Sensual Pleasure
อาจารย์ เฟื่อง โชติโก

§ “Sensual pleasure is like a drug: One taste and you get addicted. They say that with heroin it’s hard to break the habit, but this is even worse. It goes deep, right into the bone. It’s what made us get born in the first place, and has kept us circling through birth and death for aeons and aeons. There’s no medicine you can take to break the habit, to wash it out of your system, aside from the medicine of the Buddha’s teachings.”
§ “If there are any sensual pleasures you really hunger for, it’s a sign you enjoyed them before in a previous life. That’s why you miss them so much this time around. If you think about this long enough, it should be enough to make you dispassionate and dismayed.”
These reflections by Ajaan Fuang are from the book, Awareness Itself, pp. 23, 24.