New Online Abhayagiri Group & Virtual 1st Tuesdays

Up until this year, on the first Tuesday of the month (April through December), one of the senior monks from Abhayagiri would visit Berkeley Buddhist Monastery to lead a tea time Q&A session followed by an evening program of chanting, meditation, and a Dhamma talk. Due to the pandemic, there will be virtual 1st Tuesday meetings for the remainder of 2020. It is important to frequently check the monastery calendar for updates and changes. These meetings are open to all. If you would like to participate in this and other online meetings, such as Upāsikā Day, join the Abhayagiri Parisa Group via to receive advance notifications of events and dial-in information.
Instructions to join: Go to Click on the blue box “Apply for Membership In This Group” appearing at the very bottom of the page. Enter your email address and this will send a request to be added to the group. Once you submit the request, you will receive an email asking you to confirm your email address. Click “Confirm account.” You will be prompted to a webpage stating your email address has been confirmed and asking you to create a password – it is not necessary to create a password to join the group. (If you enter a password then you are essentially creating a account which allows you to see archive messages. There’s no need to create password if you only want to receive future notifications.)