Ajahn Sucitto Online Retreat - May 30-June 4

Clearing the Floods - Dealing with Internal and External Overload with Ajahn Sucitto
We would like to let you know about this online retreat offered by Ajahn Sucitto :
This on-line Zoom Retreat will focus on clearing sensory and karmic overload and residues that impact the heart. Unresolved history can cause us to continue to frame ourselves and others with unhelpful projections. Clearing these within the interactive heart while staying present gives us confidence that we can move forward with a sense of path, of foundation, and of gratitude.
The daily schedule will include sitting, walking and standing meditation, Dhamma teachings, chanting and question & answer sessions. Qigong and recorded Dhamma teachings are also offered to support your practice.
This retreat is offered freely in the spirit of generosity. There is no fee to register. You will have the opportunity to offer Dana (donation) at the close of the retreat. Information will be provided.
For more information and to register, please click on the below link :
All sessions with Ajahn Sucitto will be recorded and recordings will be available soon after each session.
For questions you can email: kathycheney48@gmail.com
6 - 7 am Pacific Time — Meditation & Chanting
8 - 10:30 am Pacific Time — Dhamma Teaching
11:30am - 1:30 pm Pacific Time —Q & A
Afternoon - Open Self Practice— Qigong Recording
Evening - Open Self Practice—Dhamma Talk Recording
9 - 9:45 pm Pacific Time – Meditation & Sharing of Blessings