Great disciples
Parent topic: History
24 excerpts, 1:51:06 total duration

All excerpts (24) Questions about (6) Answers involving (14) Stories (4) Quotes (1) Readings (3) Texts (8)

Tudong Stories at Spirit Rock, Session 2 – Jun. 2, 2011

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13. “To what extend is spreading the teachings part of the tudong tradition?” Answered by Ajahn Pasanno. [Teaching Dhamma] [Tudong] // [Culture/Thailand]

Vinaya: Kd 1.23: Venerable Assaji’s demeanor inspires Sariputta. [Great disciples] [Perception of a samaṇa]

Story: Ajahn Pasanno goes tudong and is asked for lottery numbers. [Ajahn Pasanno]

Brightening the Mind, Session 2 – Aug. 19, 2012

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3. “I’ve heard that devas and brahmas aren’t able to become enlightened. Is that right?” Answered by Ajahn Yatiko and Ajahn Pasanno. [Liberation] [Deva] [Recollection/Devas] // [Delusion] [Heedlessness] [Sutta] [Great disciples] [Four Noble Truths]

Sutta: SN 56.11: Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta

Story: Ajahn Sudanto’s pūjā on Mount Hood. [Pacific Hermitage] [Pūjā] [Culture/Natural environment] [Merit] [Goodwill]

Abhayagiri 2014 Winter Retreat, Session 42 – Mar. 4, 2014

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5. “How does one work with dullness and drowsiness in sitting meditation?” Answered by Ajahn Pasanno. [Sloth and torpor] [Posture/Sitting] // [Hindrances] [Ajahn Buddhadāsa] [Ajahn Chah] [Posture/Walking] [Culture/Natural environment] [Posture/Standing] [Continuity of mindfulness]

Sutta: AN 7.58 Capala Sutta: “Are you nodding, Moggallana?” [Great disciples]

Story: Ajahn Pasanno walks in the forest without a flashlight to dispel drowsiness. [Ajahn Pasanno] [Dtao Dum] [Devotion to wakefulness]

Abhayagiri 2014 Winter Retreat, Session 47 – Mar. 11, 2014

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12. “If you had moved Wat Pah Nanachat to Wat Keun, would you have left Thailand?” Answered by Ajahn Pasanno. [Wat Pah Nanachat] [Wat Keun] [Ajahn Pasanno]

Quote: “I had one plan and the devas had a different one.” [Deva]

Sutta: DN 16.6.15: Mahāparinibbāna Sutta [Buddha/Biography] [Great disciples]

Death and Dying, Session 1 – May. 9, 2014

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8. “What is Jeta’s Grove?” Answered by Ajahn Pasanno. [Buddha/Biography] [Death] // [Great disciples] [Ajahn Sucitto]

Vinaya: Anāthapiṇḍika purchases Jeta’s Grove (Kd 16.4.8). [Great disciples] [Generosity]

Thai Forest Tradition, Session 3 – Jun. 14, 2014

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11. “How is there clinging to personality?” Answered by Ajahn Pasanno. [Clinging] [Personality] [Self-identity view] [Thai Forest Tradition] // [Suffering] [Great disciples]

Sutta: The Buddha to Ānanda: “When did Anuruddha ever take an interest in Saṅgha issues?” – AN 4.243: Schism [Great disciples] [Saṅgha decision making]

Questions and Answers with Dharma Realm Buddhist University – Nov. 18, 2014

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24.Ajahn Mun’s biography describes a constant fierce vigilance, watching the mind. But meeting you guys, you’re so peaceful and calm. How does this work in terms of practice?” Answered by Ajahn Pasanno. [Ajahn Mun] [Continuity of mindfulness] [Right Effort] [Tranquility] // [Ajahn Mahā Boowa] [Culture/Thailand] [Dhamma books] [Teaching Dhamma]

Quote: “Any great teacher is not monochromatic.” [Buddha] [Arahant]

Sutta: AN 4.243: “But Ānanda, when has Anuruddha ever concerned himself with disciplinary issues in the midst of the Saṅgha?” [Great disciples] [Personality]

