Tags – Alphabetical
All tags (930) English (523) Pāli (231) Other languages (7) People/places/traditions (174)

A      B      C      D      E      F      G      H      I      J      K      L      M      N      O      P      Q      R      S      T      U      V      W


Abandoning of arisen evil, unskillful qualities – see Right Effort (sammā-vāyāma) (71)

Abbot (16)

Abortion (1)

Abuse/violence (5)

Accomplishment in virtue – see Virtue (sīla) (50)

Activism (6)

Addiction (2)

Admonishment/feedback (21)

Advertizing (2)

Ageing (jarā) (23)

Aggregates (khandhā) (32)

Aids to Awakening (bodhipakkhiyādhammā) (1)

Aids to Enlightenment – alternative translation of bodhipakkhiyādhammā [Aids to Awakening] (1)

Ajahn Chah Remembrance Day (2)

Alertness – alternative translation of sampajañña [Clear comprehension] (46)

Almsbowl (7)

Almsfood (piṇḍapāta) (27)

Almsround (Pindapat Thai) (33)

Amulets (1)

Animal (18)

Applied and sustained thought – alternative translation of vitakka-vicāra [Directed thought and evaluation] (72)

Appropriate attention (yoniso manasikāra) (15)

Ardency (ātāpi) (30)

Arising and ceasing – see Impermanence (anicca) (60)

Arising of unarisen skillful qualities – see Right Effort (sammā-vāyāma) (71)

Artistic expression (9)

Ascetic practices (dhutaṅga) (19)

Association with people of integrity (sappurisasaṁseva) (12)

Attachment – see Clinging (upādāna) (65)

Attachment to rites and rituals (sīlabbata-parāmāsa) (8)

Aversion (dosa) (70)


Bases of Success (iddhipādā) (4)

Beauty (2)

Becoming (bhavāsava) (21)

Birth (jāti) (8)

Blame and praise (nindā ca pasaṃsā ca) (4)

Bodhi Tree (1)

Body – alternative translation of rūpa [Form] (7)

Body scanning (7)

Bowing (11)

Buddha (38)

Buddha images (6)

Buddhist identity (23)

Buddho mantra (5)

Building projects (4)


Calming meditation (samatha) (34)

Cause of Suffering (dukkha-samudayo) (17)

Celibacy (brahmacariyā) (2)

Ceremony/ritual (11)

Cessation (nirodha) (28)

Cessation of Suffering (dukkha-nirodho) (40)

Chanting (80)

Characteristics of existence (21)

Children (8)

Cleanliness (12)

Clear comprehension (sampajañña) (46)

Clinging (upādāna) (65)

Commentaries (17)

Commerce/economics (27)

Communal harmony (16)

Community (35)

Compassion (karuṇā) (79)

Competitiveness (3)

Conceit (māna) (20)


Concentration (samādhi) (71)

Conditionality (idappaccayatā) (65)

Confession (3)

Conflict (18)

Conscience and concern – alternative translation of hiri-otappa [Conscience and prudence] (13)

Conscience and prudence (hiri-otappa) (13)

Consciousness (viññāṇa) (23)

Contact (phassa) (12)

Contentment (santuṭṭhi) (18)

Continuity of mindfulness (34)

Conventions (14)

Conviction – alternative translation of saddhā [Faith] (83)

Corruption (2)

Courage (3)

Craving (taṇhā) (40)

Craving for immaterial existence (arūparāga)

Craving for material existence (rūparāga) (1)

Craving for sensuality – see Sensual desire (kāmacchanda) (43)

Craving not to become (vibhava-taṇhā) (15)

Craving to become – see Becoming (bhavāsava) (21)

Crime (5)

Cultural context (13)

Culture/Asia (1)

Culture/India (20)

Culture/Native American (1)

Culture/Natural environment (31)

Culture/Sri Lanka (1)

Culture/Thailand (123)

Culture/West (104)


Danger of sensual pleasure – see Sensual desire (kāmacchanda) (43)

Death (maraṇa) (102)

Death, Recollection (maraṇassati) (26)

Deathless, The (amata) (4)

Defilement – see Three Unwholesome Roots (akusala-mūla) (48)

Defilements – see Three Unwholesome Roots (akusala-mūla) (48)

Delusion (moha) (46)

Dependence (nissaya) (1)

Dependent origination (paticca-samuppāda) (20)

Depression (13)

Desire (chanda) (42)

Determination (adhiṭṭhāna) (22)

