How Much Is Enough?
Ajahn Thiradhammo

Contentment and simplicity of life-style are universal aids to peace of mind, whether for a monastic or a lay person.
The four basic supports for human life are food, clothing, shelter and medicine, and their purpose is to support our spiritual aspiration rather than to become self-satisfying ends in themselves.
With few possessions to worry about and contentment with what we have, our life is uncluttered and unencumbered, so that our heart/mind can rise above the mundane concerns of the world as a bird flies aloft when it wishes. We then have more time and energy available for sustained spiritual practice.
Everyone needs basic material comforts, but how much is sufficient to provide the fundamental support for seeking the real ‘comfort’ of spiritual liberation?
This reflection by Ajahn Thiradhammo is from the book, Treasures of the Buddha’s Teachings, (pdf) p.90.