Luang Por Pasanno & Ajahn Nyaniko Visit Suddhavari Monastery in Brazil

A new associated monastery in the Ajahn Chah tradition has been started in Brazil. It is the first of its kind in South America and was established with the encouragement and blessing of Luang Por Liem, the present abbot of Ajahn Chah’s original monastery, Wat Pah Pong in Ubon province, Thailand. Luang Por Liem visited Suddhavāri in 2017 and considered the place suitable for a forest monastery, leaving Ajahn Mudito as the of leader of the project.
Suddhavāri Monastery also has the blessing of elders of the Forest Sangha from around the world. During the past six months both Luang Por Pasanno and Ajahn Nyaniko have each visited Suddhavāri Monastery. During Luang Por’s recent trip to Brazil, he lead a seven day retreat for the Sociedade Budista do Brasil, as well as offering other Dhamma talks. The videos of Luang Por Pasanno’s teachings are available via the following link:
Luang Por Pasanno’s teachings in Brazil
After Luang Por offers his reflections, Ajahn Mudito translates them into Portuguese.
For more information about Suddhavāri Monastery, please see