Deva (26)

Devas, Recollection (devatānussati) (10)

Devotion to wakefulness (jāgariyaṁ anuyutto) (16)

Devotional practice (22)

Dhamma (45)

Dhamma books (29)

Dhamma discussion (2)

Dhamma online (5)

Dhamma, Recollection (dhammānussati) (13)

Dignity (1)

Direct experience (29)

Directed thought and evaluation (vitakka-vicāra) (72)

Disasters (1)

Discernment (paññā) (98)

Disenchantment (nibbidā) (8)

Dispassion (virāga) (17)

Disrobing (12)

Distress – alternative translation of domanassa [Grief] (26)

Divine Abidings (brahmavihārā) (17)

Divisive tale-bearing – alternative translation of pisuṇāya vācā [Malicious speech] (6)

Doctrine-of-self clinging (attavādupādāna) (2)

Doubt (vicikiccha) (30)

Dreams (5)


Eating after noon (vikāla-bhojana) (3)

Economics – see Commerce/economics (27)

Eight Precepts (aṭṭha sikkhāpadāni) (6)

Eight Worldly Conditions (aṭṭha lokadhammā) (3)

Eightfold Path (aṭṭaṅgika magga) (39)

Elements (dhātu) (21)

Emotion (14)

Empathetic joy (muditā) (8)

Emptiness (suññatā) (12)

Energy (viriya) (31)

Entertainment and adornment (nacca-gīta-vādita) (6)

Environment (23)

Equanimity (upekkhā) (30)

Etymology (9)

Euthanasia (3)

Everyday life practice (25)

Excercise (3)


Factors for stream entry (sotāpattiyaṅga) (1)

Factors of Awakening (bojjhaṅgā) (7)

Faculties (indriyā) (5)

Fading away – alternative translation of virāga [Dispassion] (17)

Faith (saddhā) (83)

False speech (musā-vādā) (6)

Fame and disrepute (yaso ca ayaso ca) (1)

Family (56)

Fasting (2)

Fear (bhaya) (57)

Feedback – see Admonishment/feedback (21)

Feeling (vedanā) (44)

Festival days (3)

Fetters (dasa samyojana) (3)

Fierce/direct teaching (31)

Five Aggregates (pañcakkhandhā) (32)

Five aggregates affected by clinging – see Five Aggregates (pañcakkhandhā) (32)

Five Faculties (pañca indriyā) (5)

Five Hindrances (pañca nīvaraṇāni) (21)

Five Precepts (pañca sikkhāpadāni) (13)

Food (āhāra) (41)

Forest versus city monks (9)

Forgiveness (14)

Form (rūpa) (7)

Formless attainments (āruppa) (8)

Foundations of Mindfulness – see Right Mindfulness (sammā-sati) (58)

Four Bases of Spiritual Power – alternative translation of cattāro iddhipādā [Four Bases of Success] (4)

Four Bases of Success (cattāro iddhipādā) (4)

Four Noble Truths (cattāri ariya-saccāni) (34)

Four Nutriments (cattāro āhārā) (6)

Four Postures (8)

Four Requisites (8)

Four Right Efforts – see Right Effort (sammā-vāyāma) (71)

Fourfold Assembly (2)

Free distribution (2)

Freedom – alternative translation of vimutti [Liberation] (61)

Fulfillment of arisen skillful qualities – see Right Effort (sammā-vāyāma) (71)

Full awareness – alternative translation of sampajañña [Clear comprehension] (46)

Funerals (15)


Gain and loss (lābho ca alābho ca)

Generosity (dāna) (72)

Generosity, Recollection (cāgānussati) (6)

Geography/Thailand (5)

Ghost (7)

Gladdening the mind (abhippamodaya citta) (33)

God (1)

Goodwill (mettā) (98)

Gradual Teaching, The (anupubbikathā) (17)

Gratitude (kataññu) (52)

Greed (lobha) (8)

Grief (domanassa) (26)

Guilt/shame/inadequacy (21)


Habits (18)

Happiness (sukha) (102)

Harsh speech (pharusāya vācā) (3)

Health (20)

Health care (41)

Hearing the true Dhamma (saddhammassavana) (16)

Heart/mind (citta) (28)

Heaven – see Deva (26)

Heedfulness (appamāda) (7)

Heedlessness (pamāda) (4)

Hell (2)

High and luxurious beds (uccāsayana-mahāsayanā) (1)

Hindrances (nīvaraṇāni) (21)

History (3)

History/America (1)

History/Early Buddhism (16)

History/Indian Buddhism (3)

History/Mahāyāna Buddhism (4)

History/Other Theravāda traditions (4)

History/Sri Lankan Buddhism (8)

History/Thai Buddhism (46)

History/Western Buddhism (6)

History/Western Buddhist monasticism (21)

Hospitality (1)

Human (41)

Humility (10)

Humor (26)


Idealism (29)

Idle chatter (samphappalāpa) (4)

Ignorance (avijjāsava) (6)

Ill-will (byāpāda) (12)

Impermanence (anicca) (60)

Inadequacy – see Guilt/shame/inadequacy (21)

Indeterminate qualities (abyākatā dhammā)

Industry (2)

Insight meditation (vipassanā) (31)

Interest – alternative translation of chanda [Desire] (42)

Internet (3)

Intoxicants (surāmeraya-majja-pamādaṭṭhānā) (20)

Intuition (3)

Investigation – see Discernment (paññā) (98)

Investigation of Dhamma – alternative translation of dhamma-vicaya [Investigation of states] (31)

Investigation of states (dhamma-vicaya) (31)


Jealousy (3)

Judgementalism (21)


Killing (pāṇātipāta) (20)

Knowing itself (37)

Knowledge and vision (ñāṇadassana) (15)


Language (34)

Lawfulness (dhammaniymatā) (2)

Lay life (38)

Leadership (6)

Learning (suta) (66)

Leisure – see Recreation/leisure/sport (6)

Letting go – see Relinquishment (paṭinissagga) (114)

Liberation (vimutti) (61)

Listening (5)

Long-term practice (33)

Lunar observance days (uposatha) (15)

Lying down, Posture (3)


Malas (1)

Malicious speech (pisuṇāya vācā) (6)

Mantra (7)

Media (9)

Medicinal requisites (gilāna-paccaya-bhesajja-parikkhāraṃ) (14)

Meditation (bhāvanā) (66)

Meditation groups (1)

Meditation retreats (17)

Meditation/General advice (20)

Meditation/Results (3)

Meditation/Techniques (16)

Meditation/Unusual experiences (14)

Memory (6)

Mental illness (4)

Mental volition (manosañcetanā) (29)

Mentoring (14)

Merit (puñña) (35)

Middle Path (majjhimā paṭipadā) (22)

Middle Way – alternative translation of majjhimā paṭipadā [Middle Path] (22)

Military (15)

Mind – see Heart/mind (citta) (28)

Mindfulness (sati) (82)

Mindfulness immersed in the body – alternative translation of kāyagatā-sati [Mindfulness of body] (61)

Mindfulness of body (kāyagatā-sati) (61)

Mindfulness of breathing (ānāpānassati) (105)

Mindfulness of dhammas (dhammā-sati) (8)

Mindfulness of feeling (vedanā-sati) (21)

Mindfulness of mind (citta-sati) (36)

Moderation in eating (bhojane mattaññū) (1)

Monasteries (6)

Monastery organizational structure (2)

Monastic crafts (3)

Monastic life (140)

Monastic life/Motivation (26)

Monastic precepts – see Vinaya (60)

Monastic titles (11)

Mongut (Rama IV), King – see Vajirayan Vajirañāno, Ajahn (1)

Monuments – see Stupas/monuments (4)

Moods of the mind (Arom kong git Thai) (4)

Moral shame and moral dread – alternative translation of hiri-otappa [Conscience and prudence] (13)

Movement meditation (6)

Mutual lay/Saṅgha support (24)


Name and form – see Five Aggregates (pañcakkhandhā) (32)

Naturalness (dhammaṭṭhitatā) (10)

Nature of mind (33)

Nature of the cosmos (10)

Neither-painful-nor-pleasant feeling (adukkhamasukhā vedanā) (7)

Neutral feeling (adukkhamasukhā vedanā) (7)

News (2)

Noble Eightfold Path (ariya aṭṭaṅgika magga) (39)

Noble Truth of Stress – alternative translation of dukkha ariya-sacca [Noble Truth of Suffering] (15)

Noble Truth of Suffering (dukkha ariya-sacca) (15)

Noble Truth of the Cause of Stress – alternative translation of dukkha-samudaya ariya-sacca [Noble Truth of the Cause of Suffering] (17)

Noble Truth of the Cause of Suffering (dukkha-samudaya ariya-sacca) (17)

