The Ajahn Pasanno Question and Story Archive

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Number of featured excerpts for each topic appears in parentheses.

The Human Dillema (10)

Impermanence (1)

Suffering (1)

Fear (1)


Ageing (1)

Death (3) – Cluster includes: Death, Recollection/Death

Grief (3)

The Three Refuges (10)

Three Refuges (1)

Buddha (5) – Cluster includes: Buddha, Recollection/Buddha, Buddho mantra

Dhamma (3) – Cluster includes: Dhamma, Recollection/Dhamma

Saṅgha (1) – Cluster includes: Saṅgha, Recollection/Saṅgha; Related: Communal harmony

Foundations of Dhamma Practice (5)

Spiritual friendship – Cluster includes: Spiritual friendship, Association with people of integrity

Generosity – Cluster includes: Generosity, Recollection/Generosity

Goodwill (2)

Virtue – Cluster includes: Virtue, Recollection/Virtue

Precepts (3) – Cluster includes: Precepts, Five Precepts, Eight Precepts; Related: Right Speech, Right Action


The Four Noble Truths (3)

Four Noble Truths (1)

Suffering (1)

Cause of Suffering (1)

Cessation of Suffering

The Fourth Noble Truth of the Path to the Cessation of Suffering is equivalent to the Noble Eightfold Path below.

The Noble Eightfold Path (8)

Eightfold Path (3) – Cluster includes: Eightfold Path, Middle Path

Right View (1)

Right Speech (1) – Cluster includes: Right Speech, False speech, Malicious speech, Harsh speech, Idle chatter, Admonishment/feedback

Right Action – Cluster includes: Right Action, Killing, Stealing, Sexual misconduct

Right Livelihood

Right Effort

Right Mindfulness (1) – Cluster includes: Right Mindfulness, Ardency, Clear comprehension; Related: Mindfulness

Right Concentration (2) – Cluster includes: Right Concentration, Rapture, Unification, Jhāna; Related: Concentration

For Right Intention, see Renunciation, Non-ill-will, and Non-cruelty.

Meditation Practices (9)

Meditation (2) – Cluster includes: Meditation, Meditation/General advice

Mindfulness of body

Mindfulness of breathing (2)

Walking meditation

Chanting (1)

Recollection (2)

Skillful thinking

Continuity of mindfulness (1) – Cluster includes: Continuity of mindfulness, Present moment awareness

Direct experience (1)

Knowing itself (1)

Long-term practice

Skillful Qualities (9)


Energy – Cluster includes: Energy, Devotion to wakefulness; Related: Right Effort



Discernment (2) – Cluster includes: Discernment, Appropriate attention, Investigation of states

Skillful desire (1)

Patience (1)

Happiness (2)

Gratitude (1)

Compassion (1)

Equanimity (1)

Unskillful Qualities (11)

Defilements (1) – Cluster includes: Unwholesome Roots, Unskillful qualities

Hindrances (1)

Sensual desire (1) – Cluster includes: Sensual desire, Greed

Aversion and Ill-will – Cluster includes: Aversion, Ill-will

Sloth and torpor (2)

Restlessness and worry (1)

Doubt (1)


Proliferation – Cluster includes: Proliferation, Views

Self-identity view (1)

Conceit and guilt (3) – Cluster includes: Conceit, Guilt/shame/inadequacy, Judgementalism, Perfectionism, Jealousy, Competitiveness, Selfishness, Self-pity

Ignorance, Craving, Clinging, and Becoming appear in Dependent Origination below.

Buddhist Perspectives on the World (8)

Conditionality (2)

Kamma (1)

Rebirth (3)

Not-self (1)

Nature of mind (1)

Realms of existence – Cluster includes: Realms of existence, Deva, Human, Ghost, Animal, Hell, Non-human beings, Recollection/Devas

Dependent Origination (8)

Dependent origination


Volitional formations (2)

Consciousness (2)

Name and form (1)

Sense bases (1)



Craving (1)

Clinging (1)

Becoming (1) – Cluster includes: Becoming, Craving not to become

Fruits of the Practice (5)

Dispassion – Cluster includes: Dispassion, Disenchantment, Cessation; Related: Cessation of Suffering

Relinquishment (1)

Liberation (1) – Cluster includes: Liberation, Release

Stages of awakening (1) – Cluster includes: Stages of awakening, Stream entry, Once return, Non-return, Arahant

Nibbāna (2) – Cluster includes: Nibbāna, Deathless, Unestablished consciousness, Unconditioned, Recollection/Peace

Teaching and Teachers (12)

Teaching Dhamma – Cluster includes: Teaching Dhamma, Gradual Teaching, Questions, Dhamma discussion, Stories, Symbolism

Teachers (2) – Cluster includes: Teachers, Mentoring, Personal presence, Fierce/direct teaching

The Buddha

Ajahn Mun

Ajahn Chah (2)

Ajahn Sumedho (2)

Ajahn Pasanno (6)

Monasteries (1)

Wat Pah Pong

Wat Pah Nanachat

Abhayagiri (1)

Context of the Teachings (2)

Natural environment

Language – Cluster includes: Language, Pāli, Translation

Thai culture (1) – Cluster includes: Culture/Thailand, Thai, History/Thai Buddhism

Western culture (1)

Monastic Life (10)

Monastic life (1) – Cluster includes: Monastic life, Ordination, Sequence of training, Dependence, Monastic routine, Perception of a samaṇa, Simplicity

Motivation (1)

Mutual support – Cluster includes: Mutual lay/Saṅgha support, Almsround

The Four Requisites (1) – Cluster includes: Requisites, Robes, Almsfood, Almsbowl, Lodging, Medicinal requisites, Monastic crafts, Building projects

Thai Forest Tradition

Vinaya (4) – Cluster includes: Vinaya, Pāṭimokkha, Confession, Protocols, Not handling money, Rains retreat

Monastic community (1) – Cluster includes: Communal harmony, Fourfold Assembly, Principles of Cordiality, Saṅgha decision making, Abbot, Monastery organizational structure; Related: Saṅgha

Ascetic practices – Cluster includes: Ascetic practices, Tudong, Fasting, Sitter's practice

Women's monastic forms (2) – Cluster includes: Women's monastic forms, Bhikkhunī, Sīladharā, Mae Chee

Everyday Life Practice (9)

Everyday life – Cluster includes: Everyday life, Lay life

Health – Cluster includes: Health, Excercise, Smoking, Mental illness, Health care, Pandemic

Family (3) – Cluster includes: Family, Parents, Children

Relationships (2)

Work – Cluster includes: Work, Retirement

Environment (2)

Politics and society (3) – Cluster includes: Politics and society, Leadership, Service, Activism, Non-profit organizations, Corruption, Crime, Discrimination, Conflict, Military

Commerce and economics – Cluster includes: Commerce/economics, Poverty

Technology and media – Cluster includes: Technology, Industry, Science, Media, News, Advertizing, Internet, Social media, Online community

How to cite this page (suggested style): “Key topics in detail,” The Ajahn Pasanno Question and Story Archive, October 2024 release,