Gratitude for Opportunities
Ajahn Sumedho

At a time like this, we should also consider expressing kataññu [Pali for gratitude] to the country we live in, because usually we take this for granted. But we can remember the benefits, the good things made available to us by the state and society, rather than just emphasizing what’s wrong or what we do not like. Kataññu allows us to bring into consciousness all the positive things concerned with living in [a particular country]. We should develop kataññu, even though modern thinking does not encourage us to do so. This is not blind patriotism or national arrogance, but an appreciation and expression of gratitude for the opportunities and the good we derive from living in this society. This way of thinking then adds a joyous quality to life instead of thinking that this nation and society owe us everything: “I deserve more than this. They didn’t do enough for me.” That way of thinking comes from a welfare mind, doesn’t it? Although grateful to the Welfare State, we also recognize that it can breed complaining minds, minds that take things for granted.
This reflection by Ajahn Sumedho is from the book, Gratitude, pp. 40-41.