Proliferation (papañca)
Alternative translations: Objectification
Glosses: Thinking (unskillful)
Parent topic: Unskillful qualities
See also: Directed thought and evaluation
86 excerpts, 5:05:23 total duration

Events (1) All excerpts (89) Questions about (42) Answers involving (35) Stories (2) Quotes (9) References (1)

Remembering Ajahn Chah Weekend, Session 8 – Apr. 28, 2001

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[Session] Reading: “Meditation” from Living Dhamma by Ajahn Chah, pp. 50-53. Read by Ajahn Jitindriyā. [Meditation]

“Cultivate the tree right from the seed.” [Similes] [Practicing in accordance with Dhamma]

“To practice in a way that’s peaceful means to place the mind neither too high or too low, but at the point of balance.” [Middle Path] [Ajahn Chah]

“So many teachers, so many teachings.” [Teachers] [Doubt] [Meditation/Techniques]

“Where there is knowing, there is no need to think.” [Knowing itself] [Directed thought and evaluation] [Tranquility] [Mindfulness] [Discernment] [Proliferation]

“Resolve that right now is the time for training the mind and nothing else.” [Ardency] [Determination] [Mindfulness of breathing] [Body scanning] [Relinquishment] [Sense restraint]

“Sometimes there may be doubt, so you must have sati, to be the one who knows, continually following and examining the agitated mind.” [Continuity of mindfulness] [Restlessness and worry] [Heedfulness] [Concentration] [Feeling]

Simile: Chicken in a coop.

Remembering Ajahn Chah Weekend, Session 32 – Apr. 29, 2001

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6. Story: When asked about the potential for sacred sexuality, Ajahn Chah picks his nose. Told by Ajahn Amaro. [Sensual desire] [Fierce/direct teaching] [Ajahn Chah] // [Insight Meditation Society]

Quote: “There’s nothing more to it than that except what your mind adds to it.” — Ajahn Chah [Proliferation]

Metta Retreat, Session 3 – Sep. 11, 2008

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10. “What is upekkha – equanimity – and how does one practice it?” Answered by Ajahn Pasanno. [Equanimity] // [Kamma] [Conditionality] [Not-self] [Proliferation] [Divine Abidings] [Knowledge and vision] [Impermanence]

Reference: Amaravati Chanting Book, p. 55: Five Recollections

Metta Retreat, Session 4 – Sep. 12, 2008

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6. “For most of the time on this retreat, I’ve tried to work with a persistent problem from a variety of angles, but as I work with it it seems to get worse; it seems obsessional. Any suggestions?” Answered by Ajahn Pasanno. [Meditation retreats] [Everyday life] [Goodwill] [Proliferation] // [Volitional formations] [Habits] [Spiritual friendship] [Patience]

Metta Retreat, Session 5 – Sep. 13, 2008

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6. “What are the characteristics of personality? Are they conditioned by kamma and our family, culture, and nationality? How do I learn not to take mine as truth and real?” Answered by Ajahn Pasanno. [Personality] [Conditionality] [Kamma] [Family] [Cultural context] [Self-identity view] // [Suffering] [Characteristics of existence] [Humor]

Recollection: Ajahn Chah tended to translate anicca as uncertain or not sure. [Ajahn Chah] [Impermanence] [Translation] [Proliferation] [Direct experience]

Recollections of Ajahn Chah, Session 8 – Sep. 19, 2010

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1. Guided meditation: Resolve right now is the time for training the mind and nothing else. From “The Key to Liberation“ by Ajahn Chah. [Calming meditation] [Proliferation] [Determination] [Ajahn Chah] // [Mindfulness] [Discernment] [Mindfulness of breathing] [Body scanning] [Relinquishment] [One pointedness] [Restlessness and worry] [Concentration] [Present moment awareness] [Clear comprehension] [Impermanence] [Continuity of mindfulness] [Sense restraint]

Quote: “Sitting and walking meditation are in essence the same, differing only in the posture used.” [Posture/Sitting] [Posture/Walking]

Simile: Chicken in a coop. [Similes]

Simile: Mindfulness, clear comprehension, and wisdom are like three workers lifting heavy planks.

Recollections of Ajahn Chah, Session 9 – Sep. 19, 2010

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1. Guided meditation: The rythym of the sensation of the body as it is walking. Offered by Ajahn Pasanno. [Posture/Walking] [Mindfulness of body] [Ajahn Chah] // [Calming meditation] [Present moment awareness] [Proliferation] [Tranquility] [Investigation of states]

Recollections of Ajahn Chah, Session 11 – Sep. 19, 2010

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4. “When I’m mindful, then I become more aware of suffering. I could just go into story and not know that I’m suffering, so why would we choose to become aware of the suffering?” Answered by Ajahn Pasanno. [Mindfulness] [Suffering] [Proliferation] // [Cessation of Suffering] [Clinging]

Quote: “The flavor of the end of suffering—I like that.”

