Community Work Days

The last two months of the year, we plan to have Community Work Days. Everybody is invited to come help with some important work projects that we hope to complete before the end of the year. There probably will be help needed in the kitchen and other lighter jobs, so there will be work available for people of all physical abilities.
Saturday, November 14th we plan to do some maintenance work on the road to Ajahn Pasanno’s cabin.
Saturday, December 12th will probably be forest work in the morning, and a deep clean of the kitchen in the afternoon.
November 14th Community Work Day
7:30 am work meeting (8:00 – 10:30 work period)
10:45 am meal
1:00 pm – 4:00 pm work period
4:30 pm tea
7:30 pm evening puja – chanting, meditation, and Dhamma talk
December 12th Community Work Day
7:30 am work meeting (8:00 – 10:30 work period)
10:45 am meal
1:00 pm – 4:00 pm work period
4:30 pm tea
7:30 pm evening puja – chanting, meditation, and Dhamma talk