Noble Truth of the Cessation of Stress – alternative translation of dukkha-nirodha ariya-saccaṃ [Noble Truth of the Cessation of Suffering] (40)

Noble Truth of the Cessation of Suffering (dukkha-nirodha ariya-saccaṃ) (40)

Non-arising – alternative translation of nirodha [Cessation] (28)

Non-arising of unarisen evil, unskillful qualities – see Right Effort (sammā-vāyāma) (71)

Non-contention (4)

Non-cruelty – see Compassion (karuṇā) (79)

Non-human beings (amanussa) (1)

Non-ill-will – see Goodwill (mettā) (98)

Non-profit organizations (1)

Non-return (anāgamī) (2)

Not handling money (9)

Not-made-of-that (atammayatā) (2)

Not-self (anattā) (71)

Noting (4)

Novices (9)

Nutriment (āhāra) (6)


Objectification – alternative translation of papañca [Proliferation] (89)

Objects of veneration

Older monks (7)

Once return (sakadāgāmī) (1)

One pointedness (ekaggatā) (12)

Online community (6)

Ordination (17)

Other beings

Outflows (āsava) (4)


Pace of life (7)

Pain (dukkha) (27)

Pāli (65)

Pandemic (5)

Parents (16)

Path to the Cessation of Suffering – see Noble Eightfold Path (ariya aṭṭaṅgika magga) (39)

Patience (khanti) (40)

Peace, Recollection (upasamānussati) (3)

Perception (saññā) (30)

Perception of a samaṇa (samaṇa saññā) (7)

Perception of light (āloka-saññā) (1)

Perfectionism (9)

Perfections (pāramiyo) (8)


Personal presence (16)

Personality (28)

Physical food (kabaliṅkāra āhāra) (41)

Pleasant feeling – see Happiness (sukha) (102)

Pleasure – alternative translation of sukha [Happiness] (102)

Pleasure – see Happiness (sukha) (102)

Politics and society (46)

Popular culture

Postulants (anagārika) (7)

Posture/Lying down (3)

Posture/Sitting (16)

Posture/Standing (5)

Posture/Walking (caṅkama) (23)

Postures (8)

Poverty (8)

Powers – see Five Faculties (pañca indriyā) (5)

Practicing in accordance with Dhamma (dhammā­nu­dhamma­p­paṭipatti) (29)

Precepts (sikkhāpada) (28)

Present moment awareness (29)

Progress of insight (16)

Proliferation (papañca) (89)

Properties – alternative translation of dhātu [Elements] (21)

Protective chants (paritta) (7)

Protocols (kiccavatta) (11)

Psychic powers (19)

Pure Land (2)


Qualities for non-decline (aparihānāya dhammā) (1)

Question in Thai (3)

Questions (16)


Rains retreat (vassa) (18)

Rapture (pīti) (29)

Realms of existence (10)

Rebirth (39)

Recollection (anusati) (44)

Recollection/Buddha (buddhānussati) (15)

Recollection/Death (maraṇassati) (26)

Recollection/Devas (devatānussati) (10)

Recollection/Dhamma (dhammānussati) (13)

Recollection/Generosity (cāgānussati) (6)

Recollection/Peace (upasamānussati) (3)

Recollection/Saṅgha (saṅghānussati) (7)

Recollection/Virtue (sīlānussati) (14)

Recreation/leisure/sport (6)

Relationships (28)

Release (vossagga) (18)

Relics (6)

Relinquishment (paṭinissagga) (114)

Relinquishment – alternative translation of vossagga [Release] (18)

Renunciant practice (1)

Renunciation (nekkhamma) (14)

Requisites (8)

Respect (18)

Respect for elders (16)

Restlessness – see Restlessness and worry (uddhacca-kukkucca) (41)

Restlessness and worry (uddhacca-kukkucca) (41)

Right Action (sammā-kammanta) (2)

Right Concentration (sammā-samādhi) (23)

Right Effort (sammā-vāyāma) (71)

Right Intention (sammā-saṅkappa) (19)

Right Livelihood (sammā-ājīva) (37)

Right Mindfulness (sammā-sati) (58)

Right Resolve – alternative translation of sammā-saṅkappa [Right Intention] (19)

Right Speech (sammā-vācā) (21)

Right View (sammā-diṭṭhi) (25)

Rites-and-rituals clinging – see Attachment to rites and rituals (sīlabbata-parāmāsa) (8)

Ritual – see Ceremony/ritual (11)

Robes (cīvara) (11)