Tudong Stories at Spirit Rock, Session 2 – Jun. 2, 2011

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7. “Is there a distinction between the awareness and the naming? Does naming bring intellect or self into play? Is confusion the nagging sense of self or self-consciousness?” Answered by Ajahn Pasanno. [Knowing itself] [Perception] [Noting] [Self-identity view] [Delusion] // [Investigation of states] [Proliferation] [Relinquishment] [Equanimity] [Doubt] [Mindfulness of body] [Continuity of mindfulness]

Brightening the Mind, Session 1 – Aug. 19, 2012

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1. “Could you expand about the layers of understanding of thought, perception, and dukkha?” Answered by Ajahn Pasanno and Ajahn Yatiko. [Discernment] [Directed thought and evaluation] [Perception] [Suffering] // [Proliferation] [Relinquishment]

Quote: “First you study the Dhamma, then you know the Dhamma, then you see the Dhamma, they you be the Dhamma.” — Ajahn Chah. Quoted by Ajahn Pasanno. [Ajahn Chah] [Dhamma] [Progress of insight]

Commentary: Path of Purification by Bhikkhu Ñāṇamoli, p. 631: The highest level of understanding is giving up.

Brightening the Mind, Session 2 – Aug. 19, 2012

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4. Comment: Contemplating the devas opens my mind to waking up. [Liberation] [Deva] [Recollection/Devas]

Response by Ajahn Yatiko. [Mindfulness] [Energy] [Proliferation] [Depression] [Sutta] [Culture/Natural environment]

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8. Comment: For me it is a question of whether I can believe it or not. It depends on where I place my mind. [Faith] [Science] [Emptiness] [Proliferation] [Deva] [Recollection/Devas] [Dalai Lama] [Death]

Response by Ajahn Yatiko. [Doubt] [Trust] [Tranquility]

Brightening the Mind, Session 3 – Aug. 19, 2012

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3. Comment: So you maximize the internal benefit you receive...[audio unclear]? [Recollection/Generosity] [Generosity]

Responses by Ajahn Karuṇadhammo, Ajahn Pasanno and Ajahn Yatiko. [Faith] [Discernment] [Clinging] [Habits] [Proliferation] [Idealism]

Calming the Busy Mind, Session 1 – Aug. 11, 2013

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1. “You spoke about recognizing that when the mind goes off into busyness that there’s not just that particular quality. Could you talk more about this?” Answered by Ajahn Pasanno. [Tranquility] [Proliferation] // [Appropriate attention] [Impermanence] [Knowing itself] [Ajahn Mun] [Ajahn Chah] [Clinging] [Suffering]

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2. “You said that starting with chanting can help focus the mind. But I find myself daydreaming while chanting.” Answered by Ajahn Pasanno. [Chanting] [Tranquility] [Proliferation] // [Pāṭimokkha] [Energy]

Story: An elderly woman chants the Dhammacakka Sutta every day. [Ageing]

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3. “How do we deal with the frustration that arises after repeatedly catching the busy mind?” Answered by Ajahn Pasanno. [Tranquility] [Proliferation] // [Perfectionism]

Calming the Busy Mind, Session 2 – Aug. 11, 2013

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1. Comment: Even though I’ve seen the fruit of awareness in and of itself many times, the doubt is still so deeply embedded that there is not that place of letting go. [Knowing itself] [Doubt] [Clinging] [Relinquishment] [Tranquility] [Proliferation]

Response by Ajahn Pasanno. [Faith]

Reference: “Goal-Oriented and Source-Oriented Practice,” Dhamma Talk by Ajahn Pasanno, August 10, 2013.

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2. Comment: I have found your saying ‘Just don’t make a problem of it.’ very helpful. [Ajahn Pasanno] [Cessation of Suffering] [Tranquility] [Proliferation]

Response by Ajahn Pasanno.

