Tag cluster: Discernment
Part of key topic Skillful Qualities
Includes tags: Discernment, Appropriate attention, Investigation of states

All excerpts (173) Most relevant (67) Questions about (41) Answers involving (105) Stories (6) Quotes (22) Readings (3) Texts (2) References (1)

Metta Retreat, Session 4 – Sep. 12, 2008

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20. “I’m glad that people have questions and people are reflecting on their experience of what the practice is. It’s very heartening to see.” Answered by Ajahn Pasanno. [Questions] [Appropriate attention] [Empathetic joy]

Metta Retreat, Session 5 – Sep. 13, 2008

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1. “In the palm reader story, you mentioned that Ajahn Chah still had a lot of anger, but he chose not to act from it. So does this mean that if there was a troublesome monk, Ajahn Chah would still experience a flare of anger but have the wisdom to set it aside and consider what to do with a cool head? This sounds similar to something Ram Das said about his practice....” Answered by Ajahn Pasanno. [Ajahn Chah] [Aversion] [Discernment] [Ram Dass] [Unwholesome Roots] // [Personality] [Kamma]

Story: Ajahn Jayasaro is massaging Ajahn Chah’s feet when a monk undergoing a disciplinary procedure walks by. [Ajahn Jayasaro] [Vinaya] [Fierce/direct teaching] [Emotion]

Story: Ajahn Pasanno observes Ajahn Mahā Boowa’s fierce behaivor. [Ajahn Mahā Boowa] [Arahant] [Ajahn Pasanno] [Rapture] [Goodwill]

Quote: “You never quite knew...you were always very careful around [Ajahn Chah] because you never knew which side was going to come out. It wasn’t as if he was just playing with you, but he always responded to the situation or the person.” [Heedlessness] [Personal presence] [Teaching Dhamma]

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3. “Reflecting on your 35 years in robes, do you have any strong lessons that stand out?” Answered by Ajahn Pasanno. [Ajahn Pasanno] [Christianity] [Monastic life] [Long-term practice] [Discernment] // [Patience] [Ajahn Chah] [Virtue] [Meditation retreats]

Quote: “Oftentimes we don’t really recognize the goodness that we’re doing.” [Perfectionism] [Judgementalism]

Quote: “Patience isn’t just enduring. It’s being able to be present with experience.” [Direct experience] [Present moment awareness]

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12. “The near enemy to equanimity is aloofness. Can you offer clues on how to differentiate between these in oneself?” Answered by Ajahn Pasanno. [Equanimity] [Discernment] // [Skillful qualities] [Unskillful qualities] [Aversion] [Present moment awareness]

Quote: “Tuning into kusala/akusala sorts things out really quickly.” [Discernment]

Sutta: AN 3.65: Kālāma Sutta

Brightening the Mind, Session 1 – Aug. 19, 2012

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1. “Could you expand about the layers of understanding of thought, perception, and dukkha?” Answered by Ajahn Pasanno and Ajahn Yatiko. [Discernment] [Directed thought and evaluation] [Perception] [Suffering] // [Proliferation] [Relinquishment]

Quote: “First you study the Dhamma, then you know the Dhamma, then you see the Dhamma, they you be the Dhamma.” — Ajahn Chah. Quoted by Ajahn Pasanno. [Ajahn Chah] [Dhamma] [Progress of insight]

Commentary: Path of Purification by Bhikkhu Ñāṇamoli, p. 631: The highest level of understanding is giving up. [Discernment]

Right Livelihood, Session 1 – Apr. 21, 2013

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22. Comments about thinking versus feeling out the quality of the heart in decision making. [Directed thought and evaluation] [Mindfulness of mind] [Discernment] [Clear comprehension] [Right Livelihood]

Response by Ajahn Pasanno.

The Whole of the Path, Session 1 – Jun. 22, 2013

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3. “Why is discernment a better word for wisdom?” Answered by Ajahn Pasanno. [Discernment] [Translation] // [Pāli] [Etymology]

The Whole of the Path, Session 3 – Jun. 22, 2013

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4. “Can you say more about the practice of awareness of arising and ceasing in relation to discernment and right view?” Answered by Ajahn Pasanno. [Becoming] [Cessation] [Mindfulness] [Discernment] [Right View] // [Impermanence] [Ajahn Chah] [Conditionality] [Self-identity view] [Happiness] [Mindfulness of mind] [Patience]

Reading from an unnamed recent Ajahn Chah book. [Relinquishment] [Practicing in accordance with Dhamma] [Discernment]

Quote: “I don’t teach you guys much. Just be patient.” — Ajahn Chah

Calming the Busy Mind, Session 2 – Aug. 11, 2013

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8. Comment: When someone says they can’t meditate because they try to settle their mind and they realize how busy it is, I’ve encouraged them that now they are seeing the reflective quality of how their mind works. [Appropriate attention] [Tranquility] [Proliferation]

Response by Ajahn Pasanno.

