Livestreams On Pause

Abhayagiri is stopping livestreams at least for the months of April and May. Although, there has been much positive feedback about how much the livestreams are appreciated, the technical challenges of maintaining the livestreams have been significant. Multiple community members are considering how the Abhayagiri audio-visual system may be made more manageable. Abhayagiri is planning to revise Abhayagiri’s current audio-visual set-up. Thus, the Abhayagiri livestreams are currently on hold until further notice.
However, the following Dhamma teachings will still be available :
- Audio from the Dhamma talks on Saturday night and the Lunar Observance Day
- Zoom Events for Upasika Day (April 25th) and 1st Tuesday tea times on the 1st Tuesday of each month
- Continued postings of the remaining winter retreat readings