Save the Dates for Annual Retreat

Mark Your Calendar - The Annual Retreat is Scheduled for Dec. 4 - Dec. 13
Abhayagiri’s annual monastic retreat is scheduled for Fri. Dec. 4 – Sun. Dec. 13, 2020 at the Jesuit Retreat Center in Applegate, CA. Registration for this retreat will likely open sometime during the summer, usually in July or August.
Due to Covid-19, and the uncertainty about what restrictions, if any, will be in existence at that time, Abhayagiri has not yet made alternative plans about the retreat format if there are still restrictions for gatherings at that time.
If you are interested in attending, please save these dates and keep an eye on Abhayagiri News articles for updated information and the opening of registration. As per usual, Abhayagiri News list subscribers will automatically receive new News articles like this one as they are posted to the website.