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3. “In the suttas, if you recognize a defilement like ill-will, you need to do something about it. How can we reconcile this with the Ajahn Chah teaching you just read (‘Receiving Visitors‘ in In Simple Terms)?” Answered by Ajahn Pasanno. [Sutta] [Right Effort] [Ajahn Chah] [Tranquility] [Proliferation] // [Discernment]

Quote: “Practice is really easy. If the defilements come at you high, you duck, and if they come at you low, you jump over them.” — Ajahn Tongrat [Ajahn Tongrat] [Unwholesome Roots]

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4. “Is there a state of the calm mind when you’re not thinking about anything or is meditation more about reflecting?” Answered by Ajahn Pasanno. [Directed thought and evaluation] [Recollection] [Tranquility] [Proliferation] // [Concentration] [Restlessness and worry] [Perfectionism] [Ardency]

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5. “Sometimes the mind becomes peaceful, but a squiggle of restlessness often arises around 45 minutes when the meditation usually ends. What should I do with this habit?” Answered by Ajahn Pasanno. [Restlessness and worry] [Habits] [Tranquility] [Proliferation] // [Aversion] [Noting] [Happiness]

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6. “Is it possible to replace the busy thoughts with more positive thoughts you’re trying to cultivate?” Answered by Ajahn Pasanno. [Directed thought and evaluation] [Tranquility] [Proliferation]

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7. “How can we understand the last practice in MN 20 of gritting the jaw, etc.? I don’t think this will work for me.” Answered by Ajahn Pasanno. [Tranquility] [Proliferation]

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8. Comment: When someone says they can’t meditate because they try to settle their mind and they realize how busy it is, I’ve encouraged them that now they are seeing the reflective quality of how their mind works. [Appropriate attention] [Tranquility] [Proliferation]

Response by Ajahn Pasanno.

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9. “What attitude should we take when observing things so we don’t objectify them or make it stressful?” Answered by Ajahn Pasanno. [Perception] [Knowing itself] [Appropriate attention] [Suffering] [Tranquility] [Proliferation] // [Direct experience]

Abhayagiri Monastic Retreat 2013, Session 4 – Nov. 26, 2013

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6. “I feel like a kid whose father has told a story and there is more to tell...Please father do tell (about non-complicated thoughts etc.).” Answered by Ajahn Pasanno. [Proliferation]

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8. “How do you decrease the times an obsessive thought arises in the mind?...What is obsession anyways?” Answered by Ajahn Pasanno. [Restlessness and worry] [Proliferation]

Abhayagiri Monastic Retreat 2013, Session 8 – Nov. 30, 2013

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17. “Thank you for your inspiring teachings...Question: I seem to recollect that the Buddha cautioned against unwholesome thoughts in a way that seemed to raise their results as similar to their unwholesome causes. Is this so?” Answered by Ajahn Pasanno. [Proliferation] [Kamma] [Unskillful qualities]

New Year, New Life, Session 1 – Dec. 16, 2013

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1. “I see what you’re saying about the hindrances, but it seems like that’s everything I called my life....So you’re saying keep on working at it and it [the mind] gets used to focusing?” Answered by Ajahn Pasanno. [Hindrances] [Proliferation] [Meditation] // [Mindfulness] [Goodwill] [Recollection/Virtue] [Recollection/Generosity] [Gladdening the mind]

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5. “You said you have to adjust and think about contemplating. But how can you do that in your working time?” Answered by Ajahn Pasanno. [Right Effort] [Directed thought and evaluation] [Discernment] [Everyday life] // [Mindfulness] [Clear comprehension] [Happiness] [Recollection]

Quote: “In daily life, in contact with the world, do you still breathe?” — Ajahn Chah [Ajahn Chah] [Mindfulness of breathing]

Follow-up: “Could you give some examples? In Bangkok, there is lots of news that makes people crazy and divisive. When you see this news, you feel upset and angry.” [News] [Conflict] [Aversion] [Right Speech] [Politics and society] [Proliferation]

Quote: “I don’t care. Not in the sense that I don’t think it’s serious or that it’s not a problem. But I don’t care in the sense that I don’t want to be getting involved in whatever side people are working themselves up about, because the problem is much deeper than that. We have to pay attention to the deeper problem, both in the human condition and politically.” [Human]

Abhayagiri 2014 Winter Retreat, Session 16 – Jan. 27, 2014

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3. “Did Ajahn Chah talk about how to approach the nimitas?” Answered by Ajahn Pasanno. [Ajahn Chah] [Nimitta] // [Proliferation]

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4. “Could it be useful if the object is clear, stable, and peaceful and keeps coming back?” Answered by Ajahn Pasanno. [Nimitta] // [Proliferation]

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5. “With investigating sleep, it seems sleeping less is an effect from good meditation practice rather than a cause; is it because there is less proliferation?” Answered by Ajahn Pasanno. [Devotion to wakefulness] [Conditionality] [Proliferation] // [Craving not to become] [Sloth and torpor] [Habits] [Ardency] [Energy]

Abhayagiri 2014 Winter Retreat, Session 17 – Jan. 28, 2014

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1. “I am curious about ways to know if one is lying to oneself and what to do?” Answered by Ajahn Pasanno. [Truth] [Delusion] // [Suffering] [Discernment] [Bases of Success]

Recollection: Ajahn Chah said the fastest way to enlightenment is to look directly at the mind, point your finger, and say “Liar!” [Ajahn Chah] [Liberation] [Proliferation]

Abhayagiri 2014 Winter Retreat, Session 35 – Feb. 21, 2014

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6. Comment: There can be this view that the enlightened mind doesn’t have any thoughts or defilements. It’s just perfectly clear and stable and there’s nothing going on. [Liberation] [Directed thought and evaluation] [Unwholesome Roots] [Concentration]

Response by Ajahn Pasanno: Clear and stable and nothing going on are two different things.

