One-Pointed Mindfulness
อาจารย์ ปสันโน

Remember the importance of one-pointedness of mind. Find skillful means to sustain one-pointedness. Mindfulness of the body is an important anchor to help that focus and sustain attention. Mindfulness of the body and one-pointedness don’t mean blocking out things around one, but rather having an anchor or focal point. It’s so easy for the mind to get distracted into different things going on around one or to get distracted into different things internally: thought, worry, doubt, and proliferation in various shades and forms.
Maintain one-pointed attention and return to the physical sensation, the physical movement or touch. It’s very helpful to have that anchor in order to cut through the tendency of the mind to spin out and lose focus. Bring attention back to the posture, the physical sensation, whether you are actively doing something or moving or standing in one place painting. Just bring attention to your body and cut through the tendency of the mind to drift along. As we maintain one-pointed attention, a natural clarity arises. When it comes time to think, decide, or consider things we then have some energy and the mind is clear and able to perform its task. If the mind is constantly dispersed it will be unable to approach things in a clear fashion.