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9. “What attitude should we take when observing things so we don’t objectify them or make it stressful?” Answered by Ajahn Pasanno. [Perception] [Knowing itself] [Appropriate attention] [Suffering] [Tranquility] [Proliferation] // [Direct experience]

Abhayagiri Monastic Retreat 2013, Session 6 – Nov. 28, 2013

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6. “Thank you for the teachings...Could you speak about the heart and mind which appear to be used interchangeably. How can we listen with discernment to the heart? How can we cultivate its strength?” Answered by Ajahn Pasanno. [Heart/mind] [Discernment]

New Year, New Life, Session 1 – Dec. 16, 2013

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5. “You said you have to adjust and think about contemplating. But how can you do that in your working time?” Answered by Ajahn Pasanno. [Right Effort] [Directed thought and evaluation] [Discernment] [Everyday life] // [Mindfulness] [Clear comprehension] [Happiness] [Recollection]

Quote: “In daily life, in contact with the world, do you still breathe?” — Ajahn Chah [Ajahn Chah] [Mindfulness of breathing]

Follow-up: “Could you give some examples? In Bangkok, there is lots of news that makes people crazy and divisive. When you see this news, you feel upset and angry.” [News] [Conflict] [Aversion] [Right Speech] [Politics and society] [Proliferation]

Quote: “I don’t care. Not in the sense that I don’t think it’s serious or that it’s not a problem. But I don’t care in the sense that I don’t want to be getting involved in whatever side people are working themselves up about, because the problem is much deeper than that. We have to pay attention to the deeper problem, both in the human condition and politically.” [Human]

Abhayagiri 2014 Winter Retreat, Session 31 – Feb. 17, 2014

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14. “She talks about virtue being the other hand of discernment in the meditation experience, and whenever discernment discerns stress, virtue is what lets go of the cause of stress, that virtue does the disbanding of it. Is virtue an unusual word to use there?” Answered by Ajahn Pasanno. [Upasikā Kee Nanayon] [Virtue] [Discernment] [Cessation of Suffering] [Dispassion] // [Pāli] [Conscience and prudence] [Ajahn Chah]

Commentary: Path of Purification by Bhikkhu Ñāṇamoli, p. 14: Many levels of sīla. [Commentaries] [Eightfold Path]

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17. “You were talking about the positive aspect of relinquishment, and that’s what will motivate giving up, that positive aspect of giving up and letting go. When it’s painful giving up and you give up, you can say, ‘Wait, I’m just focusing on the negative aspect of giving up, I need to switch my mind to the benefits of relinquishment?’” Answered by Ajahn Pasanno. [Relinquishment] [Suffering] [Appropriate attention] // [Self-identity view] [Clinging] [Humor] [Humility]

Abhayagiri 2014 Winter Retreat, Session 40 – Mar. 2, 2014

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4. “What is the distinction Chao Khun Upāli makes between lokuttara discernment and higher discernment?” Answered by Ajahn Pasanno. [Chao Khun Upāli] [Discernment] [Impermanence] [Aggregates] [Suffering] [Cause of Suffering] // [Commentaries] [Ajahn Chah] [Study monks]

Abhayagiri 2014 Winter Retreat, Session 42 – Mar. 4, 2014

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2. Comment about the purpose and function of the path. Contributed by Ajahn Kaccāna. [Eightfold Path] [Cessation of Suffering] [Concentration] [Discernment]

Responses by Ajahn Ñāṇiko and Ajahn Pasanno. [Right View] [Relinquishment] [Self-identity view]

Abhayagiri 2014 Winter Retreat, Session 48 – Mar. 12, 2104

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1. “Is it rare for someone to master samādhi before developing wisdom?” Answered by Ajahn Pasanno. [Concentration] [Discernment] [Ajahn Piak]

Abhayagiri 2014 Winter Retreat, Session 57 – Mar. 27, 2014

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9. “When he [Ajahn Sim] talked about nama rupa, is that looking at the fundamental movement of the mind towards unwholesome dhammas?” Answered by Ajahn Pasanno. [Ajahn Sim] [Aggregates] [Unwholesome Roots] [Investigation of states] // [Restlessness and worry] [Self-identity view]

2014 Thanksgiving Monastic Retreat, Session 5 – Nov. 26, 2014

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11. “How can one investigate without getting the mind too active? I find that when I try to investigate or reflect, my mind gets so active that I find myself getting caught up in it. Thank you.” Answered by Ajahn Pasanno. [Investigation of states ] [Recollection] [Proliferation] // [Clear comprehension] [Faith] [Noble Truth of Suffering] [Conditionality] [Impermanence]