Follow-up: “Does the enlightened mind not have any unwholesome thoughts or does it just not pick up unwholesome thoughts?” [Unskillful qualities] [Proliferation] [Clinging] [Cause of Suffering]

Story: A palmist looks at Ajahn Chah’s hands. [Ajahn Chah] [Aversion] [Personality]

Abhayagiri 2014 Winter Retreat, Session 41 – Mar. 3, 2014

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5. “Did Ajahn Chah ever tell a student to study?” Answered by Ajahn Pasanno. [Ajahn Chah] [Learning] // [Eightfold Path] [Study monks] [Practicing in accordance with Dhamma]

Quote: “These are not absolute statements. When Ajahn Chah says something, he’s pointing. He just doesn’t work that way. And we take it as an absolute.” [Teaching Dhamma] [Proliferation]

Story: Ajahn Chah monks who became study monks. [Ajahn Bunjong] [Ajahn Mahā In]

Abhayagiri 2014 Winter Retreat, Session 46 – Mar. 10, 2014

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13. “How do I keep the mind from proliferating about what happens after death?” Answered by Ajahn Pasanno. [Recollection/Death] [Rebirth] [Proliferation] // [Progress of insight]

Abhayagiri 2014 Winter Retreat, Session 51 – Mar. 17, 2014

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2. “The citta is sometimes defined as pure awareness, and it being in the fourth khanda, but it sounds like here he’s talking about the activity of awareness?” Answered by Ajahn Pasanno. [Heart/mind] [Knowing itself] [Volitional formations] // [Rebirth]

Quote: “There is that which is beyond birth and death. And then you start asking, ‘Well, what is it and how is it? How should it be?’ It’s just the same as in the Sabbāsava Sutta (MN 2.7)...As soon as you get into conceiving, you’ve already started the process of dukkha.” [Unconditioned] [Proliferation] [Conceit] [Suffering]

Follow-up: “So is it better to hear what he said and let it go when I notice awareness that’s good, but I don’t have to make anything out of it?”

Quote: “The investigation is not a conceiving. The best investigation is when the mind is exceedingly still and not conceiving, not creating concepts.” [Discernment] [Concentration]

Follow-up: “So is it a realizing, not a conceiving?” [Knowledge and vision]

Thai Forest Tradition, Session 3 – Jun. 14, 2014

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1. Biography and role of Ajahn Liem. [Ajahn Liem] [Thai Forest Tradition] // [Wat Pah Pong] [Ajahn Chah] [Abbot] [Ajahn Sumedho] [Leadership]

Quote: “He’s in the middle of all of this duty and projection. Whatever comes his way, he doesn’t pick up any of it. It’s quite delightful to be around him.” [Proliferation]

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6. Comment: I appreciate Ajahn Liem saying, ‘I didn’t make much of it.’ It’s a contradiction between being very active and not being active at the same time. [Ajahn Liem] [Middle Path] [Thai Forest Tradition]

Response by Ajahn Pasanno. [Relinquishment] [Meditation] [Concentration] [Proliferation] [Nature of mind] [Faith]

Mindfulness of Breathing, Session 1 – Oct. 26, 2014

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6. “When I practice mindfulness of breathing, thought arises. Do I want to eliminate thinking?” Answered by Ajahn Pasanno. [Right Concentration] [Directed thought and evaluation] [Proliferation] [Mindfulness of breathing] // [Nature of mind] [Self-identity view] [Discernment] [Mindfulness of mind] [Investigation of states] [Relinquishment]

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7. Comment: My mind will fill with chatter, stuff I’m not interested in. What I’ve come to do is just say, ‘This is a chaotic mind.’ [Proliferation] [Mindfulness of mind] [Mindfulness of breathing]

Response by Ajahn Pasanno.

