Characteristics of existence
Parent topic: Indeterminate qualities
Subtopics: Impermanence, Suffering, Not-self, Naturalness, Lawfulness, Conditionality, Emptiness, Suchness, Not-made-of-that
20 excerpts, 1:23:24 total duration

All excerpts (20) Questions about (5) Answers involving (12) Quotes (1) Readings (1) References (1)

Metta Retreat, Session 5Ajahn Pasanno – Sep. 13, 2008

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6. “What are the characteristics of personality? Are they conditioned by kamma and our family, culture, and nationality? How do I learn not to take mine as truth and real?” [Personality] [Conditionality] [Kamma] [Family] [Cultural context] [Self-identity view] // [Suffering] [Characteristics of existence] [Humor]

Recollection: Ajahn Chah tended to translate anicca as uncertain or not sure. [Ajahn Chah] [Impermanence] [Translation] [Proliferation] [Direct experience]

Recollections of Ajahn Chah, Session 4Ajahn Pasanno – Sep. 19, 2010

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3. Teaching by Ajahn Chah Subhaddo: The contemplation of conditionality leads to the Dhamma. [Conditionality] [Dhamma] [Ajahn Chah] // [Characteristics of existence]

Recollections of Ajahn Chah, Session 10Ajahn Pasanno – Sep. 19, 2010

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1. Reading: Beyond Doubt. [Doubt] [Ajahn Chah] // [Hearing the true Dhamma] [Teachers] [Buddha] [Spiritual search] [Relinquishment] [Present moment awareness] [Emptiness] [Characteristics of existence] [Conditionality] [Practicing in accordance with Dhamma] [Liberation]

Abhayagiri Monastic Retreat 2013, Session 7Ajahn Pasanno – Nov. 29, 2013

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6. “Is the following correct? -The 3 Characteristics can be seen as verbs? The end of Dukkha occurs when the 3 Characteristics are fully understood..? Dukkha in the outside world continues but one who realized the Truth is not 'dukkha-ed' because anatta is understood?” [Characteristics of existence] [Cessation of Suffering] [Not-self]

New Year, New Life, Session 1Ajahn Pasanno – Dec. 16, 2013

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4. “Could you talk about contemplation in meditation? You mentioned earlier about using methods; my understanding is that they help one to calm the mind. How does one get into the state of contemplation without disturbing that calm state of mind?” [Recollection] [Calming meditation] [Insight meditation] [Characteristics of existence] // [Mindfulness] [Clear comprehension] [Directed thought and evaluation] [Cessation of Suffering] [Desire] [Bases of Success]

New Year, New Life, Session 2Ajahn Pasanno – Dec. 16, 2013

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1. “I was struck by the simile of the stone being heavy, but you won't know it's heavy unless you pick it up, and it's just like suffering. You don't have to pick it up. I'm battling a loss in my life, and I'm suffering. I didn't pick up the stone. It was flung at me. I'm not sure how to deal....” [Similes] [Ajahn Chah] [Suffering] [Grief] [Christianity] // [Human] [Naturalness] [Equanimity] [Self-identity view] [Goodwill] [Discernment]

Reference: Amaravati Chanting Book, p. 55: Five Recollections [Characteristics of existence] [Recollection/Death] [Kamma]

Quote: “Whenever you get into a fight with nature, you always lose.” [Characteristics of existence]

Quote: “What makes it heavy is the 'me' bit.”

Abhayagiri 2014 Winter Retreat, Session 27Ajahn Pasanno – Feb. 11, 2014

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1. “With your meditation object, when you turn to contemplate it in terms of the three characteristics: anicca, dukkha and anatta, and that doesn't come up, does that mean you need to stabilize the mind more to see the object more clearly?” [Meditation] [Disenchantment] [Characteristics of existence] [Concentration] // [Self-identity view] [Knowledge and vision] [Relinquishment] [Dhamma]

Abhayagiri 2014 Winter Retreat, Session 35Ajahn Pasanno – Feb. 21, 2014

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3. “How do the kilesas relate to the concept of the shadow?” [Western psychology] [Unwholesome Roots] // [Characteristics of existence] [Self-identity view] [Mae Chee Kaew]

Abhayagiri 2015 Winter Retreat, Session 5Ajahn Karuṇadhammo – Jan. 10, 2015

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3. “Is mindfulness of the body fabricating a wholesome mental image of the body as opposed to an unwholesome image? But how can we know the body in any way other than vedanā?” [Mindfulness of body] [Visualization] [Feeling] // [S. N. Goenka] [Mindfulness of breathing] [Postures] [Clear comprehension] [Right Mindfulness] [Calming meditation] [Insight meditation] [Delusion] [Characteristics of existence]

