June 27, 2015

Upasika Renewal Day: Sutta Study: Exploration of the Three Characteristics, Emphasis on "Not-Self"

Location: Abhayagiri Buddhist Monastery

Description: Upasika Renewal Day is the day that upasikas who have made a formal commitment (see details on the Abhayagiri website for more information about the Upasika program) will renew their precepts and commitment for another year. (Note: anyone is welcome to attend the program, not just those who have made the formal Upasika commitment). The schedule for the day is as follows: 10:30 a.m. Refuges and Precepts. 11 a.m. (sharp) Meal Offering (please bring a dish to share) 1-4:30 p.m. Study/Practice Session 4:30 p.m. Tea with the monastics (optional) The remaining dates and themes for 2015 are: June 27 - Sutta Study: Anatta as one of the Three Characteristics August 16 - Buddhism in a Global Context: Do Buddhists Get Angry? Cultural Views and Expectations of Buddhists in a World of Conflict and Strife October 10 - Meditation: Jhana, A Practical Approach December 13 - Daily Life Practice: The World of the Senses -- Gratification, Danger and Escape We hope you will also join us for the daily meal, beginning at 11:00 a.m. It's customary to bring a dish to offer to the monastics and to share with others. Our material support of the monastery community is an important aspect of our role as upasikas (literally, "those who sit close by"), and our generous offerings of food are a tangible means of extending this support. Attendance at Upasika Days is open both to those who wish to make a formal commitment to the program and to those who may simply wish to attend for the day. All are welcome. Please spread the word among those who may be interested.

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