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9. “Sometimes there will be sponaneous verbal recollection of Dhamma. Is this skillful?” Answered by Ajahn Pasanno. [Recollection/Dhamma] [Mindfulness of breathing] // [Relinquishment] [Proliferation]

Mindfulness of Breathing, Session 2 – Oct. 26, 2014

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3. Comment: I tend to make things harder for myself. I come up with some big projections. [Proliferation] [Mindfulness of breathing]

Response by Ajahn Pasanno. [Ajahn Chah] [Teaching Dhamma] [Simplicity] [Buddha]

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5. Comment: My mind goes away, and I’m lost in a story. But if I sit and don’t move, eventually when I come back I realize the body is really settled and I can tune in to that. [Proliferation] [Tranquility] [Mindfulness of breathing]

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10. “When you contemplate, ‘Who is thinking? Who is breathing?’ how does thid differ from thinking? Why doesn’t it generate more thought?” Answered by Ajahn Pasanno. [Hua tou] [Directed thought and evaluation] [Proliferation] [Mindfulness of breathing] // [Insight meditation] [Tranquility] [Restlessness and worry]

Quote: “The mind can still think and be peaceful. What a concept!”

Questions and Answers with Dharma Realm Buddhist University – Nov. 18, 2014

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18. “How do we take refuge in awareness (Buddho) in daily life?” Answered by Ajahn Pasanno. [Buddha] [Recollection/Buddha] [Knowing itself] [Continuity of mindfulness] [Everyday life] // [Precepts] [Mindfulness] [Discernment] [Recollection] [Clear comprehension] [Right Effort] [Seclusion] [Nature of mind] [Proliferation] [Culture/Thailand]

Sutta: MN 10: Satipaṭṭhāna Sutta

Note: In the answer to this question, Ajahn Pasanno equates awareness with mindfulness.

Quote: “The literal meaning of Buddho is ‘the one who knows,’ but it’s also being the one who knows, where you have the opportunity for us to be that knowing.”

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20. “So why can awareness be the place where we take refuge?” Answered by Ajahn Pasanno. [Knowing itself] [Mindfulness] // [Proliferation] [Three Refuges]

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21. “How do you not objectify this awareness?” Answered by Ajahn Pasanno. [Knowing itself] [Mindfulness] [Proliferation] // [Four Noble Truths] [Suffering] [Relinquishment] [Investigation of states]

Quote: “If you objectify awareness, you’re going to suffer.” [Proliferation] [Nature of mind]

Quote: “These Four Noble Truths are not an endpoint, they are something that you’re internalizing and using in your meditation practice and in your daily life.” [Meditation] [Everyday life]

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23. “Is the peaceful mind your home?” Answered by Ajahn Pasanno. [Nature of mind] [Tranquility] // [Proliferation] [Suffering]

2014 Thanksgiving Monastic Retreat, Session 4 – Nov. 25, 2014

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9. “I have an autoimmune disorder of undiagnosed origin. I was wondering if it was worth this precious time of practice to send mettā and thoughts of healing to the body. If so, how do you recommend approaching it? Also, is this compatible with seeing this ailment as a heavenly messenger (and as a contemplation of the body’s demise)? As symptom management reduces it to a mild physical irritation should I also contemplate unpleasant feelings? Or is it best to just stay grounded in the breath and mettā and not risk proliferation. Much gratitude.” Answered by Ajahn Pasanno. [Sickness] [Mindfulness of feeling] [Recollection/Death] [Proliferation] [Goodwill]

2014 Thanksgiving Monastic Retreat, Session 5 – Nov. 26, 2014

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11. “How can one investigate without getting the mind too active? I find that when I try to investigate or reflect, my mind gets so active that I find myself getting caught up in it. Thank you.” Answered by Ajahn Pasanno. [Investigation of states] [Recollection] [Proliferation]

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15. “My body does not physically handle sitting or stationary positions for long periods of time. I would like to do more walking meditation. Walking has a lot more distractions. Can you give some specifics on where to put my focus? Rise and fall of breath, feet, skeleton moving? Where to look, etc. Is it possible to achieve the same level of calmness, concentration and insights when the body is moving and you cannot close the eyes or keep focus on one spot?” Answered by Ajahn Pasanno. [Posture/Walking] [Proliferation] [Calming meditation] [Insight meditation]

2014 Thanksgiving Monastic Retreat, Session 7 – Nov. 28, 2014

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2. “Thank you for all of your thoughtful and pragmatic meditation tips. Do you have advice regarding the future-oriented mind? Speculation, planning, considering, obsessing really, about scenarios. Normal ideas are not working.” Answered by Ajahn Pasanno. [Restlessness and worry] [Proliferation]

Abhayagiri 2015 Winter Retreat, Session 14 – Jan. 23, 2015

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2. “How can one be mindful of the beginning of thought?” Answered by Ajahn Pasanno, Ajahn Kaccāna and Ajahn Karuṇadhammo. [Directed thought and evaluation] [Mindfulness] [Right Mindfulness] // [Appropriate attention] [Perception] [Proliferation]

Comments about observing proliferating thoughts. [Proliferation] [Conditionality] [Right Effort] [Restlessness and worry] [Mindfulness of mind]

Response by Ajahn Pasanno. [Mindfulness of breathing] [Feeling]

Sutta: MN 118 Ānāpānasati Sutta.