2014 Thanksgiving Monastic Retreat, Session 4 – Nov. 25, 2014

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6. “What is a stream enterer? Can a stream enterer go back? Are there lay people who attain stream entry and remain in lay life?” Answered by Ajahn Pasanno. [Stream entry] [Lay life] // [Stages of awakening] [Great disciples]

Written question in Thai: ขอโอกาสกร้าบพระเดชพระคุณหลวงพ่อ ถาม คําถาม Q: Stream enterer คืออะไร? การมุ่สู่โสดาปัตติผล? หรือการมุ่งสู่นิพพาน? Q: นอกจาก นางวิสาขา มหาอุบาสิตแล้ว มีฆราวาส/lay person คนใดบ้างที่เป็นเพียงคนธรรมดาไม่ได้ออกบวช แต่สามารถบรรลุโสดาปัตติผลได้? Q: ผู้ฏิบัติที่ยังมีสามี/ภรรยา สามารถจะมีวาสนาสั่งสมบุญบารมีเพือให้บรรลุสุ่โสดาปัตติผลได้ไหม? โดยที่ไม่ต้องเลิกร้าง/แยกเตียงกับคู่ครอง ขอแนวทางคิคด้วย [Question in Thai]

Reference: The Island by Ajahn Pasanno and Ajahn Amaro

Abhayagiri 2015 Winter Retreat, Session 40 – Mar. 3, 2015

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5. “Are psychic powers and wisdom always clearly separated?” Answered by Ajahn Pasanno. [Psychic powers] [Discernment] // [Buddha/Biography] [Great disciples] [Vinaya] [Admonishment/feedback]

Reference: Dipa Ma: The Life and Legacy of a Buddhist Master by Amy Schmidt (commercial). [Dipa Ma]

On Pilgrimage and Tudong, Session 4 – Apr. 25, 2015

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18. “You slept outdoors?” Answered by Ajahn Pasanno. [Shelter] [Culture/India] [Tudong]

Story: Ajahn Pasanno and Ajahn Jayasaro stay the night at the Buddha’s kuti. [Visiting holy sites] [Ajahn Pasanno] [Ajahn Jayasaro] [Buddha/Biography] [Great disciples]

Suttas You've Never Heard Of, Session 2 – Jun. 25, 2016

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16. “Part of the sense of loss and sorrow is the joys that have created attachment. How to approach this?” Answered by Ajahn Pasanno. [Grief] [Happiness] [Clinging] // [Naturalness] [Human] [Spaciousness]

Sutta: Thag 1062: Mahākassapa delights in nature. [Great disciples] [Culture/Natural environment]

Two Kinds of Thought and the Removal of Distracting Thoughts, Session 3 – Jun. 4, 2017

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3. Comment: Our group talked about what we use to deal with our thoughts, the Four Noble Truths, and perfectionism. [Four Noble Truths] [Directed thought and evaluation]

Response by Ajahn Pasanno: “You can’t go wrong by coming back to the Four Noble Truths.”

Simile: The footprint of all animals fit within the footprint of an elephant. In the same way, all the teachings of the Buddha will fit into the Four Noble Truths. — Sariputta, MN 28 [Similes] [Teaching Dhamma] [Great disciples]

The Teaching and the Training, Session 11 – Mar. 29, 2018

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5. “I was reading the book Hooked about desire, consumerism, and society. The author writes about the desire to know things. How does the desire to know relate to practice?” Answered by Ajahn Pasanno. [Desire] [Monastic life] // [Cause of Suffering] [Cessation of Suffering] [Bases of Success] [Sensual desire] [Craving]

Sutta: SN 51.15: The path has an end. [Great disciples]

Stanford Community Dhamma Discussion – Apr. 25, 2020

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6. “How do we deal with a world full of view and opinions?” Answered by Ajahn Pasanno. [Views] // [Idealism] [Conditionality] [Impermanence] [Truth]

Story: Sariputta doesn’t approve of a teaching of the Buddha until he puts it into practice himself. Told by Ajahn Chah. [Great disciples] [Teaching Dhamma] [Direct experience] [Faith] [Ajahn Chah]