April 30, 2017

Upasika Renewal Day: Devotion/Ritual: Becoming the Buddha

Description: Upasika Renewal Day is the day that upasikas who have made a formal commitment (see details on the Abhayagiri website for more information about the Upasika program) will renew their precepts and commitment for another year. (Note: anyone is welcome to attend the program, not just those who have made the formal Upasika commitment). Luang Por Pasanno will offer reflections based on the recent consecration ceremony of the new Buddha image. The schedule for the day is as follows: 10:30 a.m. Refuges and Precepts. 11 a.m. (sharp) Meal Offering (please bring a dish to share) 1-4:30 p.m. Study/Practice Session 4:30 p.m. Tea with the monastics (optional)

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