Winter Retreat Begins on January 2nd

The monastery will enter the three-month annual winter retreat on January 2, 2023 and resume the normal routines on April 1st. During this time, the winter retreat the resident community takes time to engage in more formal meditation practice following a changing schedule of group and individual practice.
During the winter retreat there will be no overnight guests. To schedule overnight visits after April 1st, please contact us April 1st or later. Day visitors are still welcome to visit the monastery to participate in the meal offering or bring offerings of requisites at meal time or attend the evening Dhamma talks on Saturday night and lunar observance days.
It should be noted, however, that the community is practicing noble silence, thus, conversations with the monastics and retreat crew are very limited.
We will continue to hold the Saturday evening meditation and Dhamma talks beginning at 7pm each Saturday and the weekly lunar observance days. Please see the website calendar for details or go to the Abhayagiri YouTube Channel to view the livestreams. The general public is welcome to attend these events.
For those interested in listening to or downloading Dhamma talks from the monastery, please note that we plan on posting new talks regularly throughout the retreat.