Recap of June 5th Ordinations

On the warm 5th of June, 2016, the almost completed Reception Hall at Abhayagiri Monastery was filled with the monastic community, lay supporters, friends and family members participating in and supporting the two ordination ceremonies. Anagārika Armand was ordained as Samanera Suddhiko and Samanera Kondañño and Samanera Jāgaro were both ordained as Bhikkhus by preceptor Ajahn Pasanno. Throughout the formal reverent ceremony, conducted mainly in Pali, Ajahn Pasanno explained the meaning of each step or chant. He also shared reflections on the holy life, on the importance of monastic rules and on the commitment the monks have made to the path of virtue, integrity and simplicity.
- To listen to the audio of the ordination of Samanera Suddhiko click here.
- To listen to the audio of the ordination of Tan Jagaro and Tan Kondanno click here.