Role of abbot (16)

Royalty (4)


Saṅgha decision making (18)

Saṅgha, Recollection (saṅghānussati) (7)

Science (8)

Seclusion (viveka) (33)

Self-identity view (sakkāya-diṭṭhi) (101)

Self-pity (2)

Self-reliance (8)

Selfishness (5)

Sense bases (āyatana) (25)

Sense of urgency (saṃvega) (13)

Sense restraint (indriyesu guttadvāro) (14)

Sensual desire (kāmacchanda) (43)

Sensual pleasure – see Sensual desire (kāmacchanda) (43)

Sensuality – see Sensual desire (kāmacchanda) (43)

Sensuality-clinging – see Sensual desire (kāmacchanda) (43)

Sequence of training (26)

Service (2)

Seven Factors of Awakening (satta bojjhaṅgā) (7)

Seven Treasures (satta dhanā) (7)

Sexual activity – see Celibacy (brahmacariyā) (2)

Sexual misconduct (kāmesu micchācāra) (7)

Shame – see Guilt/shame/inadequacy (21)

Shelter (senāsana) (11)

Sickness (byādhi) (67)

Similes (64)

Simplicity (26)

Sitter's practice (1)

Sitting, Posture (16)

Six Sense Bases (saḷ-āyatana) (25)

Skillful qualities (kusalā dhammā) (55)

Sloth and torpor (thīna-middha) (29)

Smoking (1)

Social media (4)

Sound of silence (2)

Spaciousness (15)

Spiritual bypass (6)

Spiritual friendship (kalyāṇa-mittatā) (29)

Spiritual search (ariya-pariyesanā) (10)

Spiritual traditions (5)

Sport – see Recreation/leisure/sport (6)

Stages of awakening (27)

Standing, Posture (5)

Stealing (adinnādāna) (4)

Stories (2)

Stream entry (sotāpanna) (24)

Stress – alternative translation of dukkha [Pain] (27)

Study monks (8)

Stupas/monuments (4)

Suchness (tathatā) (1)

Suffering (dukkha) (129)

Suicide (5)

Supernatural (1)

Superstition (1)

Symbolism (2)


Taking life – alternative translation of pāṇātipāta [Killing] (20)

Teachers (14)

Teaching Dhamma (103)

Technology (13)

Telling lies – alternative translation of musā-vādā [False speech] (6)

Temporary ordination (8)

Ten Fetters (dasa saṃyojanā) (3)

Ten Perfections (dasa pāramiyo) (8)

Thai (34)

Thai audio (2)

Thai sects (20)

Thinking (skillful) – see Directed thought and evaluation (vitakka-vicāra) (72)

Thinking (unskillful) – see Proliferation (papañca) (89)

Three Refuges (tisaraṇa) (29)

Three Unwholesome Roots (akusala-mūla) (48)

Tranquility (passaddhi) (62)

Translation (51)

Travel (3)

Treasures (dhana) (7)

Trust (15)

Truth (sacca) (24)

Types of monks (8)


Ultimate Truth – see Unconditioned/Ultimate Truth, The (asaṅkhata) (13)

Unattractiveness/32 parts (asubha/dvattiṁsākāra) (30)

Unconditioned/Ultimate Truth, The (asaṅkhata) (13)

Unification – alternative translation of ekaggatā [One pointedness] (12)

Unpleasant feeling – see Pain (dukkha) (27)

Unskillful qualities (akusalā dhammā) (31)

Unwholesome qualities – alternative translation of akusalā dhammā [Unskillful qualities] (31)

Unwholesome Roots (akusala-mūla) (48)


Vegetarianism (5)

View-clinging – see Views (diṭṭhāsava) (29)

Views (diṭṭhāsava) (29)

Violence – see Abuse/violence (5)

Virtue (sīla) (50)

Virtue, Recollection (sīlānussati) (14)

Visiting holy sites (13)

Visualization (9)

Volition (cetanā) (29)

Volitional formations (saṅkhāra) (34)


Walking, Posture (caṅkama) (23)

Wholesome qualities – alternative translation of kusalā dhammā [Skillful qualities] (55)

Wings to Awakening – alternative translation of bodhipakkhiyādhammā [Aids to Awakening] (1)

Wisdom – alternative translation of paññā [Discernment] (98)

Women in Buddhism (7)

Women's monastic forms (6)

Work (32)

Worldly Conditions (lokadhammā) (3)

Wrong concentration (micchā-samādhi) (3)