Abhayagiri 2015 Winter Retreat, Session 40 – Mar. 3, 2015

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5. “Are psychic powers and wisdom always clearly separated?” Answered by Ajahn Pasanno. [Psychic powers] [Discernment] // [Buddha/Biography] [Great disciples] [Vinaya] [Admonishment/feedback]

Reference: Dipa Ma: The Life and Legacy of a Buddhist Master by Amy Schmidt (commercial). [Dipa Ma] [Discernment]

The Middle Way of Not-Self, Session 1 – May. 27, 2015

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5. Comment: The question that occured to me was “If I take this as myself, where does it lead me?” [Discernment] [Not-self]

Response by Ajahn Pasanno. [Suffering] [Self-identity view]

The Middle Way of Not-Self, Session 2 – May. 27, 2015

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3. “Ajahn Mun taught Ajahn Chah to distinguish between the mind and mind objects. Is the mind that distinguishes between these a development of ordinary mind or a larger mind that we tap into as we develop wisdom?” Answered by Ajahn Pasanno. [Ajahn Mun] [Ajahn Chah] [Heart/mind] [Moods of the mind] [Not-self] [Nature of mind] [Discernment] // [Conditionality] [Liberation] [Direct experience]

Response: Both of these are wrong. [Proliferation]

Sutta: MN 11 Cūḷasīhanāda Sutta

2015 Thanksgiving Monastic Retreat, Session 1 – Nov. 21, 2015

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2. “Please explain wise action. How can one see that it is not influenced by craving?” Answered by Ajahn Pasanno. [Discernment] [Craving]

2015 Thanksgiving Monastic Retreat, Session 4 – Nov. 24, 2015

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20. “Last night you spoke about balancing tranquility of mind with investigation or a theme for contemplation. Can you clarify how this can be accomplished without getting into the usual mind states of planning, associating, etc.?” Answered by Ajahn Pasanno. [Tranquility] [Investigation of states ] [Recollection ] [Proliferation] // [Impermanence] [Directed thought and evaluation] [Discernment] [Recollection/Death] [Visualization] [Divine Abidings]

Mistaken assumption: “I think, therefore I suffer. If I didn’t think, then I wouldn’t suffer.” [Suffering]

Commentary: Path of Purification by Bhikkhu Ñāṇamoli, p. 104: Forty subjects of meditation.

2015 Thanksgiving Monastic Retreat, Session 6 – Nov. 26, 2015

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15. “Is it useful to investigate how we can only experience one conscious moment at a time?” Answered by Ajahn Pasanno. [Consciousness] [Investigation of states]

Thanksgiving Retreat 2016, Session 1 – Nov. 19, 2016

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3. “What is the difference between yoniso manasikara and insight?” Answered by Ajahn Pasanno. [Appropriate attention] [Insight meditation]

Thanksgiving Retreat 2016, Session 7 – Nov. 25, 2016

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10. “I was wondering how I include the discernment obtained from lifting up the mind to solve a life issue. I wish I could be more intelligent and brighter to solve my life problem in a skillful way. Please advise.” Answered by Ajahn Pasanno. [Discernment] [Everyday life]

Two Kinds of Thought and the Removal of Distracting Thoughts, Session 1 – Jun. 4, 2017

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1. “The term ‘sense consciousness’ is used in the morning chanting, but I didn’t hear that [in MN 19]. When the Buddha recognizes a thought and puts it into a certain bin, this seems like a step beyond sense consciousness.” Answered by Ajahn Pasanno. [Consciousness] [Sense bases] [Investigation of states] [Directed thought and evaluation] // [Mindfulness]

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8. “I’m curious about the wholesome/unwholesome assessment [in MN 19]. If it’s a thought of ill-will, greed, hatred, or delusion, but we’re not attached to it, we’re just seeing it arise, seeing it pass, recognizing it, being aware that it’s in the mind. Does the unwholesomeness come from believing it?” Answered by Ajahn Pasanno. [Skillful qualities] [Unskillful qualities] [Investigation of states] [Unwholesome Roots] [Directed thought and evaluation] [Mindfulness of mind] // [Habits] [Hindrances]

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9. “How much should we be using that tool of the two categories?” Answered by Ajahn Pasanno. [Investigation of states] [Directed thought and evaluation]

Two Kinds of Thought and the Removal of Distracting Thoughts, Session 2 – Jun. 4, 2017

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16. Comment: My experience with method five [of MN 20] is that it works when the mind doing the crushing is compassion mind, wisdom mind. [Directed thought and evaluation] [Compassion] [Discernment] [Right Intention]

Responses by Ajahn Pasanno and Ajahn Karuṇadhammo.