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4. “Could you clarify “the body in the body?”” Answered by Ajahn Pasanno. [Mindfulness of body] [Right Mindfulness] // [Translation] [Pāli] [Ajahn Ṭhānissaro] [Direct experience] [Self-identity view]

References: Amaravati Chanting Book, p. 91; Right Mindfulness by Ajahn Ṭhānissaro. [Elements] [Proliferation] [Perception]

Abhayagiri 2015 Winter Retreat, Session 21 – Feb. 1, 2015

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1. “Is it easy for a person with attainments to deal with the world?” Answered by Ajahn Pasanno. [Stages of awakening] [Everyday life] // [Discernment] [Conceit] [Culture/West] [Wrong concentration]

Quote: “To push away the world is also to reifying it. One gives it power when one is afraid of it.” [Craving not to become] [Proliferation] [Fear]

Laypeople with highly developed meditation practice function well in the world. Comment by Ajahn Ñāṇiko. [Lay life] [Meditation/Results] [Energy]

Abhayagiri 2015 Winter Retreat, Session 22 – Feb. 2, 2015

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3. “How do you practice with painful feeling?” Answered by Ajahn Pasanno. [Pain] [Mindfulness of feeling] [Suffering] // [Emotion] [Blame and praise] [Happiness] [Proliferation]

Sutta: SN 36.6: Sallatha Sutta, The Arrow.

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4. “What does “know the mind as mind; know feeling as feeling” mean?” Answered by Ajahn Pasanno. [Right Mindfulness] [Relinquishment] // [Proliferation]

Comment: Self-view forms around the feeling from sense contact. [Sense bases] [Contact] [Feeling] [Self-identity view]

Sutta: MN 18: Madhupiṇḍika Sutta, The Honeyball.

Response by Ajahn Pasanno. [Volitional formations] [Perception]

Sutta: MN 118: Ānāpānasati Sutta. [Mindfulness of breathing]

Abhayagiri 2015 Winter Retreat, Session 40 – Mar. 3, 2015

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3. “Is seeing metaphysical principles the same as making something into a concept?” Answered by Ajahn Pasanno and Ajahn Karuṇadhammo. [Nature of the cosmos] [Proliferation] // [Views]

Sutta: DN 1: Brahmajāla Sutta.

Abhayagiri 2015 Winter Retreat, Session 48 – Mar. 18, 2015

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[Session] [Proliferation] [Perception]

Reading: MN 18: Madhupiṇḍika Sutta, The Honeyball.

Reading: “Categorical Answers,” Skill in Questions by Ajahn Ṭhānissaro, p. 85.

Reading: AN 8.30: “Anuruddha.”

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1. Discussion of the meaning of papañca in AN 8.30 and various other suttas. [Pāli] [Translation] [Proliferation] [Perception] // [Great disciples] [Liberation] [Conditionality] [Directed thought and evaluation] [Language]

Suttas: Sn 4.11: Pāsāṇa and DN 21: Sakkapañha Sutta in which papañca precedes thinking.

Reference: Skill in Questions by Ajahn Ṭhānissaro, p. 85.

Suttas: MN 19: Dvedhāvitakka Sutta; MN 20: Vitakkasaṇṭhāna Sutta.

Reference: Concept and Reality in Early Buddhist Thought by Bhante Ñāṇananda

Abhayagiri 2015 Winter Retreat, Session 49 – Mar. 22, 2015

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[Session] [Proliferation] [Perception]

Reading: MN 18: Madhupiṇḍika Sutta, The Honeyball.

Reading: “The Perceptual Process,” p. 222-223, 225-226 in Satipaṭṭhāna: The Direct Path to Realization by Venerable Analayo.

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1. Comparison of causality in MN 18 and dependent origination. Teaching by Ajahn Karuṇadhammo. [Conditionality] [Dependent origination] [Proliferation] [Perception] // [Similes] [Suffering]

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2. Translation of phassapaññattiṃ paññāpessatīti (manifestation, delineation). Teaching by Ajahn Karuṇadhammo, Ajahn Pasanno and Ajahn Kaccāna. [Pāli] [Translation] [Proliferation] [Perception] // [Bhikkhu Bodhi] [Commentaries] [Ajahn Ṭhānissaro]

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3. Comment: Dependent origination is not necessarily time-based. [Dependent origination] [Conditionality] [Proliferation] [Perception]

Response by Ajahn Karuṇadhammo.

