April 14, 2017

Consecration ceremony: 7 pm - 9 pm

When: 7-9pm, April 14, 2017

Description: At 7 pm on April 14 and 15, and at 1 pm on April 16, Abhayagiri will be having ceremonies to consecrate the Buddha image in our new meditation hall, and everyone is welcome to come and join in with us. Although it is not the grand opening which we will have when the building and grounds are completely finished (hopefully within a year), this building has been a construction site for a very long time, and we feel that it would be auspicious to come together and inaugurate the hall as a shrine, puja, and meditation space. We will be having three sessions (one on each of these three days) of chanting, recitations, and meditation. In addition, each of the sessions will be live streamed over the Internet for those that cannot participate in person. Each session will last about two hours. For more information, please visit www.abhayagiri.org/news/consecration-ceremony-for-new-buddha-statue.

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