BiA Teachings on Sīladhamma

Earlier this year, Luang Por Sumedho, Luang Por Pasanno, Ajahn Amaro, Ajahn Sucitto and others gave reflections at the Buddhadasa Indapanno Archives (BiA) in Thailand on the theme of Sīladhamma. We are very appreciative that BiA has recently made these talks, in both video and audio format, available to the public:
Introductory Reflection on Sīladhamma by Luang Por Pasanno (English)
พระอาจารย์ปสันโน (ภาษาไทย)
Introductory Reflection on Sīladhamma by Luang Por Pasanno (English)
พระอาจารย์ปสันโน (ภาษาไทย)
BiA chose this saying of Venerable Ajahn Buddhadāsa, translated as “Come back, sīladhamma, please come back,” as a theme of practice for the year of 2016. You can read more about sīladhamma in an essay by Venerable Santikaro Bhikkhu or read more about Ajahn Buddhadāsa and Suan Mok on BiA’s website.
In one of the talks on the theme of sīladhamma, Luang Por Pasanno first started with a short instructive guided meditation. He then reviewed the meaning of Siladhamma and why the benefit of Siladhamma is non-remorse. Non-remorse naturally leads to a sense of well being, to joy, then tranquility, happiness and stability of mind or Samadhi. Luang Por reflected on how Siladhamma and leading a life of virtue lays the foundation of well being or harmony which radiates out from all parts of our lives, creating a sense of security and safety for ourselves and those around us.
Additional talks and reflections are available in both English and Thai and are available at the following links: