Ajahn Amaro to visit Abhayagiri

We are pleased to announce that Ajahn Amaro will be here for a brief visit in June. He will be in San Francisco in early June to attend a Mindfulness and Compassion Conference, and will come to stay at Abhayagiri from June 7 – June 10. On the afternoon of Tuesday June 9, we will have an ordination of two novices and two bhikkhus, and Ajahn Amaro will give the ordination reflections. There will be no evening talk that night. On Wed. June 10, Ajahn Amaro will lead a meditation and offer a Dhamma talk from 4 pm to 6 pm at Yoga Mendocino (206 Mason St. Ukiah, CA 95482; (707) 462-2580) – please see our website calendar for more information.