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4. “Can one sense-bases that starts the proliferation process lead to different sense-bases?” Answered by Ajahn Karuṇadhammo and Ajahn Pasanno. [Sense bases] [Conditionality] [Proliferation] [Perception] // [Feeling] [Heart/mind]

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5. Examples of signs and secondary characteristics of sense objects? Answered by Ajahn Karuṇadhammo and Ajahn Pasanno. [Sense bases] [Proliferation] [Perception] // [Ven. Analayo] [Sensual desire] [Conditionality] [Food] [Appropriate attention]

Sutta: Thig 14.1: Subhā.

Comment about the feedback loop of perceptions looking for reinforcing perceptions. [Views] [Clinging]

Quote: “The underlying tendency to aversion is like a search engine.” — Ajahn Sucitto. Quoted by Beth Steff. [Ajahn Sucitto] [Aversion] [Similes]

The Middle Way of Not-Self, Session 2 – May. 27, 2015

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3. “Ajahn Mun taught Ajahn Chah to distinguish between the mind and mind objects. Is the mind that distinguishes between these a development of ordinary mind or a larger mind that we tap into as we develop wisdom?” Answered by Ajahn Pasanno. [Ajahn Mun] [Ajahn Chah] [Heart/mind] [Moods of the mind] [Not-self] [Nature of mind] [Discernment] // [Conditionality] [Liberation] [Direct experience]

Response: Both of these are wrong. [Proliferation]

Sutta: MN 11 Cūḷasīhanāda Sutta

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4. Comment about working with not-self in direct experience in relation to discomfort and awareness of embodied release. [Direct experience] [Feeling] [Suffering] [Impermanence] [Not-self] [Mindfulness of body] [Relinquishment] [Fear]

Response by Ajahn Pasanno. [Proliferation]

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5. “I wanted to confirm that we’re also not putting this self on other objects like the redness belonging to the rose.” Answered by Ajahn Pasanno. [Proliferation] [Not-self]

Quote: “It makes me suffer when those roses turn black and they’re still on the shrine...which happens all the time!” [Ajahn Pasanno] [Abhayagiri] [Devotional practice] [Impermanence]

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8. “Do you think it’s enough to just be aware of the suffering that’s caused by the clinging to self?” Answered by Ajahn Pasanno. [Suffering] [Clinging] [Self-identity view] [Dispassion] [Not-self] // [Characteristics of existence] [Cessation] [Ignorance] [Knowledge and vision] [Release] [Proliferation]

Quote: “The most efficacious investigation comes from a still mind.” [Concentration] [Calming meditation] [Insight meditation]

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11. Comment: Before I get to all that [deep reflection on not-self], in the meantime I thing of Luang Por Sumedho’s saying, ‘Every time I think of myself, I get depressed.’ [Ajahn Sumedho] [Self-identity view] [Depression] [Not-self]

Response by Ajahn Pasanno. [Five Precepts]

Quote: “It’s difficult but it’s not that complicated. The Buddha’s teachings go against the grain of our conditioning and habits, but the essence of it is quite simple.” [Proliferation] [Right Effort] [Craving] [Simplicity] [Practicing in accordance with Dhamma]

Jhāna: A Practical Approach, Session 2 – Oct. 10, 2015

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5. “Do you have any advice for obsessive thoughts, thinking the same thing again and again?” Answered by Ajahn Karuṇadhammo. [Proliferation] [Hindrances] // [Investigation of states] [Mindfulness of body]

2015 Thanksgiving Monastic Retreat, Session 1 – Nov. 21, 2015

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3. “This morning you talked about crossing the floods of obsessive thought by not holding on to or pushing them away. I get that, but it feels like there’s something missing – a hole that needs to be filled up with something – a solution?” Answered by Ajahn Pasanno. [Proliferation] [Becoming]

2015 Thanksgiving Monastic Retreat, Session 8 – Nov. 28, 2015

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9. “The Buddha said that vedana is either pleasant, unpleasant, or neither. Contemplating papañca, I noticed that it felt comfortable – familiar and unthreatening. Would a better way to “neither pleasant nor unpleasant” be “comfortable” rather than “neutral?”” Answered by Ajahn Pasanno. [Feeling] [Proliferation] [Neutral feeling]

Thanksgiving Retreat 2016, Session 2 – Nov. 20, 2016

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11. “It seems I can quiet my mind easier in the midst of noise. It’s been one continuous monkey mind. Please help. Would you give a guided meditation towards jhana please?” Answered by Ajahn Pasanno. [Calming meditation] [Proliferation] [Jhāna]

