June 22, 2013

Spirit Rock Daylong with Ajahn Pasanno

Location: Spirit Rock Meditation Center, Woodacre, CA

Description: "The Whole of the Path: the Fruits of Spiritual Friendship" The Buddhist path to liberation is much more than just sitting meditation. On this daylong, Ajahn Pasanno will explore practicing and living the whole path of practice. This will include integrating the many facets of spiritual friendship with the Noble Eightfold Path, and using the strength of refuge in the Sangha as a primary vehicle for transformation. Ajahn Pasanno will lead periods of guided sitting meditation, which will be interspersed with walking meditation. There will be reflections on this theme based on his many years as an ordained monk, as well as time for questions and answers. Please visit www.spiritrock.org for more information.

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