Ajahn Candasiri Visiting Abhayagiri

Ajahn Canadasiri, a senior nun of the Ajahn Chah Thai Forest Tradition, will be visiting Abhayagiri from June 5th until June 9th. Furthermore, she has been invited to offer the evening Dhamma talk on Saturday, June 8th.
Ajahn Candasiri was born in Scotland in 1947 and was brought up as a Christian. After university, she trained and worked as an occupational therapist, mainly in the field of mental illness. In 1977, an interest in meditation led her to meet Ajahn Sumedho, shortly after his arrival from Thailand. Inspired by his teachings and example, she began her monastic training at Chithurst as one of the first four Anagārikā.
Within the monastic community she has been actively involved in the evolution of the Nuns’ vinaya training. She has guided many meditation retreats for lay people, and particularly enjoys teaching young people and participating in Christian/Buddhist dialogue. Ajahn Candasiri currently resides at Amaravati Buddhist Monastery.