Mindfulness of Breathing Practice & Study Day on Dec. 9

There will be another Practice and Study on Mindfulness of Breathing on Saturday, December 9 at Abhayagiri. The theme is Mindfulness of Breathing: Strategies for Settling the Mind. The primary teachers will be Ajahn Karunadhammo and Ajahn Nyaniko.
This event is freely offered for the general public and no registration is required. There will be teachings offered and also time for meditation and for questions. All are welcome to attend any part of this event and are also welcome to join in the daily meal offering at 10:45am.
The morning session will be from 9am to 10:45am and the afternoon session will be from 1pm to 5pm.
There will be a livestream available via the Abhayagiri YouTube Channel. Unfortunately, for those viewing remotely, there will be some limitations for this event such as not being able to ask questions.
As per usual, there will be an informal tea time with a senior monk from 5:30pm to 6:30pm in the Monks Dining Hall. Beginning at 7pm, there will be the Saturday evening program including evening chanting and meditation, followed by a Dhamma talk by Ajahn Nyaniko.