Upāsika Day : Sun., Aug. 17th - Using the Suttas Wisely in Practice

Upāsika Day : Sun., Aug. 17th - Using the Suttas Wisely in Practice

We hope you can join us at Abhayagiri Buddhist Monastery for the Upasika Day on Sunday August 17, a day of community, Dhamma study, meditation, and renewal. Our theme for the day will be “The Suttas: Using the Suttas wisely in practice .” Luang Por Pasanno and other members of the Abhayagiri community have graciously agreed to lead us in an exploration of incorporating the suttas into practice thr…

2014 Thanksgiving Monastic Retreat Registration (Closed)

2014 Thanksgiving Monastic Retreat Registration (Closed)

Registration has closed. This post is left here for informational purposes. Update August 2: The retreat application period has ended, and there were more applicants than available seats on the retreat. Space on the retreat will be allocated by lottery, and the retreat manager will inform those who applied of their lottery status by August 15th. Original retreat announcement Abhayagiri Monastery i…

Luang Por Sumedho to Visit Abhayagiri (UPDATED July 7th, 2014)

Luang Por Sumedho to Visit Abhayagiri (UPDATED July 7th, 2014)

Please note: the most reliable and up-to-date information is on our web calendar. Luang Por Sumedho, the most senior Western disciple of Ajahn Chah, will be visiting the [Abhayagiri Buddhist Monastery]() from July 8th to July 18th. Here are a list of events involving Luang Por Sumedho: The community will assemble to welcome Luang Por Sumedho at Abhayagiri on the evening of July 8th. Luang Por Sume…

Alms Round Starts in Willits

Alms Round Starts in Willits

With their bright saffron robes, shaved heads and mild demeanors Jotipalo and Kassapo, monks at the Abhayagiri Monastery of Redwood Valley, stand out a bit, even in Willits. On Thursday, June 12, 2014, they were found them peacefully strolling down Main Street from the MacDonald’s to Commercial Street, alms baskets slung over their shoulders, silently waiting to receive alms in the form of food, e…

New Buddha Rupa for Reception Hall - Work in Progress

New Buddha Rupa for Reception Hall - Work in Progress

The carving of the future Buddha image for the new Reception Hall is underway in Thailand. The construction of the large image which will be the frontispiece of the shrine in the new hall was begun late last year. The whole process is being supervised by Ajahn Acalo - former Abhayagiri resident and current abbot of Anandagiri Mountain Hermitage in Petchaboon, Central Thailand.

Change of date for work afternoon

Change of date for work afternoon

This month’s “once a month afternoon work project”, which had been scheduled for Saturday, May 31st has been cancelled. Instead, Friday, May 30th will be an all-day work day in order to complete an urgent project. If it fits your schedule, you are welcome to come on Friday, either for the morning or afternoon or both. The morning work meeting starts at 7:30 am, and the afternoon work meeting will…

Abhayagiri in another local paper

Abhayagiri in another local paper

An article recently appeared in the Ferry County View (Ferry County is is North Central Washington state).

Going forth of Sāmaṇera Khantiko, Anāgārika Doug, and Anāgārika John

Going forth of Sāmaṇera Khantiko, Anāgārika Doug, and Anāgārika John

In place of the usual Saturday night Dhamma talk on May 17, 2014, Abhayagiri Monastery celebrated three ordinations. After a year of anāgārika training, Anāgārika Anthony took on the brown robes of a novice monk. Ajahn Pasanno gave him the name Sāmaṇera Khantiko, which means “the patient one.” After living here for several months as laypeople, Doug and John donned white robes and joined the noble…

Monks in Willits newspaper

Monks in Willits newspaper

Abhayagiri monks were invited by lay supporter Steve Keyes of Willits to walk alms round in his town. At the inaugural visit the local newspaper, The Willits Weekly, sent a reporter to cover the event. An article appeared in their 01 May 2014 issue.

May And June Ordinations

May And June Ordinations

On Saturday, May 17th, Abhayagiri Buddhist Monastery will be holding an ordination ceremony. Anagārika Anthony will be ordaining as a novice, and John and Doug will be ordaining as Anagārikas. The ceremony will begin after evening chanting and meditation session starting at 7:30pm and presided by Luang Por Pasanno. In addition, the Sāmaṇera Suhajjo will be ordaining as a bhikkhu on Saturday, June…