The Teaching and the Training, Session 9 – Mar. 27, 2018

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2. “How do we discern the benefit of dhutaṅga practices and how much is too much?” Answered by Ajahn Pasanno. [Discernment] [Middle Path] [Monastic life] [Ascetic practices] // [Ajahn Pasanno] [Devotion to wakefulness] [Almsround] [History/Early Buddhism] [Gladdening the mind] [Ajahn Chah] [Master Hsuan Hua]

Story: Ajahn Jayasaro determines sitter’s practice until Ajahn Chah dies. [Ajahn Jayasaro] [Respect for elders] [Determination]

The New Ajahn Chah Biography, Session 3 – Apr. 21, 2018

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8. Comment by Ajahn Ñāṇiko: But in a sense Por Am had wisdom, questioning Ajahn Chah from every possible angle. [Ajahn Chah] [Questions] [Discernment]

Reflection: Stillness Flowing by Ajahn Jayasaro, p. 647

Response by Ajahn Pasanno. [Thai] [Wat Pah Pong]

The Path of Practice, Session 1 – Jun. 15, 2019

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5. “Could you please address judgement and discernment?” Answered by Ajahn Pasanno. [Judgementalism] [Discernment] // [Self-identity view] [Skillful qualities] [Four Noble Truths] [Culture/West] [Impermanence] [Conditionality]

The Path of Practice, Session 2 – Jun. 16, 2019

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5. “Years ago I considered the Buddha someone wbo practiced harm reduction. But having worked in the field, I’ve started to have a lot of conflict around when people request paraphanelia to help them use [drugs]. The idea is to keep them alive, but now it’s become very complicated because people are still dying. Is this a violation of right livelihood? Could you speak about wisdom and compassion?” Answered by Ajahn Pasanno. [Intoxicants] [Health care] [Death] [Right Livelihood] [Discernment] [Compassion] [Gratitude] // [Right Intention] [Crime] [Politics and society]

Quote: “As a person who is trying to help, you have to learn harm reduction to yourself.” [Depression] [Discernment]

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12. “Could you talk about the difference between experiencing an unpleasant feeling and perpetuating an unpleasant feeling?” Answered by Ajahn Pasanno. [Feeling] [Discernment] [Cessation of Suffering] // [Compassion] [Mindfulness] [Patience] [Suffering]

Simile: Two arrows (SN 36.6).

Developing Skill in Reflective Meditation, Session 2 – Dec. 1, 2019

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8. Comment: Instead of thinking of one thing which I was having difficulty with, I brought to mind all the things that were working. [Directed thought and evaluation] [Appropriate attention] [Recollection]

Response by Ajahn Pasanno. [Guilt/shame/inadequacy] [Recollection/Virtue] [Faith]

Madison Insight Retreat 2023, Session 2 – Oct. 14, 2023

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1. “By moving to lovingkindness [meditation], I may be missing some of the deeper insights and wisdom that are present in feelings of angher, ill-will, and resentment. I think this is what is referred to as spiritual bypassing. Can you speak to this distinction or provide suggestions for accessing the wisdom that may be present within or underneath the hindrances?” Answered by Ajahn Pasanno. [Goodwill] [Aversion] [Ill-will] [Spiritual bypass ] [Discernment] [Hindrances] // [Truth] [Suffering] [Gratification]

Quote: “Sensual desire is just trying to get a relief from suffering. Even anger and ill-will...and the same with all the rest of the hindrances. They are looking for some relief from suffering in some way, shape, or form.” [Sensual desire]

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13. “I am in a challenging situation at work and thinking of moving to a different position. How can I tell whether this is skillful or unskillful?” Answered by Ajahn Pasanno. [Work] [Discernment] // [Spiritual friendship]

Interreligious Retreat-Seminar on Dhamma and Non-duality, Session 2 – Nov. 25, 2023

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1. “From the Christian perspective, I understand we get knowledge or wisdom from God, but it is through our human effort that we get a taste of the wisdom. You mentioned [neither] moving backward, forward, or being still. In Zen meditation, they taught being present. Is this grace or effort?” Answered by Ajahn Pasanno. [Christianity] [Discernment] [God] [Human] [Right Effort] [Zen] // [Relinquishment] [Faith] [Three Refuges]

Sutta: SN 1.1

Quote: “To me it’s much more faith that surrenders, that relinquishes, that’s willing to let go.” [Discernment]

Quote: “Suffering and being stuck in saṃsāra and in the world is just a bad habit.” [Suffering] [Saṃsāra] [Habits]

Interreligious Retreat-Seminar on Dhamma and Non-duality, Session 5 – Nov. 26, 2023

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1. “What should one consider when looking for a teacher or guru to guide one’s personal journey?” Answered by Ajahn Pasanno. [Teachers ] [Mentoring] [Discernment] // [Ajahn Chah] [Determination] [Truth] [Perfectionism] [Personality]

Quote: “I saw many people show up [at Wat Pah Pong] with their list of what they thought a perfect teacher should be....and they would leave.”

Quote: “It is only when we are willing to give ourselves to truth or reality that the teacher makes sense.”