Visit to Mt. Tabor

On 15 April, Luang Por Pasanno and a small contingent of monks and lay supporters went to visit our nearby neighbors, the community of monks at the Holy Transfiguration Monastery, also known simply as Mt. Tabor.
See more photos from the Mt. Tabor visit
The group was warmly greeted by the Mt. Tabor Abbot, father Damian, who led us on a tour of the monastery including their beautiful church and outdoor precessional shrine. We were treated to an exposition and all-too-brief overview of the icons and iconography involved in the altar, dome, and walls of the church. Father Damian is a master iconographer and his lyrical explanation of the symbology underscored the archetypal nature of the transcendent. Our paths are different, but the end is not. The visit strengthened the bond of friendship between the two communities.