What is Buddhism?

What is Buddhism?

Ajahn Chandako

What is Buddhism?

What is Buddhism offers a very clear and concise overview of Buddhism and its core teachings, and addresses many questions that people unfamiliar with or new to it’s teachings often raise.

2015 Abhayagiri Photo Album

2015 Abhayagiri Photo Album

Abhayagiri Sangha

2015 Abhayagiri Photo Album

Each fall, Abhayagiri Monastery creates a photo album of the year’s events for Ajahn Pasanno to take on his December visit to Thailand. This year’s album features Ajahn Liem’s visit to Abhayagiri and the ongoing construction of the Reception Hall.

Talks from Thailand CD

Talks from Thailand CD

Ajahn Sumedho

Talks from Thailand CD

A collection of talks given by Ajahn Sumedho in mp3 format.

Working with the Five Hindrances

Working with the Five Hindrances

Ajahn Thiradhammo

Working with the Five Hindrances

The theme of this book is working with the Five (Mental) Hindrances (nivarana). It is thus mainly a book for people who some experience of meditation who have encountered these Hindrances, obstructions, disturbances to some degree, and who are interested in knowing how to work with them.

Beginning Our Day Volume Two

Beginning Our Day Volume Two

Abhayagiri Sangha

Beginning Our Day Volume Two

A collection of short talks that are given every morning at Abhayagiri before the work period. The talks cover a diverse array of subjects but are intended to be practical and easy to use. You can also read this book on the web. It’s also possible to receive reflections like those contained in this book delivered once or twice a week to your email.

Beginning Our Day Volume One

Beginning Our Day Volume One

Abhayagiri Sangha

Beginning Our Day Volume One

A collection of short talks that are given every morning at Abhayagiri before the work period. The talks cover a diverse array of subjects but are intended to be practical and easy to use. You can also read this book on the web. It’s also possible to receive reflections like those contained in this book delivered once or twice a week to your email.

Abhayagiri 2015 Winter Retreat CD

Abhayagiri 2015 Winter Retreat CD

Abhayagiri Sangha

Abhayagiri 2015 Winter Retreat CD

This mp3 CD contains the talks and readings from the Abhayagiri 2015 Winter Retreat focusing on the four foundations of mindfulness. After several introductory talks by Ajahn Pasanno, Ajahn Karuṇadhammo describes the Pali Canon’s teachings about mindfulness of the body. Of particular interest are two narrated slide shows explaining the contemplation of the thirty-two parts of the body. The remaind…

Without and Within

Without and Within

Ajahn Jayasāro

Without and Within

Ajahn Jayasaro has written this book in the form of questions and answers, as an introduction to the important features of Thai Theravada Buddhism. It has been made available at hotels and other accommodations to visitors to Thailand, but is also of benefit to a wider audience.

Unseating the Inner Tyrant

Unseating the Inner Tyrant

Ajahn Sucitto

Unseating the Inner Tyrant

The Inner tyrant is a nagging voice that demands you achieve perfection, never offers congratulation. It cuts off access to the natural empathy of the heart. The key to unseating the inner tyrant is the continuous establishing the right intent.

Samadhi is Pure Enjoyment

Samadhi is Pure Enjoyment

Ajahn Sucitto

Samadhi is Pure Enjoyment

Samādhi is the careful collecting of oneself into the joy of the present moment.