Evening Pūjās Will Be Live Streamed

Evening Pūjās Will Be Live Streamed

Abhayagiri will be live streaming its evening pujas. Please note that we are currently on Winter Retreat and much of the community is practicing in the forest. However, a few monastics are sharing their practice to support the wider community. Abhayagiri’s evening pujas occur at 7pm PDT every night except the day after the lunar observance day. These live streams can be found by going to https://y…

Upcoming Live Streams and Precautions re: COVID-19

Upcoming Live Streams and Precautions re: COVID-19

Given the current public concerns regarding COVID-19, Abhayagiri Monastery would like to share the following: We will be live streaming some of our upcoming Saturday night and Lunar Observance Day pūjās. These live streams will include chanting, meditation and Dhamma talks. These live streams can be found by going to https://youtube.com/c/AbhayagiriBuddhistMonastery. If you are showing symptoms of…

Live Stream of Pūjā & Dhamma Talk on Saturday, March 14, 2020

Live Stream of Pūjā & Dhamma Talk on Saturday, March 14, 2020

On Saturday, March 14th, Abhayagiri will be live streaming our evening pūjā and Dhamma talk beginning at 7pm. Ajahn Pasanno, Abhayagiri’s guiding elder, has offered to share his reflections that evening. The live stream is an opportunity to practice chanting, do formal meditation and listen to a Dhamma talk along with the Abhayagiri community. You can join the live stream here: https://youtu.be/3Q…

[UPDATE 2] CANCELLED Bhikkhu Bodhi Dhamma Reflection on March 14th

[UPDATE 2] CANCELLED Bhikkhu Bodhi Dhamma Reflection on March 14th

Abhayagiri previously announced that Bhikkhu Bodhi would be offering a Dhamma reflection on the evening of Saturday, March 14th, 2020. However, Bhikkhu Bodhi will be leaving Abhayagiri earlier than expected. Thus, Bhikkhu Bodhi will not be offering a Dhamma reflection on March 14th. We apologize for any disappointment this may cause. Abhayagiri will still hold regular evening puja and share a Dham…

Language of Dhamma - Video of Ajahn Pasanno Dhamma Talk at the Buddhadāsa Indapañño Archives

Language of Dhamma - Video of Ajahn Pasanno Dhamma Talk at the Buddhadāsa Indapañño Archives

Ajahn Pasanno and Ajahn Nyaniko spent about three weeks in Thailand, returning to Abhayagiri on January 7th. Ajahn Pasanno offered many teachings during that time. Here is a video of a Dhamma talk and Question and Answer Session in English, titled Language of Dhamma. These teachings were offered at the Buddhadāsa Indapañño Archives in Bangkok on December 21st, 2019. Video of Dhamma Talk and Q & A…

Winter Retreat Begins on January 2nd

Winter Retreat Begins on January 2nd

The monastic community begins the annual three month winter retreat on January 2nd. During this time, the resident community takes time to engage in more formal meditation practice following a changing schedule of group and individual practice. During these three months there will be no overnight guests accepted. (For overnight visits after the retreat please contact the monastery on April 1st.) H…

Highlights from 2019

Highlights from 2019

A Guiding Elder in Residence, Luang Por Pasanno Since Abhayagiri’s inception, Luang Por Pasanno was co-abbot of Abhayagiri with Ajahn Amaro. He became the solo abbot in 2010 when Ajahn Amaro departed to become abbot of Amaravati. Before his one year sabbatical in 2018-2019, Luang Por passed on the abbot’s duties to Ajahn Karuṇadhammo and Ajahn Nyāṇiko, who are now leading the community as co-abbot…

2019 Work Projects

2019 Work Projects

2019 saw much development of the monastery infrastructure. In addition to repainting parts of the main cloister area and constructing and installing replacement bridges on our loop trail, various major projects were undertaken. Solar System Upgrade One of the most significant monastery infrastructure developments this year was an upgrade to the off-grid solar system in the upper part of the monast…

Bhikkhu Ordination Ceremony on Monday, December 2nd

Bhikkhu Ordination Ceremony on Monday, December 2nd

All are welcome to attend the formal ceremony in which Sāmaṇera Jotimanto will enter the monastic Saṅgha as a bhikkhu. The ceremony is scheduled to begin at 2pm on Monday, December 2nd.

Readings for Sunday, December 1 Upasika Day

Readings for Sunday, December 1 Upasika Day

Friends, We hope you can join us at Abhayagiri Buddhist Monastery for the next Upasika Day on Sunday, December 1, 2019, a day of community, Dhamma study, meditation, and renewal. Please note that with the end of daylight savings time, we will take refuges and precepts at 10:30, and the meal offering is at 10:45 sharp. Our theme and topic for the day will be “Meditation: Developing Skill In Reflect…