Dhamma Talks Moved to Sunday Afternoons

Starting Sunday, June 11, the regular weekend Dhamma talk will move to Sunday afternoon. The program will begin at 2 pm with chanting followed by meditation. After a short break, one of the senior monks will give a Dhamma talk. There will be no evening puja Sunday night. We have yet to decide what will happen when the lunar observance day falls on Sunday.
Evening puja will begin at 7 pm on Saturday nights with no Dhamma talk. If Saturday is a lunar observance day, we’ll follow the usual program starting at 7:30 pm.
We’re making this change because we think that more people will be able to come on Sunday afternoon than on Saturday night. Now that Abhayagiri has a larger, climate-controlled Dhamma Hall that will remain cool during summer afternoons, we can comfortably host large afternoon gatherings. We’re open to feedback as to whether this is a good idea, but we’d like to try it out for a while and see how it goes.