Quote: “The availability of insight is through stepping back from the assumptions that we make, whether it's around the body or feeling or mind or the sense of self.” [Relinquishment]

Abhayagiri 2015 Winter Retreat, Session 33Ajahn Pasanno – Feb. 22, 2015

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2. Commentary on AN 9.36, “Jhāna.” [Jhāna] [Formless attainments] [Characteristics of existence] [Aggregates] [Liberation] [Deathless] [Progress of insight] [Relinquishment] [Nibbāna]

Abhayagiri 2015 Winter Retreat, Session 47Ajahn Karuṇadhammo – Mar. 17, 2015

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1. Meaning of “will become cool right here?” Answered by Ajahn Karuṇadhammo and Ajahn Pasanno. [Feeling] // [Characteristics of existence] [Knowledge and vision] [Nibbāna] [Pāli]

The Middle Way of Not-Self, Session 2Ajahn Pasanno – May. 27, 2015

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8. “Do you think it's enough to just be aware of the suffering that's caused by the clinging to self?” [Suffering] [Clinging] [Self-identity view] [Dispassion] [Not-self] // [Characteristics of existence] [Cessation] [Ignorance] [Knowledge and vision] [Release] [Proliferation]

Quote: “The most efficacious investigation comes from a still mind.” [Concentration] [Calming meditation] [Insight meditation]

Jhāna: A Practical Approach, Session 4Ajahn Pasanno – Oct. 10, 2015

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4. “Before the Buddha practiced the ascetic way, he already learned the seventh and eighth levels of jhāna. Why didn't that lead to his awakening?” [Buddha/Biography] [Formless attainments] [Liberation] [Jhāna] // [Right Concentration] [Right View] [Suffering] [Middle Path] [Characteristics of existence]

Suttas You've Never Heard Of, Session 1Ajahn Pasanno – Jun. 25, 2016

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2. “How do these particular teachings (AN 5.48: Situations) fit with kamma?” [Kamma] [Sickness] [Sutta] [Human] // [Lawfulness] [Characteristics of existence]

Suttas You've Never Heard Of, Session 2Ajahn Pasanno – Jun. 25, 2016

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15.AN 5.38 says, 'Not by sorrow can even the slightest good come.' How does this work with the natural process of grieving?” [Grief] [Skillful qualities] // [Cultural context] [Family] [Ajahn Chah] [Death] [Characteristics of existence]

Thanksgiving Retreat 2016, Session 3Ajahn Pasanno – Nov. 21, 2016

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1. “From my limited understanding, when the construction of self drops away in meditation, the is joy and peace. This makes me think that deep insight into anatta might be profoundly blissful. I’m having trouble seeing how the same would be true for dukkha and anicca. Can you help?” [Not-self] [Calming meditation] [Characteristics of existence]

Thanksgiving Retreat 2016, Session 6Ajahn Pasanno – Nov. 24, 2016

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10. “Does having no craving mean doing things in the world knowing they won’t bring lasting satisfaction? For example, planning a vacation realizing that it will eventually end or taking measures to cure a headache without expecting to feel completely better. I am trying to understand how this would look like in real life without one becoming apathetic and depressed about the meaninglessness of basically all activities except meditation. How to balance the ability to still enjoy life with abandoning all craving?” [Craving] [Characteristics of existence] [Depression] [Happiness]

Two Kinds of Thought and the Removal of Distracting Thoughts, Session 2Ajahn Pasanno – Jun. 4, 2017

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10. “How can you connect the five methods [of MN 20] with the development of insight, which people tend to equate with just observing?” Answered by Ajahn Pasanno and Ajahn Karuṇadhammo. [Directed thought and evaluation] [Calming meditation] [Insight meditation] // [Investigation of states] [Characteristics of existence] [Dependent origination] [Cessation]

The New Ajahn Chah Biography, Session 3Ajahn Pasanno – Apr. 21, 2018

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12. “The duty in regard to the First Noble Truth is to understand suffering. How do you do this?” [Noble Truth of Suffering] [Suffering] // [Fear] [Pāli] [Characteristics of existence] [Aversion] [Postures] [Direct experience] [Conditionality] [Relinquishment]

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13.Stillness Flowing by Ajahn Jayasaro, p. 682 "Dhamma Practice"” [Ajahn Chah] [Dhamma] [Practicing in accordance with Dhamma] // [Characteristics of existence]