Insight Santa Cruz Daylong Retreat

Ajahn Ñāṇiko will be leading a daylong retreat hosted by Insight Santa Cruz on Saturday, October 2nd.
Retreatants can attend via Zoom or by watching the livestream on the Abhayagiri YouTube page. The retreat will include chanting, sitting and walking meditation, and the monastic meal blessing. There will also be Dhamma reflection and question and answer session with Ajahn Ñāṇiko.
The event listing can be found here:
9:00am Introduction
9:15am Pay respects to Buddha Dhamma Sangha, short chanting, taking of 5 precepts.
9:30am Guided sitting meditation.
10:15am Walking meditation.
10:45am Sitting meditation.
11:00am Explanation of meal offering.
11:05am Sangha chants blessing for meal.
Meal Time
12:30pm Sitting meditation.
1:00pm 10 minute break.
1:10pm Dhamma Talk.
2:00pm Walking meditation.
2:30pm Q&A.
3:30pm Sitting meditation.
4:00pm Closing chant.
Zoom Information
Meeting ID: 893 3378 5001
Passcode: 192704
Join Zoom Meeting:
Or attend by calling: +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
YouTube Livestream
Abhayagiri YouTube: