Parent topic: Community
23 excerpts, 1:27:47 total duration

All excerpts (23) Questions about (10) Answers involving (6) Stories (9) Quotes (3)

Recollections of Ajahn Chah, Session 7Ajahn Pasanno – Sep. 19, 2010

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1. “You talked about having lost a gread deal of institutional knowledge in the Forest Tradition through not having monasteries. Do you think Ajahn Chah wanted to have the knowledge from Ajahn Mun passed down? Is that why he had lots of monasteries?” [Thai Forest Tradition] [Tudong] [Ajahn Mun] [Thai Ajahn Chah monasteries] [Ajahn Chah] [Learning] // [Culture/Thailand] [Commerce/economics] [Environment] [History/Thai Buddhism] [Politics and society]

Quote: “Nowadays there aren't any tudong monks left. There's only taludong (through the forest) monks.” — Ajahn Chah [Environment]

Tudong Stories at Spirit Rock, Session 1Ajahn Pasanno – Jun. 2, 2011

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9. Quote: “Instead of going tudong, monks go taludong (through the forest).” — Ajahn Chah [Ajahn Chah] [Culture/Thailand] [Tudong] // [Environment] [Commerce/economics]

Right Livelihood, Session 1Ajahn Pasanno – Apr. 21, 2013

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14. “What about things that have an ostensibly benign purpose, such as pesticides and fertilizers used for raising food, but then in fact have quite harmful effects?” [Food] [Environment] [Right Livelihood] // [Commerce/economics] [Politics and society]

The Whole of the Path: The Fruits of Spiritual Friendship, Session 3Ajahn Pasanno – Jun. 22, 2013

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2. Comment: The more we become like monks and nuns, the more we will be helping the climate change situation. [Monastic life] [Environment]

Response by Ajahn Pasanno. [Simplicity] [Contentment] [Generosity] [Human]

Abhayagiri Monastic Retreat 2013, Session 4Ajahn Pasanno – Nov. 26, 2013

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9. “I've been sitting on this question...It has to do with dispassion, shedding, simplifying and being easily satisfied on the one end of the spectrum and being engaged and active in the world...How can one practice shedding internally but still be responsive and engaged regarding the suffering from environmental and social issues?” [Politics and society] [Environment] [Dispassion] [Contentment] [Renunciation]

Abhayagiri 2014 Winter Retreat, Session 41Ajahn Pasanno – Mar. 3, 2014

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2. Recollection: Background of Wat Keun. [Wat Keun] // [Ajahn Chah] [Monastic titles] [Environment] [Ajahn Puriso] [Military] [Animal]

Story: Ajahn Chah ordains a group of university students and takes them to Wat Keun. [Temporary ordination]

Abhayagiri 2014 Winter Retreat, Session 47Ajahn Pasanno – Mar. 11, 2014

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3. “Which monastery is Wat Keun?” [Wat Keun] [Environment] // [Almsround]

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5. “Did you think of relocating Wat Pah Nanachat to Wat Keun?” [Ajahn Pasanno] [Wat Pah Nanachat] [Wat Keun] // [Seclusion] [Ajahn Puriso] [Deva]

Story: Ajahn Chah asks Ajahn Pasanno to take over as abbot of Wat Pah Nanachat. [Ajahn Chah] [Abbot]

Story: Supporters offer Ajahn Pasanno several properties to start monasteries, but he passes them to others. [Generosity] [Culture/Natural environment] [Ajahn Gavesako] [Ajahn Liem] [Environment]

On Pilgrimage and Tudong, Session 4Ajahn Pasanno – Apr. 25, 2015

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7. Recollection: Ajahn Chah laments that the forests in Thailand are being destroyed so quickly that there's not much place for monks to wander any more. [Ajahn Chah] [History/Thai Buddhism] [Environment] [Culture/Natural environment] [Tudong] // [Culture/Thailand] [Ajahn Dtun]

Quote: “Nowadays it's hard to tudong because you taludong (go through the forest).” — Ajahn Chah [Environment] [Thai]

Buddhist Identity in the Modern WorldAjahn Pasanno – Aug. 15, 2015

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3. “Is there a way to get involved in controversial political issues and still maintain a correct [audio unclear]?” [Politics and society] [Compassion] [Ajahn Pasanno] [Environment] [Buddhist identity] // [Learning] [Corruption] [Divine Abidings] [Depression] [Ill-will] [Equanimity]

Reference: The Heart of the Revolution by Noah Levine.

Suttas You've Never Heard Of, Session 1Ajahn Pasanno – Jun. 25, 2016

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6. “With development (bhavana), is one able to shape the course of sickness or heal oneself to a degree?” [Meditation] [Sickness] [Health] // [Happiness] [Medicinal requisites]

Comment: I've been reflecting on how AN 5.48 applies to environmental and collective well-being–engaging without the expectation that actions will have a certain result. [Environment] [Politics and society]

Response [History/Thai Buddhism] [Environment]

Practice in a Global ContextAjahn Pasanno – Aug. 12, 2017

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10. Story: Someone asks Ajahn Pasanno, "You've been putting a lot of effort into protecting forests in Thailand. Do you think the forests will be protected?" [Ajahn Pasanno] [Culture/Thailand] [Environment] [Activism] [Politics and society] // [Learning] [Right Livelihood]

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11. Story: Ajahn Pasanno returns to Dtao Dum and sees the forest regenerated. [Ajahn Pasanno] [Dtao Dum] [Environment] [Politics and society] // [Industry] [Happiness] [Conditionality]

Teen Weekend 2017Ajahn Pasanno – Sep. 2, 2017

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6. “In a Latin American country, the government privatized the water supply and passed a law making it illegal to collect rainwater. Everyone had to buy their water from Nestlé. Does this count as taking what is not given?” [Stealing] [Politics and society] [Environment] // [Ajahn Pasanno] [Culture/Thailand]

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7. “I have doubts about the concept of personal property. How does activism following the Five Precepts work in a country whose water supply has been bought out by private interests?” [Politics and society] [Environment] [Five Precepts] // [Community] [Virtue] [Discernment]

Story: Ajahn Pasanno investigates a logging operation at Dtao Dtum. [Ajahn Pasanno] [Environment] [Culture/Thailand] [Dtao Dum]

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11. “Can you talk about your environmental work in Thailand? What qualities of heart and inner strength help us live without being completely overwhelmed?” [Ajahn Pasanno] [Environment] [History/Thai Buddhism] // [Politics and society] [Greed] [Teaching Dhamma] [Panyaprateep School] [Food] [Dtao Dum]

Story: Sri Lankan monastic kidney donors. [Environment] [Health] [History/Sri Lankan Buddhism]

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12. “What is the most important thing we can do to help the next generation in terms of the environment?” [Environment] // [Simplicity] [Contentment] [Greed]

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13. Story: Ajahn Pasanno teaches communication skills to Thai villagers. [Ajahn Pasanno] [History/Thai Buddhism] [Media] [Community] // [Environment] [Politics and society]

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24. “When all of the solar panels will be put in, how much of the monastery's energy needs will be met?” [Environment] [Abhayagiri]

The Path of Practice, Session 1Ajahn Pasanno – Jun. 15, 2019

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9. Story: Founding Dtao Dum Monastery [Dtao Dum] [Ajahn Pasanno] // [Wat Pah Nanachat] [Culture/Natural environment] [Environment] [Commerce/economics]

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10. “Is Dtao Dum just for monks?” [Dtao Dum] [Monastic life] [Lay life] // [Environment]

Stanford Community Dhamma DiscussionAjahn Pasanno – Apr. 25, 2020

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2. “What advice do you have for students or graduates hoping to progess on the Noble Path towards Nibbāna while a student or in the workplace?” [Eightfold Path] [Nibbāna] [Learning] [Work] [Lay life] // [Human] [Discernment] [Compassion] [Generosity] [Perfectionism] [Desire] [Suffering] [Politics and society] [Simplicity] [Environment] [Depression] [Restlessness and worry] [Skillful qualities] [Community]

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8. “You mentioned that ruminating on how one would like to change the world or the conditions around oneself can be a source of needless suffering. But there are times when one does want to work to change the world or the way society is organized for the sake of lovingkindness and alleviating suffering. How do we engage with those desire for change in a skillful way?” [Politics and society] [Suffering] [Desire] [Goodwill] [Compassion] [Skillful qualities] [Activism] // [Conditionality] [Self-identity view] [Conflict] [Poverty] [Judgementalism] [Aversion] [Culture/Thailand] [Environment] [Idealism]

Quote: “If one is going to commit oneself to change, one has to get used to looking at things from a big perspective, a perspective of 'How do we include rather than exclude?'” [Community]

Quote: “You want to approach a particular problem with an open a mind as possible and then see who might be willing and able to help.”