June 9, 2015

Ordination Day - Ajahn Amaro to speak mid-afternoon

Location: Abhayagiri Buddhist Monastery, 16201 Tomki Road, Redwood Valley, CA 95470, United States

Description: There will be several ordinations after the meal today at Abhayagiri. Two anagārikas (Anagārikas Doug and John) will take samanera (novice) ordination, and two sāmaṇeras (Sāmaṇera Khantiko and Sāmaṇera Gambhīro) will take full bhikkhu ordination. The exact time is undetermined, but will likely be in the mid to late afternoon. More details will be available closer to the time. Ajahn Amaro will also be visiting and is planned to give the ordination reflections. Although this is the half moon observance day, Ajahn Amaro's ordination talk will replace the usual evening Dhamma talk. All are welcome to attend.

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