Introducing Sāmaṇeras Rakkhito and Cittapālo and an Anagārika Jordan

On November 14th, 2017, Abhayagiri ordained Jordan as an anagārika. In addition, 2 sāmaṇeras: Rakkhito and Cittapālo (formerly anagārikas Gary and Ryan, respectively), were ordained 1 week later, on November 21st, 2017.
In case you missed them, you can watch the ordinations here:
We also have photos from Rakkhito and Cittapālo’s ordination:
And finally, a brief bio of each of the new ordainees:

Tan Rakkhito
Tan Rakkhito was born in 1961 in New Jersey. He lived most of his adult life in Oregon. As a young man he was drawn to the samana life he found in books, but at the time he was not able to follow that path. Many years later, after a life in the world, a timely reading of Bhikkhu Bodhi’s In the Buddha’s Words inspired him to once again explore monasticism. He found accord with the beloved and respected teacher Luang Por Pasanno, along with the Dhamma-rich Thai Forest Sangha. Tan Rakkhito took Anagārika precepts in November 2016, went forth as a Sāmaṇera in November 2017, and took full Bhikkhu precepts on November 4, 2018.

Tan Cittapālo
Tan Cittapālo was born and raised in the state of Maine. He first encountered Buddhism in 2011 during his gap year in Thailand. After reading Food for the Heart, Tan Cittapālo made his way to Abhayagiri, where he found a deep connection with the community and practice. Tan Cittapālo took full Bhikkhu ordination on August 25th, 2019, with Ajahn Pasanno as his preceptor.
Tan Cittapālo is currently at Temple Forest Monastery in New Hampshire.
No such resident: jordan