Upasika Day: Devotion and Ritual

On Sunday, December 11, 2016, Abhayagiri will be hosting the last Upasika Day of 2016. All are welcome.
The event will be live streamed and you can also participate online by going to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=onlshJhImrM. The live stream is scheduled to begin at 1 pm.
The theme for the day will be Devotion and Ritual: The Art of Being Human. Ajahn Jotipalo and senior Abhayagiri monastics have graciously agreed to lead us in teachings, discussion and guided meditations on art as an expression of devotion to the Dhamma and devotion to the Dhamma as a source of and channel for artistic creativity.
The schedule for the day will be
- 10:30 am - Refuges and Precepts
- 10:45 am - Meal offering (bring a dish to share if you would like)
- 1:00 pm - Slide show, meditation, teachings & discussion
- 4:30 pm - Tea with monastics (optional)
Readings and videos for the day
Ajahn Sucitto, _The Dawn of the Dharma: Illuminations From the Buddha’s First Discourse, _free for viewing and download online. Please have a look at Ajahn Sucitto’s illuminated manuscript of the text of the Buddha’s first teaching, including, if you wish, his preface and introduction as well as the artwork. There is an illustration in almost every chapter.
Link to drawing for the chapter The Fourth Noble Truth: http://www.cittaviveka.org/files/books/dawn/images/ch08.jpg
Link to Introduction: http://www.cittaviveka.org/files/books/dawn/dawnintro.htm
Link to the Table of Contents: http://www.cittaviveka.org/files/books/dawn/dawntoc.htm
Rev. Heng Sure, abbot of Berkeley Buddhist Monastery, singing “Dedication of Merit”: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qATQoylmYjE
Rev. Heng Sure singing “Yasodara”: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WAdG2uA2HLc