Heart of Contentment
Ajahn Munindo

Live your life well in accord with the Way – avoid a life of distraction.
A life well-lived leads to contentment, both now and in the future.
V. 169
With a heart of contentment as our foundation, we can tackle the tasks that confront us. There are times when we need to be brave warriors battling with the forces of delusion to avoid their taking control of our hearts and minds.
At other times we need to be like a parent, nurturing and caring for the goodness that is already here.
Agility is a great spiritual virtue. Recognising the beauty inherent in a contented heart, we will naturally be drawn towards it. We only seek distraction because we don’t know contentment.
Right practice liberates energy previously consumed by compulsiveness. This same energy can also manifest as vitality and enthusiasm.
This reflection by Ajahn Munindo is from the book, Dhammapada Reflections, Volume 1, (pdf) pp. 4, 5. (Please refer to the book for translation information.)