Community Work Day - Saturday November 8

The Abhayagiri kitchen is used 365 days a year to prepare food for residents and guests. We strive to keep such essential facilities very clean as an expression of our monastic training. Thus on the afternoon of November 8 we plan to conduct the annual kitchen deep clean (weather permitting). It takes many hands to move everything out of the kitchen, clean all the equipment, wipe down all surfaces, and put everything back, but it’s also fun to work together to clean the space we all use. Morning work that day will likely include tree trimming along the gravel road and other outdoor work.
We invite you to work alongside us, join us for the day’s meal, share tea with us at 5:30 pm, and listen to the Saturday night Dhamma talk. There is no need to contact us in advance, but it’s helpful to arrive in time for the 7:00 am breakfast and 7:30 am work meeting.