Kathina Weekend: Oct 10-11

Dear Dhamma Friends and Companions,
This is the final reminder of the online Kathina Weekend.
October 10
You are welcome to join Luang Por Pasanno for an online daylong retreat hosted by Insight Santa Cruz. Begins at 9am.
To join, click “Join Online Meeting” at the top-left of the following page:
October 11
Kathina Day Proper, starting at 1pm.
Zoom Meeting ID: 928 5707 4889
Zoom Password: 108
Or join via YouTube livestream: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFAuQ5fmYYVv5_Dim0EQpVA
1:00pm - Words of Welcome
Paritta Chanting
Undertaking the 3 Refuges and 5 Precepts
Announcement of the History of Kathina
Formal Kathina Offering Ceremony
Dhamma Talk in Thai
Dhamma Talk in English
Online Dhamma discussion - Q & A
Partial Viewing of Kathina Robe Making