 19] is where [the Buddha] says, 'Before I was awakened, it occured to me, "Suppose I divide my thoughts into two classes."' It's like an experiment. [Buddha/Biography] [Investigation of states] [Directed thought and evaluation] // [Meditation/Techniques] [Desire]

Two Kinds of Thought and the Removal of Distracting Thoughts, Session 2Ajahn Pasanno – Jun. 4, 2017

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1. “The last option [in MN 20] I thought was really interesting because it's reare I hear such agressive terms used. There's almost a sense of violence in some of those terms. Is that just because of the interpretation? Also, is another option to get rid of the thought to get up and actively do something?” Answered by Ajahn Pasanno and Ajahn Karuṇadhammo. [Language] [Abuse/violence] [Excercise] // [Buddha/Biography] [Similes] [Cleanliness] [Gladdening the mind]

The Teaching and the Training, Session 6Ajahn Pasanno – Mar. 22, 2018

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5. Comment: It's important for the Saṅgha to look after all members in terms of sickness and ageing. [Sickness] [Ageing] [Death] [Monastic life] [Saṅgha]

Response by Ajahn Pasanno. [Ajahn Pasanno] [Wat Pah Nanachat] [History/Western Buddhist monasticism]

Vinaya: Kd 8.26.1-8: The Monk with Dysentery [Buddha/Biography]

Chanting, Session 1Ajahn Pasanno – Jun. 2, 2018

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2. Story: The Buddha asks a monk to recite the Aṭṭhakavagga (Snp Chapter 4) (Ud 5.6). [Buddha/Biography] [Monastic life] [Sutta] [Chanting]

The Path of Practice, Session 1Ajahn Pasanno – Jun. 15, 2019

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13. “Could you say something about the fact that extreme hardship exists in the world?” [Poverty] [Compassion] // [Culture/Thailand]

Sutta: AN 4.162: Modes of Practice

Sutta: AN 8.2: Worldly Winds [Worldly Conditions]

Vinaya: The famine in Verañjā (BuPj 1.2.1, Brahmali translation) [Buddha/Biography]

Recollection: The vast majority of 20th century Thai meditation masters are from the Northeast. They come from a region and area of great difficulty. [History/Thai Buddhism] [Thai Forest Tradition] [Patience] [Energy] [Faith]

Recollection: More Westerners came to study with Ajahn Chah than Central or Southern Thais. [Ajahn Chah] [History/Western Buddhist monasticism]

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17. “The Buddha had the talent of knowing preceisely what to saay to a person at a given moment. The teaching ajahns have developed this as well, but I've never heard of it as part of the training. Can you reflect on that?” [Teaching Dhamma] [Buddha/Biography] [Monastic teachers] // [Personality] [Discernment] [Idealism] [Ajahn Chah] [Suffering] [Humility] [Relinquishment] [Fear] [Self-identity view]

Love, Attachment, and Friendship, Session 1Ajahn Karuṇadhammo – Oct. 12, 2019

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3. Comment: Coming out af a long-term relationship where someone was killed in an accident after 42 years, the way you presented the disadvantages and advantages of a conventional loving relationship was perhaps a little light on the advantages. [Relationships] [Death] // [Monastic life/Motivation] [Gratitude] [Long-term practice] [Suffering] [Courage]

Response by Ajahn Karuṇadhammo. [Saṅgha] [Saṃsāra] [Sense of urgency]

Response by Ajahn Pasanno. [Buddha/Biography] [Ageing] [Rebirth] [Treasures]

Reference: AN 4.55: Nakula's mother and father aspire to see each other in this life and the next.

Developing Skill in Reflective Meditation, Session 2Ajahn Ñāṇiko and Ajahn Pasanno – Dec. 1, 2019

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3. “You mentioned the example of the monk who wanted to commit suicide and then he remembered his virtue and that uplifted him. In the Saṃyutta Nikaya there are a few instances where monks committeed suicide, but the Buddha said they attained Nibbāna (SN 22.87 Vakkali; SN 35.87 Channa). How is that possible?” Answered by Ajahn Ñāṇiko. [Monastic life] [Suicide] [Sutta] [Buddha/Biography] [Recollection] [Nibbāna] // [Jhāna] [Māra] [Saṃsāra] [Delusion]

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5. “Can you say more about recollection of renunciation? How can this be used skillfully or not?” Answered by Ajahn Ñāṇiko. [Recollection/Generosity] [Renunciation] [Recollection] // [Contentment] [Self-pity] [Sickness] [Equanimity] [Buddha/Biography] [Fasting] [Devotion to wakefulness] [Lunar observance days] [Abhayagiri]

Recollection: Going without in the early days of Abhayagiri Monastery. [Almsfood]

Honoring the Buddha: The Mahāparinibbāna SuttaAjahn Pasanno – Apr. 25, 2021

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2. “What is the origin of asking a question three times?” [Questions] [Teaching Dhamma] [Sutta] [Buddha/Biography]

Sutta: AN 4.42: Questions

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3. “Did vibhavatanha arise in any of the monks at the loss of the Buddha? How do we notice vibhavatanha in practice, and what is a wise and compassionate response?” [Craving not to become] [Death] [Grief] [Sutta] [Buddha/Biography] // [Stream entry] [Stages of awakening] [Recollection/Dhamma] [Three Refuges] [Precepts] [Spiritual friendship] [Devotional practice] [Suffering]

Sutta: DN 16: Mahāparinibbāna Sutta [Buddha/Biography] [Nibbāna]

Story: The funeral of a close Wat Pah Nanachat supporter. [Funerals] [Wat Pah Nanachat]

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5. “What was the sutta you mentioned in regard to Ananda's question 'What do we do about women?'” [Women in Buddhism] [Great disciples] [Sensual desire] [Sutta] [Buddha/Biography]

Suttas: DN 16: Mahāparinibbāna Sutta; SN 35.127: Bhāradvāja

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6. “In your guided meditation, devotion to the teachings really touched me. Could you say more about this?” [Devotional practice] [Recollection/Dhamma] [Generosity] [Compassion] [Sutta] [Buddha/Biography] // [Faith] [Cultural context] [Respect] [Gratitude] [Culture/Thailand] [Three Refuges] [Relinquishment] [Release]

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7. “When the Buddha accepted the meal from Cunda, did he know what the consequences would be, and if so, why do you think he did that?” [Food] [Sickness] [Death] [Sutta] [Buddha/Biography]

Sutta: DN 16: Mahāparinibbāna Sutta

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9. Comment: The Mahāparinibbāna Sutta (DN 16) brings the Buddha's quest full circle. [Sutta] [Buddha/Biography]

Response by Ajahn Pasanno. [Ageing] [Sickness] [Death]

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10. Comment by Ajahn Pasanno: Throughout the whole teaching (DN 16) there is the sense of the ordinary and the transcendant together all the time. [Conventions] [Unconditioned] [Sutta] [Buddha/Biography] // [Nature of mind] [Ceremony/ritual] [Precepts] [Meditation] [Devotional practice] [Middle Path] [Release]

Sutta: Aniccā vata saṅkhārā... (SN 6.15) [Cessation] [Happiness] [Recollection/Peace]