June 8, 2019

Spirit Rock Daylong with Ajahn Karunadhammo: Mindfulness of the Body

Location: Spirit Rock Meditation Center, 5000 Sir Francis Drake Blvd Box 169, Woodacre, CA 94973, USA

Description: Mindfulness of the Body: Grounding in Bodily Awareness 9:00 am - 5:00 pm Please visit the Spirit Rock website for more information and registration. The first of the Four Establishings of Mindfulness, Mindfulness of the Body, is taught extensively in the Pali Canon. We often forget that there is "life below the head," spending so much of our time and energy lost in mental proliferation. With various contemplations, the Buddha taught us to use the physical body and breathing as a vehicle for samatha (tranquillity) and vipassana (insight), all the way to complete liberation. There will be periods of sitting and walking meditation, Dhamma reflections, and time for discussion and questions. Lunch: Please bring lunch and, if you wish, food to offer the monks. As in the time of the Buddha, the Abhayagiri monks do not grow or buy food and are completely dependent on donations of food. The monastics eat one main meal a day in late morning and monastic regulations require that they finish by midday. Offering food to the monastics during the daylong provides an opportunity to participate in the tradition. Other donations are also gratefully accepted for Abhayagiri Monastery, though are by no means required. You can request a current list of needed items by contacting the monastery at (707) 485-1630.

Saturday 7 pm Puja and Dhamma Talk

When: 7-9:15pm, June 8, 2019

Location: Abhayagiri Buddhist Monastery, 16201 Tomki Rd, Redwood Valley, CA 95470, USA

Description: Chanting begins at 7 pm followed by a period of silent meditation and a Dhamma talk given by a senior monk. Guests may arrive early at 5:30 pm for tea time if they hope to have a question and answer session with a monastic.

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