Abhayagiri 2022: Newsletter and Photo Gallery

Abhayagiri 2022 Photo Gallery
A photo gallery of the past year is now available on the Abhayagiri website:
From the Monastery - Abhayagiri 2022
Abhayagiri fully reopened in spring 2022, allowing many the opportunity to visit again in person. People have now been able to reconnect in various ways such as participating in the evening chanting, meditation and Dhamma talks, tea time question and answer sessions or joining in with the daily meal. The evening pujas on the lunar observance days and Saturday nights continue to be livestreamed, making them accessible to people around the world.
The resident community is doing well and recently conducted Abhayagiri’s first triple bhikkhu ordination of Abhayagiri novices. The three newest members of the Abhayagiri bhikkhu sangha are the Venerables Tejasāro, Obhāsi and Sivako. On the work scene, a major emphasis continues to be reducing the monastery’s vulnerability to fire, especially through reducing the amount of vegetation near monastery buildings. Also, structural improvements have been made to both Santi Vihara and the Bhikkhu Commons to increase their fire resistance.
On September 25, a lay teacher and dear friend of Abhayagiri, Cindy”Mettika” Hoffman passed away. Before the pandemic, the monks visited regularly to teach at Mettika’s Three Jewels Dhamma Hall in Fort Bragg. Mettika spent her final weeks at a care facility in the nearby town of Ukiah, which allowed the monastics to visit her many times. Mettika’s life and her peacefulness and presence during her final weeks have been an inspiration to the Abhayagiri community. Mettika has left the Three Jewels Dhamma Hall to the Abhayagiri sangha allowing the possibility of a small branch monastery in Fort Bragg. There is also the possibility of another small branch monastery starting in Mckinleyville. This is due to the initial generosity and initiative of three individuals living in Humboldt County,
The Building Committee has been overseeing the remodel of Santi Vihara, which may be finished by the end of January. It is designed to take care of elderly monks and also will allow the Abhayagiri community to take care of visiting elders such as Luang Por Sumedho.
The Abhayagiri community was grateful to host Luang Por Sumedho and Ajahn Asoko for nearly four weeks during June and July. There were also brief visits by other esteemed elders including Luang Por Viradhammo, Ajahn Dick Silaratano, Ajahn Candasiri and finally on Dec. 3rd, Ajahn Thanissaro. Teachings from these venerable Ajahns are available on the Abhayagiri YouTube Channel.
A more lasting arrival came in the form of a beautiful green Buddha rupa from Thailand. The Buddha image is made of Indian marble and currently sits outside the main Dhamma Hall.
Ajahn Nyaniko recently completed five vassas in the co-abbot/abbot role and will be on sabbatical in Thailand. This time will allow Ajahn Nyaniko to reconnect with various monastics and laity in Thailand. Ajahn Nyaniko also plans to visit Bodhgaya in India, the site of the Buddha’s enlightenment. He plans to return in July 2023 to resume his role as abbot of Abhayagiri.
The Abhayagiri community will begin its three month winter retreat in early January, allowing the resident monastics a greater opportunity to focus on formal practice. Day visitors are still welcome during that time and overnight visits will be available again in April.
Notable Dhamma publications and resources:
The Life & Teachings of Luang Por Liem Ṭhitadhammo
This book was printed in honor of Luang Por Liem’s 80th birthday and is in both English and Thai. Luang Por Liem has been ordained for 60 years and currently serves as the abbot of Wat Nong Pah Pong, the original monastery founded by the Venerable Ajahn Chah. A pdf can be downloaded from the below page:
Breathing Like a Buddha
Ajahn Sucitto guides readers through the practice of mindfulness of breathing based on the Buddha’s teachings on this theme. This book is available both in print format and for electronic download.
Amavarati Dhamma Media Database
Amaravati Buddhist Monastery near London now has a freely available and searchable Dhamma media database with Dhamma books and articles.