Recollection/Generosity (cāgānussati)
Parent topic: Recollection
See also: Virtue
6 excerpts, 18:46 total duration

Brightening the Mind, Session 3 – Aug. 19, 2012

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1. “Could you speak more about the concept of relinquishment, giving up, and how it relates to giving?” Answered by Ajahn Karuṇadhammo. [Relinquishment] [Recollection/Generosity] [Generosity] // [Clinging]

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3. Comment: So you maximize the internal benefit you receive...[audio unclear]? [Recollection/Generosity] [Generosity]

Responses by Ajahn Karuṇadhammo, Ajahn Pasanno and Ajahn Yatiko. [Faith] [Discernment] [Clinging] [Habits] [Proliferation] [Idealism]

New Year, New Life, Session 1 – Dec. 16, 2013

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1. “I see what you’re saying about the hindrances, but it seems like that’s everything I called my life....So you’re saying keep on working at it and it [the mind] gets used to focusing?” Answered by Ajahn Pasanno. [Hindrances] [Proliferation] [Meditation] // [Mindfulness] [Goodwill] [Recollection/Virtue] [Recollection/Generosity] [Gladdening the mind]

The Teaching and the Training, Session 7 – Mar. 23, 2018

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4. “Can you clarify what “field of merit” means?” Answered by Ajahn Pasanno. [Saṅgha] [Recollection/Saṅgha] [Generosity] [Recollection/Generosity] [Monastic life] [Merit]

Developing Skill in Reflective Meditation, Session 2 – Dec. 1, 2019

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5. “Can you say more about recollection of renunciation? How can this be used skillfully or not?” Answered by Ajahn Ñāṇiko. [Recollection/Generosity] [Renunciation] [Recollection] // [Contentment] [Self-pity] [Sickness] [Equanimity] [Buddha/Biography] [Fasting] [Devotion to wakefulness] [Lunar observance days] [Abhayagiri]

Recollection: Going without in the early days of Abhayagiri Monastery. [Almsfood]

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10. Comment: I’m going to recollect this day, and your kindness in teaching, and the people who planned the Upāsikā Day. [Gratitude] [Teaching Dhamma] [Compassion] [Recollection/Generosity] [Recollection] [Faith]

Response by Ajahn Pasanno. [Abhidhamma]