Women in Buddhism
Parent topic: Cultural context
Subtopic: Women's monastic forms
7 excerpts, 46:04 total duration

Remembering Ajahn Chah Weekend, Session 19 – Apr. 28, 2001

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3. Story: Ajahn Sundarā stays with a nun who lived at Wat Pah Pong with Ajahn Chah. Told by Ajahn Sundarā. [Ajahn Sundarā] [Mae Chee] [Wat Pah Pong] [Ajahn Chah]

Story: The first nun at Wat Pah Pong. [Artistic expression] [Determination] [Sequence of training] [Eight Precepts]

Story: The Wat Pah Pong nuns go pindapat. [Almsround]

Quote: “Does anyone find having nuns around difficult?” – “Yes.” – “Well, you can go then.” — Ajahn Chah [Pāṭimokkha] [Women in Buddhism]

Story: A woman brings only enough food for the monks, so Ajahn Chah asks the nuns to chant the blessing. [Generosity] [Mutual lay/Saṅgha support] [Chanting] [Fierce/direct teaching]

Ajahn Chah’s inner freedom. [Liberation] [Courage] [Conventions] [Unconditioned] [Teaching Dhamma] [Dhamma books] [Personal presence]

The confidence to be totally yourself. [Faith] [Self-reliance] [Gratitude] [Ajahn Chah lineage] [Ajahn Sumedho] [Aversion]

Abhayagiri 2014 Winter Retreat, Session 31 – Feb. 17, 2014

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2. “Was it a women only center or separated between men and women?” Answered by Ajahn Pasanno. [Upasikā Kee Nanayon] [Women in Buddhism]

Thai Forest Tradition, Session 2 – Jun. 14, 2014

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6. Ajahn Pasanno describes Upasika Kee Nanayon’s life and teachings. [Upasikā Kee Nanayon] [Thai Forest Tradition] [Women in Buddhism] // [Ajahn Wanchai] [Ajahn Ñāṇiko] [Community] [Virtue] [Simplicity]

Quote: “An inward-staying unentangled knowing, all outward-going knowing cast aside.” — Upasikā Kee Nanayon [Knowing itself]

2014 Thanksgiving Monastic Retreat, Session 7 – Nov. 28, 2014

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4. “Thank you for talking about the nun who got enlightened the other day. Also thanks to Debbie for her talk! As a female myself, I find it inspirational hearing stories about women on the path. Most teachers, well-known disciples, the Buddha himself, were males, so at times I struggled to connect to the teachings. It felt too mind-focused, too “male” (as more women in my view connect through the heart, or at least I do). I see a lot of heart and compassion in the Dhamma now and I am learning more about women in Buddhism. It would be great to hear more stories about them in Dhamma talks and perhaps one day even have a guest nun visit and give a talk. Thank you.” Answered by Ajahn Pasanno. [Women in Buddhism] [Compassion] [Women's monastic forms]

Thanksgiving Retreat 2016, Session 8 – Nov. 26, 2016

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17. “Yesterday when you spoke of women’s ordination in California, I thought of the nuns at Aloka Vihara Forest Monastery who left the Thai Forest Tradition to ordain as nuns. As a woman who has felt a strong calling to the monastic life, I feel a painful split in my heart between the love I have for the Thai Forest Tradition that has changed my life, and its seemingly uncompassionate regard for women wishing to live the Holy Life. It leaves me with a profound feeling of hurt and “less-than” mana. I have to believe that the Buddha, who revolutionarily taught against the caste system, would not want me to feel like second class member of the human race when trying to live a life in his example. I have tried bringing self compassion to this felt sense of my heart breaking, but the pain seems to get worse with the association of the teachers of the Thai Forest tradition who showed me the dharma and yet follow this “anti-nun” rule. Would you share some words of healing to help my heart and restore my faith in this tradition that has so profoundly changed my life?” Answered by Ajahn Pasanno. [Women's monastic forms] [Thai Forest Tradition] [Women in Buddhism] [Compassion] [Faith]

The Teaching and the Training, Session 4 – Mar. 20, 2018

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3. “Two questions: 1) What strengths do you see in other Buddhist traditions and Western culture that our tradition could benefit from? 2) How have you decided which aspects of korwat (protocols) from Thailand to adjust and which to maintain?” Answered by Ajahn Pasanno. [Mahāyāna] [Vajrayāna] [Culture/West] [Culture/Thailand] [Monastic life] [Vinaya] [Protocols] // [Abhayagiri] [Women in Buddhism] [Robes] [Cultural context] [City of Ten Thousand Buddhas] [Dōgen] [Zen] [Ajahn Sumedho] [History/Western Buddhism] [Simplicity] [Christianity] [Renunciation] [Eight Precepts] [Not handling money] [Chithurst] [Ajahn Amaro] [Communal harmony]

Quote: “There are so many good things to do that you could be running around the country doing good things. I’d rather focus my attention here.” [Pace of life]

Quote: “There’s no reason to fit into American culture.”

Story: The monastic jacket is vindicated in England. [Culture/Natural environment] [History/Western Buddhist monasticism]

Quote: “As Buddhist monastics and Buddhist practitioners, we’re trying to set conditions that give us the opportunity for learning.” [Lay life] [Learning]

Honoring the Buddha: The Mahāparinibbāna Sutta – Apr. 25, 2021

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5. “What was the sutta you mentioned in regard to Ananda’s question ‘What do we do about women?’” Answered by Ajahn Pasanno. [Women in Buddhism] [Great disciples] [Sensual desire] [Sutta] [Buddha/Biography]

Suttas: DN 16: Mahāparinibbāna Sutta; SN 35.127: Bhāradvāja