That’s What We Get
Ajahn Sucitto

What would you like to go out with? What would you like to finish your life with?
Fault finding? Guilt? Incrimination? Anxiety? Blaming people? Feeling fed up?
Or would you like to go out with feeling:
Thanks. It’s been great. It’s been OK. It’s doesn’t matter. Let it go. That’s fine with me. Good Luck. I’m not going to hold on to that.
That’s the choice, isn’t it?
It’s OK. It doesn’t matter. Forget it. People make mistakes. No problem. We’re humans.
Wouldn’t it be nice to die with that?
If you can die with it, why don’t you live with it?
People say, “What do you do when you die?” Well, die now.
Every day is a run up to that moment. Every moment is a dress rehearsal for that. Start doing it now.
Value what’s really important. The only thing that you’ll take with you is that. You realize there’s less cause for feeling fed up that you didn’t get this because who cares? We never get anything apart from the consequences of the mind, the citta going out, or the consequences of steadying it and holding it in itself.
That’s what we get.
This reflection by Ajahn Sucitto is an excerpt from the Dhamma Talk, Citta, 29 April 2017, Chithurst Buddhist Monastery. Link to Source: