Part of tag cluster Liberation in key topic Fruits of the Practice
Alternative translations: Relinquishment
Also a subtag of Cessation of Suffering
See also: Relinquishment
18 excerpts, 55:51 total duration
3. “Could you give the Pāli words for dispassion, cessation, and maturing? Also the word you used with otappa?” Answered by Ajahn Pasanno. [Pāli] [Dispassion] [Cessation] [Release] [Conscience and prudence] // [Seclusion]
12. “Some monks have told me I’m selfish for being so focused on release. They say I should help others more. What are your thoughts?” Answered by Ajahn Pasanno. [Release] [Selfishness] [Generosity]
21. “Could you please talk a bit more about the 3 types of liberation (signless, desireless, not self?). Is it a liberation in the sense of being free from suffering?” Answered by Ajahn Pasanno. [Release] [Cessation of Suffering]
9. A retreatant expresses appreciation for the concept of non-stickiness. [Gratitude] [Release] [Nibbāna]
Response by Ajahn Pasanno. [Idealism] [Thai Forest Tradition] [Personality] [Mae Chee Kaew] [Language]
9. “1. What is meant by ‘releasing’ the mind? Releasing it from any hindrance? Can you place illustrate with examples? 2. How is ‘calming mental fabrication’ different from ‘releasing the mind?’ Any examples to illustrate? 3. When mental fabrication causes a bodily or verbal fabrication such as in anxiety or sensual desire, it it too late to breathe and calm fabrications?” Answered by Ajahn Pasanno. [Mindfulness of breathing] [Tranquility] [Volitional formations] [Release]
11. “How are the jhāna factors causal bases for awareness to relase into Nibbāna? Do they diminish craving all the way?” Answered by Ajahn Pasanno. [Release] [Nibbāna] [Craving] [Jhāna] // [Contentment]
6. Comment: I’ve been reflecting on freedom from as opposed to freedom within. Sometimes there’s a secret hope that those thoughts will go away, vibhava-taṇha, as opposed to freedom within, meaning releasing the identification with painful thoughts. [Craving not to become] [Self-identity view] [Release] [Directed thought and evaluation] // [Hindrances]
Response by Ajahn Pasanno. [Suffering]
Quote: “Just that much.” — Ajahn Chah. [Ajahn Chah] [Disenchantment]