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Numbers in parentheses following tag names: (number of excerpts tagged/number of excerpts tagged with this tag or its subtags).

Skillful qualities (55/1425) (kusalā dhammā)

Unskillful qualities (31/529) (akusalā dhammā)

Three Unwholesome Roots (48/154) (akusala-mūla)

Outflows (4/99) (āsava)

Five Hindrances (21/162) (pañca nīvaraṇāni)

Ten Fetters (3/239) (dasa saṃyojanā)

  1. Self-identity view (101) (sakkāya-diṭṭhi)

  2. Doubt (30) (vicikicchā)

  3. Attachment to rites and rituals (8) (sīlabbata-parāmāsa)

  4. Sensual desire (43) (kāmacchanda)

  5. Ill-will (12) (byāpāda)

  6. Craving for material existence (1) (rūparāga)

  7. Craving for immaterial existence (arūparāga)

  8. Conceit (20) (māna)

  9. Restlessness (uddhacca) see Restlessness and worry (41)

  10. Ignorance (6) (avijjā)

  Heedlessness (4) (pamāda)

  Defilement (kilesa) see Unwholesome Roots (48)

  Proliferation (89) (papañca)

  Depression (13)

  Abuse/violence (5)

  Addiction (2)

  Spiritual bypass (6)

Indeterminate qualities (-/729) (abyākatā dhammā)

Three Refuges (29/197) (tisaraṇa)

Devotional practice (22/175)

Precepts (28/163) (sikkhāpada)

Meditation (66/974) (bhāvanā)

Teaching Dhamma (103/790)

Teachers (14/790)

Monasteries (6/235)

Nature of the cosmos (10/252)

History (3/151)

Cultural context (13/391)

Spiritual traditions (5/73)

Renunciant practice (1/584)

Everyday life practice (25/540)