Thanksgiving Retreat 2016, Session 4 – Nov. 22, 2016

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13. “The Asavas: Why does the mind leave (“go out”) its still center?” Answered by Ajahn Pasanno. [Outflows] [Proliferation]

Thanksgiving Retreat 2016, Session 5 – Nov. 23, 2016

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12. “I believed this to be a “silent meditation retreat”. Please reiterate that to my thinking mind. It’s not listening!” Answered by Ajahn Pasanno. [Proliferation]

Two Kinds of Thought and the Removal of Distracting Thoughts, Session 2 – Jun. 4, 2017

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3. “After a long time in practice trying to order thoughts around, which hasn’t been so fruitful, there’s been an experiment: trying to observe even when thoughts are really spinning, just bringing an awareness and let them spin. If there’s a strong sense of watching, where does that fit in [to MN 20]?” Answered by Ajahn Pasanno. [Directed thought and evaluation] [Proliferation] [Present moment awareness] // [Mindfulness] [Tranquility]

Practice in a Global Context – Aug. 12, 2017

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13. “Did Ajahn Chah ever speak about politics?” Answered by Ajahn Pasanno. [Ajahn Chah] [Politics and society] // [Fear] [Proliferation] [History/Thai Buddhism] [Military]

Story: Driving through military checkpoints on the way to Ajahn Fun’s funeral. [Ajahn Fun] [Funerals] [Ajahn Pasanno]

The New Ajahn Chah Biography, Session 3 – Apr. 21, 2018

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4. “How can we skillfully take apart our preconceived notions and assumptions without undermining our ability to think?” Answered by Ajahn Pasanno. [Delusion] [Knowledge and vision] [Directed thought and evaluation] // [Noble Truth of Suffering] [Cause of Suffering] [Proliferation]

The Path of Practice, Session 1 – Jun. 15, 2019

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1. “Do you find labelling helpful?” Answered by Ajahn Pasanno. [Noting] [Ajahn Pasanno] // [Proliferation]

Simile: The hammer looking for nails everywhere.

The Path of Practice, Session 2 – Jun. 16, 2019

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10. “I find a lot of meditation time is taken up with psychoanalyzing aand thinking, ‘Oh, this is a discovery!’ What is the line between realizing that you’re caught again?” Answered by Ajahn Pasanno. [Meditation] [Western psychology] [Directed thought and evaluation] // [Mindfulness of feeling] [Proliferation] [Clear comprehension]

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11. Comment: I’m improving my skill at seeing the greed or aversion when there are pleasant or unpleasant feelings, but I often don’t see the neutral feeling state so clearly. [Mindfulness of feeling] [Feeling] [Unwholesome Roots] [Neutral feeling] [Delusion] // [Mindfulness of body] [Restlessness and worry] [Fear] [Present moment awareness]

Response by Ajahn Pasanno.

Quote: “That whereby one is a conceiver of the world, a perceiver of the world, that is the world.” — SN 35.116 [Nature of the cosmos] [Proliferation] [Perception]

Love, Attachment, and Friendship, Session 3 – Oct. 12, 2019

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1. Quote: “The kindest thing you can do for your parents is to not create them.” — Ajahn Sumedho. Quoted by Ajahn Pasanno. [Ajahn Sumedho] [Parents] [Goodwill] [Cessation] [Not-self] // [Amaravati] [Sīladharā] [Proliferation]

Developing Skill in Reflective Meditation, Session 2 – Dec. 1, 2019

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7. “How would I apply the perception of unattractiveness in my daily life?” Answered by Ajahn Pasanno. [Unattractiveness] [Everyday life] [Recollection] // [Sensual desire] [Ageing] [Proliferation] [Dispassion] [Appropriate attention]

Tea Time Q&A with Ajahn Pasanno – May. 16, 2021

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9. “Is it true that consciousness, the universal energy in all living organisms, exists within us and outside of us? Is it everywhere?” Answered by Ajahn Pasanno. [Consciousness] [Nature of mind] [Nature of the cosmos] // [Clinging] [Proliferation]

Abhayagiri Kaṭhina 2021, Session 1 – Nov. 3, 2021

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5. “Could you speak more about how to prevent feelings from becoming aversion or desire? How does this relate to Dependent Origination?” Answered by Ajahn Amaro. [Feeling] [Aversion] [Craving] [Dependent origination] // [Arahant] [Buddha] [Pain] [Mindfulness] [Birth] [Impermanence] [Happiness] [Direct experience] [Proliferation] [Master Hsuan Hua]

Story: Ajahn Pasanno breaks his pelvis in Thailand. [Ajahn Pasanno]