Ajahn Ṭhānissaro   Teachings by Ajahn Ṭhānissaro
Parent topic: Other Thai Forest teachers
15 excerpts, 32:44 total duration

All excerpts (15) Questions about (7) Answers involving (4)

Abhayagiri 2014 Winter Retreat, Session 5Ajahn Pasanno – Jan. 12, 2014

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1. “Does anyone know the Thai word that Ajahn Ṭhānissaro translates as “preoccupations?”” Answered by Ajahn Pasanno and Ajahn Jotipālo. [Thai] [Translation] [Ajahn Ṭhānissaro]

Abhayagiri 2014 Winter Retreat, Session 19Ajahn Pasanno – Feb. 1, 2014

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4. “What Pāli word do you think Ajahn Geoff is translating as thought formations?” [Pāli] [Translation] [Ajahn Ṭhānissaro] // [Volitional formations] [Thai]

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5. “In another Ajahn Geoff translation, I have seen him use “supposings” or “fashionings.' Is that the same word?” [Ajahn Ṭhānissaro] [Translation] [Thai] // [Conventions] [Ajahn Chah] [Liberation]

Abhayagiri 2014 Winter Retreat, Session 43Ajahn Pasanno – Mar. 5, 2014

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4. “Where is Wat Buridat?” Answered by Ajahn Pasanno and Ajahn Pesalo. [Wat Buridat] // [Ajahn Suwat] [Wat Metta] [Ajahn Ṭhānissaro] [Insight Meditation Society]

2014 Thanksgiving Monastic Retreat, Session 6Ajahn Pasanno – Nov. 27, 2014

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20. “Can you clarify (and simplify!) the four frames of reference? I have read Ven. Thanissaro’s book and it’s pretty challenging to remember from one paragraph to the next as it is so wonderfully dense. In particular, four frames especially as it pertains to mindfulness of breathing? Thank you!” [Right Mindfulness] [Ajahn Ṭhānissaro] [Mindfulness of breathing]

Abhayagiri 2015 Winter Retreat, Session 14Ajahn Pasanno – Jan. 23, 2015

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4. “Could you clarify “the body in the body?”” [Mindfulness of body] [Right Mindfulness] // [Translation] [Pāli] [Ajahn Ṭhānissaro] [Direct experience] [Self-identity view]

References: Amaravati Chanting Book, p. 91; Right Mindfulness by Ajahn Ṭhānissaro. [Elements] [Proliferation] [Perception]

Abhayagiri 2015 Winter Retreat, Session 15Ajahn Pasanno – Jan. 24, 2015

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1. “What does “headed by” refer to?” [Concentration] [Translation] [Ajahn Ṭhānissaro] [Pāli]

Abhayagiri 2015 Winter Retreat, Session 19Ajahn Pasanno – Jan. 30, 2015

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2. “When Ajahn Ṭhānissaro talks about Right Concentration, are Right Concentration and jhāna one and the same?” [Ajahn Ṭhānissaro] [Right Concentration] [Jhāna]

Abhayagiri 2015 Winter Retreat, Session 20Ajahn Pasanno – Jan. 31, 2015

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3. “What does Ajahn Geoff mean by “frames of reference?”” [Ajahn Ṭhānissaro] [Right Mindfulness]

Abhayagiri 2015 Winter Retreat, Session 25Ajahn Ñāṇiko – Feb. 8, 2015

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2. Comment: Ajahn Ṭhānissaro encourages mindfulness of the body. [Ajahn Ṭhānissaro] [Mindfulness of body] // [Delusion]

Response by Ajahn Pasanno. [Ajahn Ṭhānissaro] [Mindfulness of breathing] [Jhāna]

Abhayagiri 2015 Winter Retreat, Session 31Ajahn Pasanno – Feb. 20, 2015

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1. Discussion of Ajahn Ṭhānissaro's translation “practice jhāna.” [Jhāna] [Ajahn Ṭhānissaro] [Translation] [Pāli]

Sutta: SN 47.10 Bhikkhunūpassaya Sutta, At the Nun's Residence.

Abhayagiri 2015 Winter Retreat, Session 32Ajahn Pasanno – Feb. 21, 2015

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1. Comment: Explanation of ambiguous Aṅguttara Nikāya numbering. [Sutta] // [Bhikkhu Bodhi] [Ajahn Ṭhānissaro]

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3. “Are the Four Frames of Reference the same as the Four Foundations of Mindfulness?” [Right Mindfulness] [Translation] // [Bhikkhu Bodhi] [Ajahn Ṭhānissaro]

Abhayagiri 2015 Winter Retreat, Session 34Ajahn Pasanno – Feb. 23, 2015

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1. Comments by Ajahn Pasanno and Ajahn Karuṇadhammo contrasting the cannonical and commentarial approaches to breath meditation. [Sutta] [Commentaries] [Mindfulness of breathing] // [Ajahn Ṭhānissaro] [Pa Auk Sayadaw] [Culture/Sri Lanka] [Culture/Thailand] [Pāli] [Ajahn Pasanno]

Sutta: MN 44 identifies in-and-out breathing as the bodily fabrication/conditioner (saṅkhāra).

Abhayagiri 2015 Winter Retreat, Session 49Ajahn Karuṇadhammo – Mar. 22, 2015

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2. Translation of phassapaññattiṃ paññāpessatīti (manifestation, delineation). Teaching by Ajahn Karuṇadhammo, Ajahn Pasanno and Ajahn Kaccāna. [Pāli] [Translation] [Proliferation] [Perception] // [Bhikkhu Bodhi] [Commentaries] [Ajahn Ṭhānissaro]