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Numbers in parentheses following tag names: (number of excerpts tagged/number of excerpts tagged with this tag or its subtags).

Skillful qualities (55/1344) (kusalā dhammā)

  Middle Path (21) (majjhimā paṭipadā)

Noble Eightfold Path (39/868) (ariya aṭṭaṅgika magga)

Four Noble Truths (33/550) (cattāri ariya-saccāni)

Aids to Awakening (1/166) (bodhipakkhiyādhammā)

  1-4. Four Foundations of Mindfulness (cattāro satipaṭṭhānā) see Right Mindfulness (58)

  5-8. Four Right Efforts (cattāro sammappadhānā) see Right Effort (70)

  9-12. Four Bases of Success (4) (cattāro iddhipādā)

  13-17. Five Faculties (5) (pañca indriyā)

  18-22. Five Powers (pañca balā) see Faculties (5)

  23-29. Seven Factors of Awakening (7) (satta bojjhaṅgā)

  30-37. Noble Eightfold Path (39) (ariya aṭṭaṅgika magga)

Four Bases of Success (4/177) (cattāro iddhipādā)

Five Faculties (5/287) (pañca indriyā)

Seven Factors of Awakening (7/271) (satta bojjhaṅgā)

Divine Abidings (17/178) (brahmavihārā)

Seven Treasures (7/349) (satta dhanā)

Ten Perfections (8/357) (dasa pāramiyo)

Progress of insight (16/282)

Stages of awakening (27/155)

Heedfulness (5/25) (appamāda)

  Gratitude (46) (kataññu)

  Merit (33) (puñña)

  Forgiveness (11)

  Contentment (16) (santuṭṭhi)

  Trust (11)

  Courage (2)

  Humility (6)

  Non-contention (4)

  Self-reliance (6)

Unskillful qualities (31/495) (akusalā dhammā)

Indeterminate qualities (-/687) (abyākatā dhammā)

Three Refuges (21/174) (tisaraṇa)

Devotional practice (22/153)

Precepts (28/145) (sikkhāpada)

Meditation (57/928) (bhāvanā)

Teaching Dhamma (86/733)

Teachers (9/683)

Monasteries (6/203)

Nature of the cosmos (10/237)

History (3/142)

Cultural context (13/357)

Spiritual traditions (4/68)

Renunciant practice (1/522)

Everyday life practice (25/492)